My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1977: There are so many other animals, we can't beat them

"Ah!" A frightened exclamation sounded, and a group of guys who were aggressive just now scrambled to scatter.

But it was not over yet, and immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise of "Boom!"

A three-foot-long silver-moon black bear crashed to the ground, a deep hole cracked in the ground, and the cobwebs spread densely.

Purple electric demon rabbits, silver-armored back lizards, and powerful god-level monsters appeared one by one, almost filling up the huge field.

"Hey!" In the distance, a teammate who was next to Xuanting swallowed fiercely, and then turned to look at his boss.

He found that his boss's expression was no different from his own.

They are all silly with their mouths open and their chins on the ground.

"Old...Boss..." he yelled shiveringly.

Xuanting found his thoughts when he heard this voice, and he stared at the people around him fiercely.

"Fart, let go!"

"I... let's not take revenge, right?" The team member swallowed hard and said, "There are so many other beasts, we can't beat it."

Xuanting's entire handsome face was very gloomy, almost itchy with hate, and his five fingers crunched.

The team member couldn't help backing up a few steps, away from the angry boss, lest he end up with the same fate as the temple pillar.

"You! What are you doing?! Call them mimicry!" The man who clamored the happiest before screamed wildly.

He found that these monsters that appeared out of thin air, where not to go, specifically went to where he was standing.

One accident, he was squashed by the monsters.

Those monsters teased him like consciously. Seeing his fleeing ugliness, even if he was also a **** king, he couldn't help being devastated by a few **** king level monsters!

In the entire venue, it seems that the only place where Yun lightly said and his party stayed is a pure land.

"These monsters are crazy!

Please come with me to stop them! "The white yarn woman drew a cold light across her eyes and shouted sharply.

Taking advantage of the chaos, killing a few monsters Yun said nothing to say!

The upper bound players who are still scurrying seem to have found the backbone.

Yeah! Although they can't deal with so many god-king beasts alone, there are too many of them.

With all the power of everyone, can't it still deal with a few monsters?

Yun Qingyan looked at the people gradually gathering, his thin red lips slightly hooked, "Liuli Bingjia."

"Roar." A slightly angry roar came.

Between the sky and the earth, there was gradually a hint of cold temperature.

The chill became more and more obvious, and a layer of frost gradually formed on the ground, crushed by the terrifying pressure.

"God... Divine Sovereign-level monster?" Qiu Chuchu and his party almost fell from ear to ear.

The white gauze woman's fingers gradually fit into the palm of her palm, and bloodshot hideous colors appear in her moist and pleasant apricot eyes.

How... how is it possible? !

Why, Yun said lightly that there will be a god-level monster! That is a monster that even her master can't domesticate!

The emergence of the emperor-class monsters immediately turned the crowd who had just gathered into a mess.

rub! Among them, most of them are some junior and middle-level **** kings, and some even just go to gods. Now that the **** kings are out, how can they fight?

The cold air filled, and the monster that was still messing around subconsciously stepped away from the road.

An icy blue chinchilla hovered in the center, majestic and majestic, like colored glaze reflecting bright light.

The beast's vertical eyes are full of emotion and majesty. When you glance around, the humans who come into contact with its eyes can't help taking two steps back.

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