My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2212: Words, I feel uncomfortable (2)

Hearing the news of his majesty, the old tree suddenly became happy, and the leaves rattled.

Now that most of the matter has been resolved, Yun said lightly that she didn't plan to stay here, she was just about to leave Jiuque--

"Boom!" Suddenly, the entire light film vibrated.

The leaves of the old tree trembled violently, "A higher demons have broken in!"

Almost as soon as its words fell, several black shadows swept across the air, each showing a triangular shape, two of them attacked Di Jiuque, and the other grabbed Yun Yun lightly.

Emperor Jiuque frowned fiercely, and patted the three of them mercilessly.

"Nether Shield!"

A huge black compass appeared, with a weird pattern on it, and the compass turned, directly absorbing the attack of Emperor Jiuque!

At this moment, one of them was close to Yun Qingyan.

Yun Qingyan gathered the star power in his hand and slammed it past.

The palm of his hand seemed to hit some extremely hard black stone. Not only did it not shake the person away, but it hurt his hand.

She was shocked in her eyes, so strong!

Even when she reached the God-punishing class, she couldn't feel the bottom line of the other party's cultivation.

An ice-cold blade stuck to her neck, Yun said that it was tightly clamped, and at the same time, the two men attacking Di Jiuque were easily slapped flying.

But seeing his companion being knocked into the air, the person holding Yun Qingyan didn't even change his face.

A pair of red blood eyes looked at Di Jiuque, "If you don't want her to die.

Give us the gun you bought at the auction. "

Di Jiuque looked over, his handsome face tight, his thin lips pressed into a straight line.

There was a hideous scar on Wu Yan's handsome face, and his eyes stared at the man in front of him coldly.

He has estimated the strength of this man, even if it is him, within a hundred moves, he will undoubtedly lose.

If you can't grab it, you can only find another way.

The person in his hands seems to be a very important person to the other party. On this trip, they didn't want to cause more troubles and fight with others. They just wanted to get back the lord's gun. No matter what method they used, it was a good way to complete the task.

Di Jiuque almost didn't hesitate, stretched out his right palm, and a war spear with a red bow appeared in his hand.

Put people down. "

Wu Yan was amazed, but he didn't expect the other party to be so simple.

The person who was shot into the air by the Emperor Jiuque stood behind him, spitting blood, showing a posture of alert.

"We only need guns.

Give us the gun, and we will return it to you safe and sound. "Wu Yan thought for a while, said.

While talking, he restrained Yun to move forward.

"Hey. Use me as a threat, should you ask my opinion?"

Seeing Wu Yan about to get a gun, Yun Qingyan suddenly attacked backward with an elbow.

An impatient flash flashed in Wu Yan's eyes. Just as he was about to use his dagger to signal the captive to be quiet, he saw a slender, white hand pressed against the blade indifferently.

Di Jiuque's pupils shrank into sharp points, "Yan'er!"

"This soft dagger, are you using to threaten me?" Yun Qingyan pinched the blade, looked at the demon man behind him in surprise, with doubts written in his eyes.

I saw that the disaster dagger that can easily cut through the domain master level master, in her hand, is like plasticine, soft, let her knead it, like a fake dagger.

In an instant, the tension became awkward.

Wu Yan and the other two demon men stood there blankly, especially Wu Yan.

The seven demon kings each possessed seven natal weapons, but most of them were destroyed tens of thousands of years ago, and only the evil dagger of the **** king remained.

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