The rustling voices around made Xuanting recover from the humiliation of being questioned about his ability. He slammed his fist and punched the stone pillar next to him, "That woman dares to humiliate me! I can't spare her!"

"Kacha..." A deep pit appeared on the stone white pillar in the palace.

"Boss..." The little brother called out softly.

Xuanting quietly turned his head, "Don't persuade me! I will beat anyone who dares to stop me."

This hatred will not avenge the non-gentleman!

"No, no, no." The younger brother shook his head repeatedly, and he shrank his head, "I broke the stone pillar in the palace court. According to the rules, we need compensation. This stone pillar was made by a famous carver. , Very valuable..."

Xuanting looked at a hole in front of him, and the crumbling stone pillar looked up to the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, bright and sad.

Then, a star power surged out, wrapping the stone pillar.

The three-foot-long stone pillar turned into powder in an instant, and was blown by an unknown wind, leaving no residue.

Xuanting Leng Youyou swept the people in front, "I broke the stone pillar. Who saw it? Did you? Or you?"

The threat in the tone was almost condensed into substance.

The younger brothers stepped back and shook their heads.

Xuanting sneered and patted the undissipated ashes from his hands, "Go! Let's go to the hot spring."


"The sacred pool in the Southern Sea Territory was built three thousand years ago, and it is exclusively used by the senior clergy of the palace and the cultivators who submit to it.

Not only has the effect of activating blood and dredging collaterals, but also promotes the flow of star power and heals dark injuries. "

Gong Moxi explained to everyone while leading the way,

"Furthermore, the water of the holy pool can also accelerate the absorption of medicinal power. After taking the elixir of elixir, and then soaking in the holy pool, it can achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort."

Yun Qingyan heard his footsteps.

"what happened?"

Everyone looked at her.

"Have you forgotten? As I said, I brought you many gifts."

Yun Qingyan smiled slightly, took out the aquamarine flower from the space ring and distributed it to everyone.

"This is a special aquamarine flower of the Eastern Sea Realm.

Can improve your cultivation without side effects. "

Di Ming looked at the blue crystal flowers in Yun Qingyan's hand in surprise, and could hardly find his own voice.

"Why do you have so many sea blue flowers!"

As a person of the palace, he naturally knows that aquamarine is one of the exclusive tributes of the palace, and it is only produced in the East City of the East Sea, and the venue of the city's aquamarine has been taken over by the palace.

Even if the palace rewards people, at most one or two can be rewarded. How can anyone be so embarrassed? Take out dozens of flowers in one breath.

"Does this still need to be said? Naturally it was stolen."

Several men and women walked around the woman covered in veil.

Yun Qingyan raised his eyebrows and looked at the speaker. The man's face is considered a talent, but the arrogance on his face ruined that face.

She searched her memory, and it took a long time to find the other party's information.

The person in Sifang Pavilion is also Qiu Chuchu's admirer, Xu Li'an.

I used to provoke in front of the First Academy and was taught by them.

"Brother Xu, don't slander people at will. Miss Yun is a student recommended by the First Academy. The First Academy is now the most prestigious academy in Tianyuan Continent. How can she teach students with dirty hands and feet?"

Qiu Chuchu's eyes brightened when he saw Gong Moxi, then he lowered the light in his eyes and pulled Xu Li'an's sleeve.

Qiu Chuchu looked at the white gauze woman beside her. "Sister Yue, did you say I was right?"

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