My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2117: More shameless team

The shadow is expressionless, Long Lin has a grumpy face, and Bai Ozawa shows an innocent smile, "Have you never heard of our team's rules of non-refundable money?"

The three are almost surrounded.

The elder was frightened, a little afraid that these lunatics would suddenly go crazy.

But after another thought, this is the Tongtian Pagoda, not Duan Qi and the others.

Behind him, there are so many elders! Originally it was Duan Qi. They broke their promise and made the first mistake. He was afraid of a fart!

The elder seemed to have a little more confidence in his heart, and said, "But you have not completed the commission!

According to the rules, no money will be charged for failed missions! And your captain, voluntarily surrendered, it was considered a mission failure! "

Duan Qi grinned, the light purple pupils turned dark purple, and faint vertical pupils appeared, "Your commission is to let this uncle come to the South Sea Realm to help you play a few games.

He didn't say that he won the game. This uncle showed up and helped you fight. You horrible old men, do you want to make a mistake? "

Bai Ozawa showed two beautiful tiger teeth, "The boss is right. Our contract does not include winning the game."

The elder let out a mouthful of blood.

They all feel that as long as Duan Qi is off the court, isn't that a sure win? So I didn't think so much at first!

Who would have expected that Duan Qi's daughter-in-law would suddenly appear, and Duan Qi would still give in unscrupulously!

Yu Dapang poked Yun with his hand and said softly, "Sister Yun, I finally met a team more shameless than us."

Yun said lightly: "..."

Duan Qi didn't seem to be stimulating enough, and continued quietly, "Not only will we not vomit this money.

Moreover, you must settle the rest of the money as soon as possible. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that your Zongmen residences will be intact. "

This is simply Chi Guoguo's shameless robbery!

If you don’t "complete" the task, you don't need to refund the deposit, and let the employer continue to pay!

This time not only the elder, but several other elders aimed at the cake of Tianyuan Continent, the elders of the sect, who had suffered heavy losses, could not sit still.

"Duan Qi! Why are you so shameless!"

"Lawlessness, too lawlessness!"

Duan Qi didn't care, showing a tiger tooth and grinning badly.

"I'm lawless, haven't you guys seen it before."

He stroked the broken hair between his forehead and moved it back, the smile at the corner of his mouth widened, "Don't you often call us monsters behind your back?

There is no word shameless in the monster's dictionary. "

The group of condemning elders seemed to be choked, unable to speak a word.

"Do you still want money?! Dreaming! Don't want any of you!" The elder standing in front of Duan Qi flushed with anger, his face flushed, and his chest rose and fell.

With that appearance, Yun could not help but wonder if he would have a heart attack in the next second.

"Tsk. I hate people who speak and don't believe me the most." Duan Qi frowned, his eyes stained with deep malice, and he raised his right hand and squeezed slowly.

Almost instantly, the body of the elder who was still alive just now seemed to be crushed and exploded, with debris and blood splashing.

This **** and brutal scene silenced the noisy arena.

The elder who had just questioned Duan Qi was like a throat that was holding back his fate, and he dared not say a word.

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