A word suddenly appeared in Yun Qingyan's mind, gender cognitive disorder.

A person's knowledge of one's own gender and speech behavior are contrary to one's own biological sex, which is called gender cognitive disorder.

The Hongluo family only determines the **** characteristics at adulthood, and it should be a race with a high incidence of this "disease".

"Hate?" Hong Luo was a little strange, "They are all my brothers, how can I hate them?

It's just that they say something numb to me, which gives me a headache. "

"Since it's not annoying, why not try to accept it?"

Yun said that he did not expect that one day he would become an emotional counselor,

"You mean let me lie down obediently by them?" Hong Luo widened with a pair of gorgeous eyes, and looked terrified.

Yun Qingyan couldn't help holding his forehead silently, and the guys in Ji Siwen said she didn't look like a woman!

Is this guy not like a woman? Sleep on the lips at every turn.

I didn't even see Xing Lan's face turned red!

"I didn't mean that." Yun said lightly, a little tired, "I mean, since you don't hate it, you can try to accept Hong Ye's feelings.

Know each other, fall in love, and then be together, have a lovely child. "

Hong Luo shook his whole body, and said, "No! No way!"

"I'm a big man, how can I have children!"

Yun Qingyan looked down at her plump breast half wrapped in a bath towel.

"Master? Are you sure?"

Hong Luo looked down at his extra flesh and fell silent.

Why did it grow on her instead of Hong Ye!

If Hong Ye's adult conversion gender is female, she will be happy, rejoicing, and willing to be with him.

Then, all the problems were solved.

"I'm thinking about it." Hong Luo sorted out her confused thoughts, her face still ugly.

Change from brother to lover.

She couldn't accept this gap for a while.

Yun Qingyan didn't give her any extra work, letting her think for herself.

Xing Lan had taken the sea blue flower, and almost his whole body was soaked in the water of the holy pond, allowing the medicinal power to walk in the meridians of the whole body under the catalysis of the spiritual water.

With the help of the holy pond water, she didn't need to practice cross-legged cultivation like Yun Qingyan had absorbed the sea blue flowers and use her star power to catalyze.

Suddenly, there was movement from the fake stone.

Hong Luo stood up suddenly, his expression ugly, "Hong Ye Red Star!"

The people bathing in the hot springs here were shocked for a moment.

Haven't waited for them to react.

"Boom!" With a boom, the rockery lying in the middle of the hot spring was crumbling!

"Ah!" The person who bathed in the hot spring quickly pulled up his yukata, looking panicked.

Hong Luo didn't care about so much, Yukong rose up and galloped towards the rockery.

"Boom!" There were two more sounds, and the whole rockery burst into pieces.

A figure was like a falling cannonball hitting the bottom of the water, sputtering a large spray of water.

Yun Qingyan frowned slightly, and there was Gong Moxi, the noble son of the palace, how could those people fight over there?

The rockery turned into powder under the power of terror, and the pieces shattered, the barriers between the hot springs on both sides disappeared, the splashing water fell, and both sides saw the opposite scene.

Fortunately, everyone either wears a bathrobe or a bath towel, so that it doesn't run out.

Yun Qingyan searched his eyes and found that Gong Moxi was not seen.

No wonder fights occur.

Without Gong Moxi, a hot-tempered cultivator would not have considered so much.

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