My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2147: Nine Ques of Doting Wife and Kuang Devil Emperor (3)

He looked at Yun Qingyan and Di Jiuque cautiously, "Do you still want to continue cutting the two adults?"

Although he is very short of money, he is even more afraid that Yun will make trouble for him.

Before, there were a few gambling gambling with him. After listening to those rumors, they not only snatched the handling fee back, but also asked him to compensate for the money he bought the rough stone!

He really couldn't get the money and was almost beaten to death by them. From then on, he became extra careful.

"Cut it." Yun said lightly, "Although I don't believe in your luck, I believe in my luck.

It doesn't matter if you go down or up. We won't bother you afterwards. "

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, and again carefully put his hand into the basin to wash, as if to wash away the filthy bad luck.

After washing his hands, he solemnly began to cut the stone.

Yun lightly nodded unconsciously...Yes, very ritual.

The people next to him insisted softly and stopped persuading them, and came to watch the good show one by one.

The person who spoke first sneered.

"Believe in your own luck? Even a veteran who has been in the gambling field for hundreds of years, dare not say such conceited words.

It is true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. "

Yun said lightly as it was a draught, his left ear went in and his right ear came out.

But very coincidentally, there happened to be a woman in a goose yellow dress with five or six maids.

The woman in yellow was extremely beautiful, walking in the crowd like a luminous stone, she did not hide her charm.

There are also many jewelry made of brilliant golden metal on her body, which are inlaid with expensive gems, which looks very luxurious.

Yun Qingyan glanced at her and then retracted his gaze, with such a big golden ring around her neck...Don't you think your neck hurts?

Anyway, she couldn't understand this behavior of covering her body with Jinshi, and she looked tired.

The yellow-clothed woman hired to come up curledly and handed the rough stone in her hand to the person who spoke, "I want to cut the rough stone."

Yun Qingyan noticed. Although she was speaking to the master stone cutter, her eyes were consciously or unconsciously glanced towards Di Jiuque.

Xiaoqueque in her family is simply a blue-faced disaster, and she can't stop the peach blossom even wearing a mask.

Yun Qingyan thought helplessly.

However, the popsicle of Emperor Jiuque didn't seem to receive the other party's secret delivery of Qiubo, and even the angle of sight had not changed, as if it had treated the other party as air.

The yellow-clothed woman repeatedly handed her eyes and didn't receive feedback, she couldn't help but feel a little angry. Is that guy a fool?

Seeing such a beautiful woman next to her, why is it like seeing nothing? !

I thought that the other party would take the initiative to strike up a conversation when receiving his own eyes, but I didn't expect that the other party would ignore it.

But the other person's breath fascinated her very much.

Ao Xin pursed her red lips, and slowly approached Yun Qingyan and Di Jiuque.

Just as he was about to step within one meter, a sharp and stern look shot over.

It seems that as long as she gets closer, there will be countless fierce cold swords that will cut her a thousand times.

The coercive pressure caused Ao Xin's body to stop before thinking.

After standing still, she realized that her heart was pounding non-stop-it was a highly nervous stress response when faced with a threat.

Di Jiuque's icy and deterrent gaze not only didn't let her retreat, but made Ao Xin more interested in him.

Dragon Mu Qiang! The stronger the opponent, the more she likes it!

"Are you here to bet on rocks too?" She asked with a smile that she thought was the most perfect.

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