The slender hand was gently placed on Hong Luo's shoulder, "If it were me, would you go?"

Hong Luo was taken aback, if Yun Qingyan fell into this situation at this time, she would definitely not let it go.

From this to the other, Yun said the same.

"Okay, don't talk too much. Twitching doesn't seem to be your character." Yun gently shook his head, his eyes shot forward.

A row of people stood behind Hongming, and the bath towels soaked in the hot spring were all dried under the power of the star.

"Hong Luo, you see, this is not because I let them go.

It is they themselves who want to come up to fight. "Hongming shrugged his shoulders, he might be winning, so he didn't worry at all.

Yun Qingyan smiled coldly, his right hand stretched out, and crystal ice flowers formed in his palm.

It is important not to expose her strength, but she will not swallow her breath.

If you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger too much, you may become a real pig.

As soon as the ice flower appeared, the whole air instantly became cold by several degrees, and the white mist that was originally evaporating instantly became thin ice ridges.

"Legal element mimicry?" Hongming was very surprised when he saw the ice flower in Yun Qingyan's hand.

The law of elements is different from the power of the elements controlled by ordinary stars. It is more powerful and powerful because of the power of the law.

Don't underestimate this trace of power, as long as it is stained with the word law, it is a dream dreamed by countless stars!

"I didn't expect anyone in the lower realm to understand the power of the law, but I underestimated you." Hongming smiled coldly, but was not afraid.

When Bai Li Qingxue saw the ice flower in Yun Qingyan's hand, her icy blue pupils tightened, and her right hand turned out, and a snowflake pattern that was more gorgeous and complicated than the ice flower in Yun Qingyan's hand appeared.

Hongming was startled, the power of the ice and snow laws of this blue-eyed man was more refined than the woman just now.

Even... there is a sense of unpredictability.

"Frankly, you...understand the ice element power?" Baili Qingxue was very curious, and very happy in her heart.

He could even feel the connection between the power of the law that Yun lightly understood and his origin.

"Yeah." Yun said with a light smile, "thanks to your ice-core stone."

She wanted to summon Chi Huang Huo after Bai Li Qingxue took the shot, and a bold idea appeared in her mind.

"Brother Ming." The team behind Hongming called in a secret voice, "Should we forget it?

This is the temple after all. "

Comprehending the power of the law, these people become a lot more difficult. The opponent's realm is not high, and they are not defeated.

It's just that this location is too embarrassing.

When the two parties fight, they will definitely tear down the entire palace.

They have not yet been able to support the enchantment to ensure that the temple will not be destroyed even after defeating the two rulers.

Hongming's face was gloomy, he didn't want to stop there.

However, if he can comprehend the power of the law in the realm of God, he doesn't want to provoke such a person. What's more, if you really start your hands, it will not only provoke a group of future rulers, but also offend the palace.

After thinking for a while, Hongming said coldly, "This is the temple of the palace.

No matter what, I don't want to ruin the palace building. "

Yun said with a smile, "Yes, you let go."

She fixed her eyes on Hongming holding Hong Luo's hand.

Hongming's face was gloomy, "This is my grievance with her, you shouldn't care about it."

Yun smiled softly, "What if I want to manage?"

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