My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2090: Double repairs with less effort (1)

The strong vitality wandered through the veins and limbs, but a shocking scene happened.

Yun Qingyan's breath began to rise again steadily.

Tier 4... Tier 5... Tier 6... Go straight to the emperor class!

"I rub!

Why is it advanced again? ! Don't you catch your breath? ! "

"This speed is too fast! How can others live!"

Even Yun Qingyan's eyes widened, and she could feel a warm force flowing all over her body, causing her realm to rise continuously.

But the power is very mild, and there are no side effects.

It wasn't until the realm reached the peak of the **** king, before the barrier of the **** king, that Yun Qingyan felt that the strange power was unable to succeed.

In the end, her realm was stabilized at the peak of the **** king, after all, the energy required to cross the order was the largest.

"His Royal Highness, you are..." The elder of the palace was dumbfounded, where is this proof? This is obviously to help Yun speak lightly and to encourage her awe.

"You wait a minute." Gong Moxi smiled lightly.

In the palm of the hand, a golden lotus rose.

Yun Qingyan also raised a blue lotus in his hands.

The two lotus flowers complement each other, like twins.

"Bitter Sea Qinglian?!" Your mouths are big enough to stuff an egg.

"This...this...this..." The elder stared at this scene even more, his hands trembling.

Kuhai Qinglian is the sacred flower of the palace. It is only offered in the highest temple of the palace, but the Kuhai Qinglian has never bloomed since it bloomed once more than ten years ago.

"The bitter sea green lotus is the sacred flower of our palace, warding off evil spirits and removing dirt, and is the nemesis of the demons.

Yun Qingyan bred Kuhai Qinglian in his body. Is she a demon? Does the elder have an answer? "Gong Moxi looked at the elder with a smile.

Yun Qingyan only now knows that the green lotus in his body is actually the demon nemesis!

She had always thought that Kuhai Qinglian's only function was to heal injuries and purify toxins!

What can I do now? She is a true demon. Although the demon core has not been awakened for unknown reasons,... whether it is Chi Huanghuo or Qinglian, they are both demon nemesis!

She simply planted two time bombs in her body!

"No, no! Of course it's not the demon!" The elder smiled shyly and quickly denied.

It's just that I have some doubts in my heart. If you want to obtain the power of Kuhai Qinglian, you can only take Kuhai Qinglian's lotus seeds before the age of six.

But on the whole continent, there is only one bitter sea green lotus left in the palace. The lotus seed was born more than ten years ago. The lotus seed was served by His Royal Highness, how old is this little girl? Qi Luck, even took Kuhai Qinglianzi!

A farce ended in this way. With Gong Moxi here, the elder of the palace did not dare to pursue Yun Qingyan's troubles.

And the elder of the Beast Taming Sect, shrinking from Yun Qingyan's strength and her group of monsters, could only cast his eyes on Fu Ling'er, "His Royal Highness, our Shao Zong is a sister to you, and the relationship has always been good.

This time she suffered misfortune, you have to call the shots for our Young Sect! "

Fu Ling'er frowned, and Yun said lightly that he was Feng Liao's person, and she couldn't offend Feng Liao if she wanted to get close to that superior.

And now, there is another Gong Moxi to support Yun Qingyan. Offending these two for a young master of the Beast Taming Sect is not worth the loss.

It's just... Before she left, her mother told her to take good care of Lin Wanyue. Now that Lin Wanyue is dead, she is not easy to explain to her mother.

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