My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2006: Sister control crazy magic (1)

Guang's cold and cool face softened slightly, and he reached out and hugged the girl who was running over. His voice was as cold as ever, "Speak lightly."

But Yun Qingyan heard a touch of warmth from it.

"...Brother?" Huo Yichen stared at the scene in shock.

It turns out that Yun said that such a brutal woman also has an older brother?

However, at the thought of her being guarded by her elder brother, Huo Yichen couldn't help but shiver.

A few complex colors rose in Baili Qingxue's eyes beside him.

Seeing Guanghan, he remembered the time before he was chased by Guanghan for half of Kyoto after he failed to propose to Yun.

Not knowing the different thoughts of the two people next to him, Yun Qingyan looked at the Wind Winged Blue Wolf King lying next to him, with a nostalgic look in his eyes, "Xiao Qing is also back."

"Aqiu!" The name Xiaoqing made Fengyiqinglangwang snorted and his wings trembled.

"This is emerald grass, which can relieve fatigue." Yun Qingyan took out a handful of fruit and put it in the mouth of the Windwing Blue Wolf King, patted it with his hand, "Quickly eat."

The Windwing Green Wolf King stared at the handful of emerald green grass, opened a pair of wolf eyes, and looked at his master again.

It's wolf feed! Don't want to eat grass!

Guang Han's calm and waveless eyes looked directly at the Windwing Blue Wolf King. Although there was no waves, it seemed to say--

If you don't want to eat it, you will die.

Windwing Blue Wolf King grievedly snapped his nose, opened his mouth and bit it sadly.

"Hahaha. I lied to you." Yun Qingyan flipped his hand, the emerald grass in his hand turned into spirit fruit, and he passed them into the mouth of Fengyi Qinglang King.

Its aggrieved appearance just now reminded her of her reluctant appearance when she first came here, in order to heal her wounds and feed her grass.

"Xiao Qingyan." It wasn't until the sweet spirit fruit got down that the Windwing Green Wolf King realized that he had been tricked, and his eyes looked at Yun Qingyan helplessly.

It's a kind of appearance as if watching one's own children grow up.

Whether it is Yun Qingyan or Guanghan, almost it grew up watching.

"Sister Yun! So you came back long ago! Fortunately, we are still worried that you will be taken away by the people in the palace!" A panting voice sounded at the door of the dormitory.

A sweaty Yu Da-pang was holding the door to catch his breath, and there were Xing Lan and Ji Siwen nearby.

They knew that Yun said that they had left, but they didn't know where they had gone. On the way, they were always worried whether they were caught by the palace and tortured.

After wiping his sweat, Yu Da Pang raised his head tiredly, and saw a familiar wolf-like monster and a cold man in black.

"Guang...Brother Guanghan?" After Da Pang Yu was taken aback, his eyes lit up instantly, "Brother Guanghan! You are back!"

In those days, the person Yu Dafang admired most was Guanghan, except for Yun Qingyan.

However, Guang Han didn't seem to be reminiscing with him.

He drew out the long sword, a pair of black eyes exuded a suffocating killing intent, "You just said that someone wants to catch lightly?"

If there is a big discrepancy, he will strike at the door with a sword.

Yu Da Pang was shocked by the terrifying aura, his body stiffened, his tongue knotted, "Yes...Yes."

"Lead the way." Guang Han said blankly, and the Wind Wing Blue Wolf King beside him let out a roar in good time.

Who dares to bully their little talk? !

Yun said lightly that his elder brother Natijian was about to hit the door, his scalp tightened, and he quickly grabbed Guanghan, "Wait a minute, Brother Guanghan, don't be impulsive."

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