My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2020: Ten Quan Da Tonic Chicken Soup

The handsome face of the man next to him seemed to melt like a glacier, and a slight smile appeared.

Eyes as deep as ink stared at the arena in the distance, with an arrogant and light self-sustaining voice, "Natural."

Feng Liao: "..."

No no no! The subordinates are even more worried, the lady is so powerful...Aren't you worried about being domestically abused in the future?

Feng Liao silently swallowed the doubts in his heart. He didn't doubt the strength of his superiors... It's just that the superiors were always eaten to death in front of his wife. Coupled with the madam being so aggressive, he couldn't help but feel a little worried. .

However, given Feng Liao a hundred courage, he did not dare to ask the doubts in his heart.

"Your honor, you and your wife must be very careful in the future." Feng Liao said seriously.

Di Jiuque's eyes were slightly cold, and he hummed softly, "Be careful."

There are too many people coveting his wife, and everyone wants to pry him into the corner.

The brain waves of the master and servant are not at the same frequency at all.

Feng Liao thought that his noble emperor had listened to his opinions and couldn't help but relax.


At the same time, on the other side of the ten million audience.

The person shrouded in black robe stood quietly in a dark corner, out of step with the surroundings.

But strangely, no one around noticed them.

Under the black robe, a few lustrous dark purple long hair poured out, and upward, a gorgeous silver mask covered half of his face, only revealing a pair of seductive purple eyes.

"Hahaha." A string of low magnetic laughter came out of the red lips, "The kitty's paws are really getting sharper."

After speaking, those secluded and strange purple eyes looked to the side beside him, "Hey.

You said, should the main hall send people to the Seven Territories Demon Emperor, he has never seen his granddaughter yet. "

Without waiting for the entourage beside him to answer, the man's slender hand groped his chin, his eyes showed malicious thoughts, "and the imprisoned Highness.

He didn't even know what his child looked like, it was really pitiful.

The main hall can't bear to see the separation of flesh and blood. It's better to make them angry, what do you think? "

A low, violent voice passed from the void, "His Royal Highness, do you want me to take people captive?"

"No...not in a hurry."


On the ring, after the host was shocked, he slowly walked to the stage, holding the amplifier, and announced loudly,

"I declare! The chicken stewed mushroom team wins!

This is the first two-game winning streak of Tianyuan Competition on the Silver Field. Let us..."

Before he could finish speaking, the amplifier in his hand was suddenly snatched away.

The host stared blankly at the excited little fat man beside him.

I saw the little fat man blushing, holding his amplifier while bowing and shouting,

"Thank you all for your support and encouragement, thank you all."

The host who was robbed of the microphone: "..." Who is the host?

The little fat man continued to laugh cheerfully, "

Tonight, our team will sell the perfect chicken soup in the open space outside the Tongtian Tower!

At nine o'clock tonight, everyone is welcome to come and taste the Shiquan Dabu chicken soup named by the chicken stewed mushroom team.

A one-thousand extra-grade Yuanyu, you want to drink it after drinking it! "

Yun Qingyan and Huo Yichen and the others looked at each other, "??!"

On the stage, the little fat man didn't stop his movements, holding the microphone and shouting loudly, "A thousand extra-grade Yuanyu, you can't buy it at a loss, you can't buy it!

Thousands of super-grade yuan jade, ten complete tonic chicken soup to take home!


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