My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2009: Sister control crazy magic (4)

"Sister Yun." Xing Lan carefully poked Yun and said lightly, "You can fix them quickly.

I think it's about to fight. "

Yun said lightly that he felt a headache. Everyone wanted to make others compensate. How could it be their turn, but they all wanted to bleed heavily?

"None of us need compensation. Have you forgotten that besides us, there is another person involved?"

"You mean... Hongming?" Ji Siwen asked.

"Yeah." Yun nodded softly.

"But...Even if he is the provocateur, we can't escape responsibility." Ji Siwen scratched his hair in distress.

Yun lightly smiled secretly, "The palace didn't specify the price tag and how much it would cost to damage the holy pool."


"So there are plenty of articles to do in it." Yun smiled lightly.

The others were puzzled, and Yun didn't explain it lightly.

Until, two people walked outside the dormitory.

"His Royal Highness Saint Child?"

Ji Siwen discovered that the holy son of the palace seemed to look for them very often.

And surprisingly friendly.

Obviously they have just met each other recently.

Gong Moxi and Di Ming walked in without anyone else. Gong Moxi looked at Yun with a smile and said lightly, "I helped you cover, and I won't give me a cup of tea?"

Yun Qingyan swallowed the grapes in his mouth, ran to make a pot of tea, and filled Gong Moxi."

How about Hongming? "

Yun Qingyan is very clear that the reason why the people in the palace haven't come to the door is because Gong Moxi is in it.

Guang Han narrowed his eyes lightly, his gaze swept across Yun Qingyan's hand pouring tea to Gong Moxi, and his gaze at Gong Moxi was cold.

It's called pouring tea lightly? !

He has seen his older sister since he was a child, and even his brother has never drunk the tea she personally got.

Gong Moxi took the tea cup, took a sip gracefully, and squinted his eyes comfortably.

Di Ming looked at his unchanging expression and curiously accepted the tea Yun Qingyan handed over.

The action she made just now was so perfunctory that she couldn't be perfunctory anymore, and she just put the tea leaves in until the hot water was reached.

The guy Gong Moxi is very particular, can he really drink tea made with such a rough technique?

Could it be...what's the secret in this tea? Just like Yun said lightly, the actual destructive power is not directly proportional to what she looks like!

With suspicion, Di Ming took a hesitant sip.

"Puff!" A mouthful of hot water spouted.

"Crystal barrier." Bai Li Qingxue raised her hand, and an ice and snow barrier blocked Di Ming's unexpected'attack'.


Yun Qingyan! Can you make tea at all? "Di Ming said bitterly.

Although he didn't like drinking tea, he stayed with the picky Saint for a long time, and his taste became a lot more tricky.

"It's hard to drink?" Yun glanced at him lightly, asking him a cup and handing it to Guang Han and the others.

"No. Very delicious." Gong Moxi put down her tea cup gracefully, floating light flowing in her glaze eyes.

"It's delicious." Baili Qingxue said indifferently.

Guang Han nodded in agreement.

Huo Yichen and Ji Siwen drank a few grunts, "Isn't the tea all the same taste? Nothing special."

The only Xing Lan who is a royal princess who has the ability to appreciate——

Her eyes glowed, her brows danced with excitement, "Sister Yun's tea made by herself! delicious!"

Is the tea delicious, or is it because it was made by Yun Qingyan?

Di Ming: "..."

Everyone is drunk, my lonely life!

It's so lonely as snow!

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