He is regretful now!

Why did I not know how to work at the beginning, in order to pay off Dan Wuji's favor, I offended such a small abnormality! Not at all cost-effective!

Yun Qingyan listened to Xuanzun's sophistry coldly.

At that time, if it weren't for Huang Yan's move, she could still stand here and talk to him now?

The so-called compensation is only because of fear of Huangyan.

She said that for the insult that day, she must come to him to personally repay it!

"Bao Dao-Fengyun is moving!"

The sharp blade of light tore the air and slashed at Xuanzun fiercely, changing the color of the world!

Xuanzun was still staying in place, and he didn't expect Yun Qingyan to suddenly do it!

"Stop it!" Xuanting's expression changed, no longer hiding, and he rushed towards Yun lightly.

Huo Yichen stretched out his hand, grabbed him easily, and smiled bohemianly, "What do you want to do?"

Xuanting turned his head and blasted his face with a fist of Xing Yuanli, trying to break free.

Huo Yichen blocked the attack easily, "I thought you were dishonest."

At the same time, hard ice spread from the ground, restraining Xuanting's feet.

On the other side, the overbearing blade light that disturbed the world almost swallowed Xuanzun.

It is blessed by the Divine King Tool, even if it is taken by the God, it has the power to threaten the Divine Emperor.

"Hmm!" A muffled groan sounded, and Xuanzun's figure flew out, spouting a mouthful of blood and smashed to the ground.

"Let go!" Xuanting's eyes were about to split, and he struggled to break free from Huo Yichen's shackles.

Although he wanted to see Xuanzun unlucky, but he didn't want to see him die! !

The dust was full, and a slightly hoarse voice came from inside, "Xuan Ting?"

Xuanting's violent and struggling movements stagnated, but his voice was muffled in his throat, unable to speak a word.

It's just that the panicked face, with a trace of rejoicing.

Yun said lightly with a knife in his hand, looking directly at Xuanzun who was lying on the ground, "Why didn't you hide?"

As the main attacker, she knew very well that Xuan Zun could actually defend and evade.

Even if the damage cannot be completely avoided, it will be better than it is now.

Xuanzun half propped himself up with the sword, "Ah. Three years ago, I was indeed wrong."

"I shouldn't act against you who have no grievances and hatreds for personal affair."

At the time, he regarded the promise more importantly than anything else, no...not so much promise, as face.

He represents the face of Xuan Tianzong, after owing Dan Wuji's favor, he wanted it but wanted it. Regardless of whether this is right or wrong, it leads to catastrophe.

Yun Qingyan looked at the regretful Xuanzun, holding the sword in his hand, his face expressionless.

"You should come to me for revenge.

I did not expect that in three years, you can reach this height.

Just now, even if I hide, it is impossible to hide completely. As a **** emperor, but being forced to this point by you, I have already lost. "

Xuanzun's expression was calm, "If you want revenge, take revenge, I won't fight back."

Yun lightly raised the knife.

Xuanting's expression changed, "He has already given up!"

Yun Qingyan glanced at him, shaking his right hand, and the long knife disappeared.

Xuan Ting breathed out a little, as a bystander, he was more nervous than Xuan Zun who was the person involved.

"Bi Lei, Xiao Yu, Huo Yun...it's your turn!" Yun said a long list of names.

A series of rays of light flashed, and a powerful beast appeared, and the huge body instantly narrowed the space.

Xuanting stared at this scene with wide eyes, and his mouth was big enough to stuff a whole egg.

Demon... Warcraft! many!

Yun said lightly, pointing to Xuanzun, "Just be beaten to death! Just save one life."

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