My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2203: Jiang Wuya is her name

But even though he was disappointed, Baishang still answered Yun's lightly saying, "Yes.

Wuya's full name is Frontier Wuya. At first he was just a soul possessed in a ghost stone at the end of the demon domain. He absorbed the evil thoughts of the world and grew up. It was the lord who carved the four words Frontier Wuya on the ghost stone where he was host. , Gave him his name.

He has stayed with the lord since then.

Later, because of the inconvenience of addressing, the name was changed to Jiang Wuya. "

For these, Bai Shang still remembers clearly.

Yun Qingyan didn't expect that Jiang Wuya... actually... was... the name she took?

Is Jiang Wuya that pervert, or she raised it? ?

Is there something wrong in this?

Not to mention, is she the Lord of the Demon Realm, even if she is... she feels that she shouldn't be able to raise such a surly and treacherous person.

This is how to raise crooked, it is simply to raise the disabled!

Yun Qingyan received too many blow messages today, and she tried to calm herself a little bit, "You said I am the lord of the Demon Realm, what evidence do you have?"

She remembered that she was clearly a traverser from the Blue Star.

The first reincarnated in the Nanxun realm, and finally cultivated to the **** emperor. Because he had obtained the Profound Ring, Huaibi's self-crimination attracted chase and had to explode.

The second life... was possessed by the Yun family eldest lady who had the same name and surname and had an incomplete soul. After the soul merged, she became who she is now.

Bai Shangdao, "Xuan Jie is the best proof. It will not mistake the owner."

Yun said lightly and slowly, "I remember... Profound Ring is a dual ring of mother and child.

In addition to this black profound ring, there is another silver ring that is exactly the same. "

"Master, have you seen Silver Ring?!" Bai Shang suddenly raised his head.

"Yeah." Yun nodded softly. Since she proposed the silver ring, it means that she must have seen it, and it is too late to say that she has not seen it.

"Wearing that silver ring must be Zhan Yan!" A heavy murderous aura appeared in Bai Shang's eyes.

Yun Qingyan was shocked by its appalling killing intent.

"Why do you say that?" She always thought that the black silver double ring existed to seal Huangyan...


Suddenly, Yun said lightly in his heart.

If she really is the Lord of the Demon Realm.

In other words, the person who sealed Huangyan and placed all kinds of restrictions was not someone else... was it... she?

This shocking conjecture made Yun's fingertips tremble softly, but she still concealed the strangeness well.

A look of resentment appeared on Bai Shang's face, "Back then...Master, you and Zhan Yan were about to get engaged.

Master, you used the power of the abyss to make two rings for the prototype. One is silver with the power of the stars, and the other is black with the power of darkness.

The two rings are inside and outside of each other, and only recognize the aura of you and Emperor Zhanyan. That silver ring... should be on Zhanyan. "

Yun Qingyan felt that things were getting more and more complicated. Since it was a wedding ring... why did it later become a sealing ring that restrains the power of Emperor Nine Que and Huang Yan? Are these really made by her?

"Lord, we must rush to kill Zhanyan before he can completely recover!" Bai Shang said, "In those days, more than a dozen tribesmen I led died on them.

He also wants to extract the soul of the lord and exile you in Outland! "


Bai Shang seemed to know that his lord didn't know anything now, he explained, "It's other barren planes."

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