My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2125: She is from Shura (2)

Xing Lan asked puzzledly, "What are you afraid of!"

Huo Yichen gritted his teeth and emphasized, "Yun said that he is a demons!"

Everyone said in unison, "Oh."

Huo Yichen: "?!" Oh? Oh, it's over? Why is the reaction so plain!

"What about if Sister Yun is a demon? Anyway, I know that she is Sister Yun." Yu Dachu said.

The others nodded, "Yes.

We were talking to Yun Qingyan, not her identity. "

Huo Yichen: "..." I really don't know if these guys are big-hearted or ignorant and fearless?

Di Jiuque's narrow and indifferent gaze couldn't help but glance at Yu Dafang.

I vaguely understand why Yun said that he has such a good relationship with them.

Immediately, his murderous gaze fell on Huo Yichen.

Huo Yichen smirked and waved his hand quickly, "Mozu? What about the Mozu! Hahaha, I haven't seen the Mozu. It's no big deal."

Only then did Emperor Jiuque slowly retract his gaze.

Huo Yichen let out a sigh of relief. In an instant, he really had the illusion that he would be killed by the opponent.

The atmosphere just slowed down, and a shrill cry broke the silence--

"Mozu? Yun said lightly that he is the Mozu!"

A referee keenly saw Yun Qingyan's forehead only a small sharp corner.

The others who were struggling to fight with the puppets all looked over.

Including Vollinger, who had been safe and secure with the bodyguard spirit device his father gave him.

However, unlike others, her gaze fell on the tall and tall man with mysterious clothes.

Shuiling’s eyes widened instantly, and two lips whispered, making an incredulous sound.

"Nine... Nine Que Zun... Zun Shang."

The maid who protected her by her side also looked over in surprise.

How could that person appear in the Nether.

Di Jiuque frowned and left with Yun Qingyan.

Vollinger clenched his fingers into the palm of his hand, bloodshot faintly appearing with great strength.

Although the surrounding black mist was full, she was sure that she had not read it wrong.

That is the person she has been dreaming about!

Such a lofty person would actually be dignified and hug a woman, which was unimaginable before her.

How many times did she dream back at midnight, just like this was held in his arms tenderly.

"His Royal Highness, are you wrong?" asked the two maids who hadn't seen Di Jiuque.

A sneer pulled out from the corner of Fu Linger's mouth, destroying all the innocent and lively aura.

"You can't read it wrong, you are right."

And... Fu Linger's eyes narrowed slightly, and her palms were clenched.

What he held in his arms was Yun Qingyan!

She should have thought that Feng Liao is so respectful to Yun Qingyan, most likely not because he likes Yun Qingyan, but because... Yun Qingyan is his future mistress!

hateful! Because she was so stupid before, thinking about making a good relationship with Feng Liao, she also took the initiative to show her okay to Yun.

Now when she thinks of the previous behavior, she is ashamed and angered, and even more annoyed and angry, wishing to break Yun's body lightly.

"Come here, let's go back to Sifang City, I want to tell your mother about this." Vollinger swept across those who were corroded by the black mist without any wave, and turned to leave.

Those apricot eyes shone with luster, huh... How could the palace lord of the Ninth Palace of God's Domain be with the demons?

Only she, she is the most suitable person.

If the Lord is willing to marry her, all the forces in the Sifang City will be taken under the jurisdiction of the Nine Palaces, and the two will be combined, and the world will be able to cross the world!

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