My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1982: Suppress air flame

Turn around the corner and scold her for being careless?

Yun Qingyan raised his eyebrows and smiled as he looked at the girl with the needle in the smile.

However, she wouldn't take this little trick in her eyes, even... she didn't even have the mood to argue with her theory.

The lazy phoenix eyes were raised diagonally, Yun said in a slow voice, and admitted openly, "It's just a pity that I won. You have no right to care at all."

The extremely calm words made most people who heard it tickled.

Before that, Yun said that he made a single shot, arrogant and arrogant.

But now, it was obvious that they were just casual words, but they were even more sharp and arrogant in their ears, making them burn with anger.

Lin Wanyue's hands hidden on her white sleeves tightened, her heart suffocated and depressed.

She tried her best to make these upper bound contestants hate Yun Qingyan, and she did.

These forces surrounding her really hated Yun's light words even more.

However, every time she saw Yun Qingyan's inattentive and indifferent appearance, she had the illusion that she had fallen behind. There was no joy of a winner, only the depression and depression of being severely pressed on her head .

"Let's go, let's go to the hot springs." After appreciating the various interesting faces of everyone, Yun Qingyan turned around and left.

After walking two or three steps, she had a stop.

The hearts of those who were still in place seemed to follow the meal, and a pair of eyes fell on Yun Qingyan involuntarily.

Yun Qingyan turned his head and smiled at the people of the Qinghong Sect and Gong Ye who had just crawled out of the dirt pit, his brows dazzling, "First College, Yun Qingyan.

Qinghongzong wants revenge, even if he comes to me. "

After speaking, he went in without looking back.

The crowd onlookers: "..."

Those few members of the Qinghong Sect helped Gong Ye up, their expressions distorted with anger, "If this hatred is not reported, others thought we were not in the Qinghong Sect!"

"Yes! We Qinghong Sect don't want face?"

Gong Ye wiped the dirt on his mouth fiercely, and stared at Yun with a calm face at the direction they left.

"Are you okay?" At this moment, a soft voice sounded beside him, accompanied by bursts of fragrance.

Gong Ye turned his head and faced the bright apricot eyes on the veil.

The breeze blows the white gauze, adding a bit of mysterious beauty to the woman.

"Son... Young Sect Master." Unexpectedly, the goddess would talk to him so kindly, and he was surprised that he couldn't say anything.

Lin Wanyue's face appeared apologetic, "Sorry. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been so wronged."

Gong Ye was flattered, and shook his head again and again, "It's not about Sect Master! It's all because of that Yun Qingyan was too aggressive!

The young master is waiting, I can always suppress her arrogance! "

He stared at the door with a spiteful light from his eyes.


When Yun Qingyan and Xing Lan arrived at the hot spring pool, there were already quite a few people inside.

After all, not everyone will give Lin Wanyue's face.

In fact, the holy pool is a complete open-air pool, built in the center of the holy temple, but if the atmosphere of the South Sea is open, it will not really let men and women really soak in hot springs together.

In the middle of the holy pool, a piled rockery separates the two sides, and there are winding screens on the shore to protect the privacy of both sides.

"Quietly! You are here! Come to me!" Yun Qingyan just stepped into the warm water, an excited and hearty female voice came from a corner.

At almost the same time, other people's eyes were gathered.

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