"Host, let's admit defeat!" Xuanting suddenly turned his head and looked at the host away from the ring.


The whole arena was silent.

The host also stayed in place like petrified.

"Host, let's admit defeat! Did you hear that?! Don't hurry to announce the end of the game!" Xuanting's voice raised an octave.

"Oh oh oh." Then the host recovered his senses and quickly announced, "

The chicken stewed mushroom team took the initiative to give in.

I announce that the winner is the chicken stewed mushroom team! "

The protective barrier erected by Yun Qingyan was awkwardly supported on the ring, and several ice ridges were lonely and stern, very embarrassing.

The host is still in a dreamlike state.

The representative of Xuanzong was very impassioned that day, he thought there would be a wonderful and simple battle, who knew...

It is simply simply-surrender to defeat!

"Captain, I...we haven't started the fight yet? Why did you give up?" One team member was puzzled.

Even if Baili Qingxue and Yun lightly said that their fusion skills were really great last night, it doesn't mean they should be afraid of them!

After all, Baili Qingxue and Yun Qingyan are not in the same team now!

Fusion skills are so rare, can't she and everyone in the team be able to use fusion skills, right?

"Are you questioning me?!" Xuanting glared at him threateningly, giving him a back of his head.

The player who wanted to ask questions suddenly slapped his thigh, "Wonderful!

It's amazing! "

"The captain deserves to be the captain, and wisdom is beyond the reach of ordinary people like us!"

Xuanting looked dazed.

Where is it? Does he have any wisdom?

However, you still have to take care of your face.

Xuanting coughed slightly,


My wisdom cannot be understood by ordinary people.

You--" He pointed at the player who was the first to speak up, "Tell me about the ingenuity of my strategy. "

The team member glared at them with a hostile look, and then whispered, "They have repeatedly humiliated us before, so this matter can't be left alone."

Xuanting nodded, "Yes."

"It would be too kind to them to beat them in such a low-level promotion match." The player shook his head, then his eyes lighted up and his fists clenched. "What we are going to do is in the finals, which is highly anticipated. Beat them down!

Let the chicken stew mushrooms face sweeping!

The captain gave up this game in order to teach them better in the future! "

The player was impassioned and glanced at his companions with a superior IQ, "Giving up a game is nothing for a strong team like us.

But for them—"

He pointed to Xing Lan and Yu Dafang with his finger, "They are still playing against the players of the lower class. It is very difficult for them to promote!

In order to beat them in the final and under the public's attention, so-

The captain voluntarily surrendered and gave them a chance to advance! "

His last word landed sonorously, Xuanting's eyes lighted up, and he clapped his palms, "Okay! Good point!

You all learn from him! My wisdom, only he has learned the fur! When will you guys be as good as him? ! "

Yun said a few lightly: "..."

Audience: "..."

Huo Yichen rubbed his temples with his hands, walked to Yun Qingyan's side, and said silently, "Fortunately, they took the initiative to give in."

"Huh?" Yun lightly looked at him suspiciously.

Huo Yichen said with a serious face, "Otherwise, I'm really afraid of lowering my IQ by fighting with them."

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