My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2092: Emperor Zun’s kidney was injured (1)

"Uh..." Yun said lightly that he did not expect that the holy and elegant Saint Son of the Palace would make such a joke.

"Why are you so surprised?" Gong Moxi asked with a smile.

"The remarks just now don't seem to be what your character can tell." Knowing that Gong Moxi was only joking, Yun Qingyan shook his head.

"Then what kind of character do you think I am?" The smile on Gong Moxi's face narrowed somewhat.

Yun said lightly for a while, "Holy, elegant, not inferior to human fireworks, belly."

She hadn't forgotten how Gong Moxi had pitted Beasts in the forest with her.

Gong Moxi was noncommittal and stopped at the door of their box, "Here."

Yun Qingyan did not go in, she stood at the door, "How do did you know my mother? What kind of person is she?"

She often heard her father's message from her grandfather, but she didn't know much about her mother who was a demon clan.

Gong Moxi raised her eyebrows, wondering if it was Yun Qingyan's illusion, she always felt that he was smiling badly.

"Are you sure you want to listen?"

"Yeah." Yun lightly nodded solemnly.

"Your mother is a gentle, powerful, and beautiful... mother." Gong Moxi smiled slightly.

Yun Qingyan did not expect that he could hear so many praise words in Gong Moxi's mouth.

"When I saw your mother, according to human calculations, I was five years old..." Gong Moxi said slowly.

"Human?" Yun lightly caught these two keywords sensitively.

"The emperor Kongyu in my previous life was a human form from the cultivation of the Kuhai Jinlian." Gong Moxi smiled slightly.

Yun Qingyan widened his eyes.

In addition to being able to transform into a human form after being cultivated to a certain extent, some spiritual plants of the heaven and earth rare level can also turn on the spiritual form.

But this possibility is very small, and the probability is almost negligible.

"The year I saw your mother, I didn't awaken my memory." Gong Moxi continued to narrate.

At that time, Gong Moxi measured the light attribute, which had good adaptability to Kuhai Qinglian. The holy emperor of the palace took him to the palace and declared him a holy son.

The lotus palace where he lived was the place where the Kuhai Qinglian was cultivated in the palace. The Kuhai Qinglian that did not bloom for thousands of years not only bloomed, but was also a twin lotus, shocking the world.

Kuhai Qinglian is different from ordinary lotus in that each flower bears only one lotus seed.

And Kuhai Qinglianzi has the effect of inhibiting and purifying toxins in the world and is a treasure in the world.

But because the palace is so powerful, no one dares to **** it.

However, Yun Qingyan's mother Shui Qinglan is an exception.

Shui Qinglan's body contains the Nine Mosquito Demon Poison, and the terrible thing about this demon poison is that it will transfer from the mother to the fetus.

In order to save the unborn Yun Qingyan, her father Yun Zhan made a riot in the palace and led the horses away, while her mother Shui Qinglan took advantage of the chaos and sneaked into the lotus palace.

At that time, most of the guards went to hunt down Yunzhan. With her racial talent, Shui Qinglan dived all the way to the depths of the lotus temple to get the Kuhai Qinglian seeds.

However, Gong Moxi happened to be cultivating beside the lotus pond at that time, and he was born sensitive to the aura of the demons, so he discovered Shui Qinglan the first time.

As long as he speaks out, it will attract countless guards in the palace.

Shui Qinglan could have killed him directly.

Gong Moxi blinked, "She didn't do anything to me.

Instead, he asked me, do you hate demons. "

Yun said lightly: "..." Unexpectedly, her mother was still in the mood to ask this kind of question at this tension.

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