My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2145: Nine Ques of Beloved Wife and Mad Demon Emperor

Yun Qingyan replied casually, "I am indeed a little interested, let's take a look first."

I hope there is any way for her to practice. Although there is Emperor Jiuque by her side, the feeling of powerlessness still makes her very uncomfortable.

Huang Yu took the two of them to the gambling field. Just standing on the outside, you could see the crowds inside.

"Many craftsmen and warcraft lords are looking for high-quality magic crystals. In addition, the magic crystals are scarce soon after they were born, and they are even more precious, and the price remains high."

Huang Yu dutifully introduced, "Many people will come here to try their luck. It is not a dream to get rich overnight.

But there are also those who lost their fortunes. "

Yun nodded softly, which was the same as Blue Star's betting on rocks.

As soon as he stepped into the gambling ground, Yun Qingyan felt a faint breath coming from the air, and the magic crystal in his body seemed to react.

She was happy, the magic crystal was really effective for her!

"However, the two adults have to be careful even if they drive out rare magic crystals." Huang Yu quietly approached the two and whispered.

But when he wanted to take a step closer, he was stared back by Di Jiuque's cold gaze.

"What do you say?" Yun asked lightly.

"If a rare magic crystal is opened, it is very likely that someone will kill it." Huang Yu shook his head. "Even if you sell it on the spot, some people will covet the wealth you get after selling the magic crystal."

Yun Qingyan smiled lightly, killing people and stealing treasures seems to have become a norm in the world of cultivators.

Every husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime.

"The gambling field is managed by the Qinglong clan, no one dares to make trouble directly in the field.

But once you get out of the gambling grounds, that's not always the case. Moreover, Qinglong Aoji, one of the stewards of the gambling stone yard, is extremely greedy. He will guard and steal, send people to pay attention to the movements of those top-grade magic crystals, and will start secretly when the owner leaves the gambling yard. "Topaz showed an angry look on his face, "It was Ao Kai who robbed our shop at the time. "

"There is still such a thing?" Yun said softly, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, "Is no one caring?"

"Although Ao Kai is greedy, he is very eye-catching. He will not offend those from the big powers. He will look for uninfluenced scattered people to start, and he will do things secretly.

Rare spar is inherently rare, very difficult to encounter, plus the fact that the magic crystal is drawn from the scattered people, the probability of these two conditions being met at the same time is even lower.

Although everyone knows that he is guarding and stealing, they can't catch the evidence. Huang Yu shook his head, "I just reminded the two adults that as long as they don't produce the best magic crystals above the cyan one, Ao Kai will not do it." "

Perhaps because Yun said that they had helped him shoot Tang Rui and his party before, Huang Yu had no reservations about them.

In the stone gambling field, at first, there were scattered people who set up a stall to sell a few rough stones, and the real shop was in the back.

Yun Qingyan can vaguely feel that some rough stones are faintly attractive to her magic core.

It's just that the attraction is strong or weak.

Isn't it... She doesn't need identification, she can sense rough stones by nature?

Yun Qingyan planned to try her guess, and she let Di Jiuque lead her to the most attractive stall.

"Boss, how do you sell this rough stone?"

The boss opened his eyelids and frowned when he saw that it was a baby boy.

He glared at Emperor Jiuque in a strange way, regardless of his own baby, don't hinder his business!

However, after staring at Di Jiuque, he suddenly felt a chill from the soles of his feet.

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