My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2062: Don't you know to avoid suspicion at this time? (4)

"Humph." Guang Han left with a gloomy face.

"Bang—" The door banged.

Yun said that it took a long time to recover, and she turned her head and glared at Di Jiuque, "Did you deliberately?"

Emperor Jiuque blinked his phoenix eyes, "Not intentionally, how could he compromise so easily."

An eldest brother-in-law who always monitors him is really an eyesore, it is better to settle the relationship.

Yun said softly, "When did we double repair?"

Di Jiuque gently took a bite between her lips, "Anyway, it will be a matter of double repair."

He stared at the delicate little face that was dyed red with anger, and his pure and precious pupils were stained with a misty color, and his voice became muffled and seductive.

Although you haven't reached Zhu Shen, we can get familiar with it first. "

The handsome and mysterious beauty made Yun Qingyan stunned for a while, before returning to his senses in a flash, "Zhu Shen?"

She remembered...Di Jiuque mentioned it many times to let her reach Zhu Shen as soon as possible.

So... is this purpose? !

"Yeah." Di Jiuque's voice was a little dumb.

Yun Qingyan was stunned, he was picked up horizontally and walked to the bed.

She glanced over Di Jiuque's handsome and angry face.

The ascetic face was stained with the color of love, and the beauty was amazing.

Her body sank on the soft bed, and the shadow pressed down from her in the next second, Yun said that her red lips were grabbed, and she could feel the scorching temperature of her body through the clothes.

The cold hair fell into the neck with a clear touch.

Di Jiuque's breathing gradually became heavier, and his kiss fell from his lips, and his eyes, which had been infested by desire, were stained with a bewitching color.

Yun said lightly that he was about to be melted by the scorching temperature.

But the next moment, she suddenly remembered what he said about Zhu Shen, "But I haven't reached Zhu Shen..."

Di Jiuque hugged her tightly and kissed her neck thinly. His voice was low and hoarse, and it seemed to have a damp smell, "I just rubbed outside...

Don't go in, okay? "

Yun Qingyan seemed to have thousands of stars exploded in his mind, and scenes of encounters and acquaintances with Di Jiuque flowed through his mind...

The oath on the top of the Qingxuan Academy Tower.

The embarrassment of accidentally entering the bath of Emperor Jiuque.

Companion in Reincarnation...

Someone's arrogant and awkward character.

Later, the temptations to each other came close.

Yun Qingyan's eyelashes trembled lightly, his red lips pressed tightly, and he nodded.

She knows what she wants, she likes him.

Di Jiuque's clear eyes lit up, and there seemed to be a slight light in the clear phoenix eyes. His slender hand just touched Yun Qingyan's waist belt——

"Early morning, what are you doing?" The voice of Tyrant Lie couldn't be ignored.

Yun Qingyan and Di Jiuque turned their heads to look.

Wearing a red dress, Huang Yan, who was guarded by the fire, was half floating in the void, with his hands around his chest, and his eyebrows staring at them coldly.

"Kacha." Di Jiuque leaned on the edge of the bed with his five fingers, and the best spirit wood was instantly crushed by a corner.

The deep, secluded phoenix eyes sank instantly, cold as ice.

The killing intent of suffocation spread from the whole body, making people breathless.

If Yao Shi Feng Liao and others are here, they will definitely find that this is a precursor to the anger of the Lord!

And it's furious!

At this time, either you are lucky, just not next to your superior, or you think of yourself as a quail, motionless, it is best not to burn your body to avoid being killed by mistake.

But Huang Yan didn't feel the deep anger from his half-soul body, and regardless of the repulsion between the two bodies, he walked towards the bed. The red flames guarding him were extremely domineering and the burning air was distorted .

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