My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1993: And Baili's fusion technology

Yun lightly ignored him and manipulated with both hands, the ice cones in the sky gathered and condensed, forming a shuttle-shaped ice shuttle.

Since the separation of power is not a threat to him, then gather the power to break the face.

There was a look of surprise on Hongming's face, and for a moment he looked down on contempt, "It's nothing more than that."

"Bai Li." Yun lightly looked at Bai Li Qingxue.

Baili Qingxue seemed to understand what she meant, and the power of ice and snow twisted towards the huge ice shuttle.

The entire ice shuttle gradually expanded, covering the sky and the sun, and the majestic oppressive force poured out, causing the people watching the game to step back.

"Cheat...Cheat?" Hong Ming looked at the huge weapon above his head, his face changed slightly.

"Fusion technique!" I don't know who exclaimed below.

"Fusion technology? What is that?" Someone asked everyone's questions.

"A technique that perfectly blends the power of two people or even multiple people! Even the lowest fusion technique is as powerful as the Heaven-Rank Elemental Technique!" The commentator was flushed and excited.

"Hiss!" There was a gasp around!

The inferior fusion technique is also comparable to the heavenly elementary technique? What is this concept?

There are very few families and forces with holy rank meta skills, even if there are, most of them can only be practiced by designated special groups.

Don’t look at Hongming’s easy use of the holy-level elementary skills, but most cultivators practice the yellow-level and ground-level elementary skills. Even for the younger generation in the upper realm, the heavenly elementary skills are Extremely rare!

But this fusion technique, the lowest inferior is also the heavenly element technique! It itches with envy.

"Bai Fengyu and Bai Fenghan of the Baifeng Empire, although they are both at the lower **** level, but the fusion skills they display, Bai Feng Xiaotian, are enough to repel the **** king level masters! Are you good?!"

"I rub! Too bad, right? I also want to learn fusion skills! Our team also has a fusion technique, five-person fusion technique!"

A captain was eager to hear it.

"Heh. Do you think the fusion technique is so easy to practice? Just pull the individual and use it? You need to meet special conditions to display the fusion technique, and use the power to display 300% of the power!

If you can learn fusion skills casually, then how come there are so many stars who pursue meta skills?

The two brothers and sisters of the Baifeng Empire were able to display fusion skills, thanks to the fact that they were twins connected by blood. "

The person who first explained it mercilessly poured a basin of cold water.

It is precisely because of the difficult conditions for the fusion technique to perform, that so many people know nothing about it.

Because it has long been eliminated by the great trend of history!

"Then what about them?" Someone asked Yun Qingyan and Baili Qingxue in the sky and asked.

"The two of them have black hair and black eyes, and blue hair and blue eyes. How can they not be brothers and sisters?"

"This...I don't know." The person scratched his head with his hand. "Generally speaking, people who are connected by blood are more likely to display fusion skills.

People who are close to each other are more likely to use fusion skills than others.

Hmm... maybe they are partners? "

"Kacha..." After saying this, the person scanned his eyes for a week inexplicably, as if he heard the voice of the girl's heartbreak.

Yun Qingyan, who was completely on Hongming's body, didn't even notice the whispers in the distance.

Because it takes a long time to use the Fusion Technique for the first time.

She looked at the completely formed Bing Shuo and smiled coldly at Hongming.

Lifting his right hand, the Bing Shuo moved with difficulty, pointed at Hongming with a sharp point.

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