My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1998: That's unfair!

"Xiao Hei is already a **** emperor-level monster." Yun Qingyan patted the dark unicorn and said.

Everyone clearly felt that when the word "Xiao Hei" was uttered, the body of the flying dark unicorn became indistinctly stiff.

"The number of humans in the construction field is scarce, and the monsters that can form their own field are even rarer.

This is a blood-level monster. "Xuan Ting stared at the black fur with envy and hatred.

Warcraft’s natural lifespan and physique are stronger than humans, but the heavens are fair. Warcrafts are far inferior to humans in comprehending the law of elements and forming fields. Except for some powerful blood warcrafts-they are truly overlord, not only comprehending ability. Not inferior to humans, and life span and body are stronger than humans.

The descendants who inherited the blood of those beasts also have their characteristics and are very powerful, but most of these beasts are proud and rare, and will not be easily tamed by humans.

Why is Yun Qingyan so lucky? ! That's unfair!

Xuanting was immersed in his hopeless sorrow of revenge, Huo Yichen raised his sword eyebrows and glanced at him.

"Boy, you know a lot."

Xuanting turned his head unhappy, "You don't look much older than me."

"Also, your bathrobe was blown away by the wind."

The dark unicorn flies very fast and has a strong back wind.

"Get dressed." Baili Qingxuejun's face turned dark, blocking Huo Yichen and Yun Qingyan, frowning, like a strict teacher.

Yun Qingyan looked at the trio, it was clear that the three were arguing, but for some reason, a strange sense of harmony suddenly rose in her heart.

"Here! Xuanzun lives here." Xuan Ting pointed to a small and secluded courtyard.

"Also, he should be inside now!" Xuanting added.

Yun Qingyan glanced at Xuanting suspiciously again.

Both the contestants and the referees will have activities tonight, how can Xuanting be sure that Xuanzaun must be inside?

But now there is no time to ask. Yun Qingyan stood on the back of the dark unicorn and ordered coldly, "Xiao Hei, the realm is covered!"

"Yes, master!"

A burst of black air covered the courtyard, and looking inside from the outside, you wouldn't notice the slightest strangeness.

"Who?!" There was a loud shout from the courtyard, and a strong pressure rolled up, causing the surrounding trees to shatter and collapse.

The man in the mysterious clothes lifted the sword in his hand, leaped out from the inside, and shot out a striking light from the bottom of his eyes.

As far as he could see, there was a surging black mist, which made people unable to see the scene during the period.

The limbs seemed to be suppressed, and it was difficult to lift, and even the star power in the body became difficult.

"Domain?" Xuanzun's eyes were cold, and his muscles tightened silently.

"Shoo!" A sword beam struck him horizontally.

The bottom of his eyes lit up, the star power flowed throughout his body, the turquoise wind vortex dissipated the black mist around him, and the long sword he lifted shot forward, "I found you!"

Yun said lightly on his toes, and the figure fluttered past like a spiritual wind, and at the place where she had stayed, a huge wood was already torn apart.

In the domain of the dark unicorn, as the owner of the contract, she not only moves freely, but also gets blessings, and the enemy will not only be suppressed by the domain to be difficult to move, but her sight will also be hindered.

However, she didn't expect that Xuanzun could easily find her existence with one blow from her in this situation.

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