My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2130: Emperor Zun helps to bathe (1)

But fortunately, Kuhai Qinglian is gentle in nature, not as fiercely domineering as Chihuanghuo, so although it is unwell, Yun said that there is no life-threatening for the time being, but it is just going through a period of transformation.

At first Yun Qingyan went into a coma with her spiritual sense, but later she woke up with her spiritual sense, but her body could not move.

It's just that the timing of waking is a bit wrong!

Yun Qingyan opened his eyes wide, watching his clothes being unzipped little by little by a pair of slender hands, his round eyes glared at the man in front of him, helplessly not only unable to move, but also unable to speak.

Di Jiuque didn't seem to expect Yun Qingyan to wake up at this point.

But he breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart. Although he could not move, he was sober.

Although her body has been explored and there is no serious injury, but if she does not wake up, he will feel uneasy.

At this moment, those dark eyes were trying to stare at him, as if they were questioning and accusing.

Di Jiuque was taken aback, suddenly remembering what he was doing now.

"Cough." He coughed slightly, and his hands paused slightly, as if explaining, "You have been in a coma for too long, and the deity will cleanse you."

Yun Qingyan's eyes widened, Di Jiuque bathed her?

As if he felt that he hadn't explained enough, Emperor Jiuque said, "The red flames burned your body, and the spiritual spring in the bath of the deity has a healing effect. This is for your good."

Having said that, his men did not stop, one by one, the clothes were removed.

Yun said lightly: "?!" Her heart is extremely complicated, but now, she can't do anything except perceive what is happening outside.

You can't even say yes or no.

Soon, Yun Qingyan was faded to the point that only a jacket was left, and the girl's delicate and slender body was exposed.

There seemed to be two dark fires in Di Jiuque's deep and narrow eyes, and the **** Adam's apple moved.

This is not the first time he has helped Yun take a bath.

There is no maid in Jiuzhong Palace, and I don't like to leave this kind of thing in the hands of others, even if it is a woman! So he didn't specifically solicit the help of the maid.

During Yun Qingyan's coma...he did such things a lot.

But at that time, Yun said that her consciousness was in a coma, but now it is different. Although she can't move, her consciousness is clear.

She could feel him take off her clothes one by one and help her wash her body.

This kind of unprovoked cognition made Di Jiuque a little embarrassed, and there was a hint of heat outside the embarrassment.

Looking at the last jacket, Emperor Jiuque calmly looked at Yun Qingyan's round eyes, and said seriously, "The effect of wearing clothes in Paolingquan will be reduced by half."

After a long pause, a blush appeared on that Zhang Jun's face, "Anyway, you have seen the deity, we are even."

After that, she started to move towards her shirt, and her slightly cool fingers touched the soft skin from time to time, bringing a strange touch.

{Who is even with him! }

Yun Qingyan roared in his heart.

Although this is the fiance he identified, Yun said lightly that... this feeling of uncontrollable is terrible.

The process of taking off the shirt is very short, but to Yun Qingyan, every minute and every second seems to be stretched.

Until... I was completely stripped of myself.

Even if the mental quality is as strong as a cloud, there is a strange blush on his little face.

But reality did not give her any chance to be embarrassed. Soon, she discovered that Di Jiuque was also undressing? ? ?

Di Jiuque tried his best to make his voice as steady and calm as usual, "I'll take you down to Lingquan later.

The spiritual spring is deeper. To avoid flooding you, the deity will accompany you. "

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