When Yun Qingyan woke up contentedly, it was already noisy outside.

Yun gently rubbed his forehead, "What happened?"

Di Jiuque's face was faint, with a calm and indifferent appearance, "It's nothing, little trouble, do you want to sleep again?"

"Xiao Da Xiao Nao?" Yun said lightly, raising her eyebrows. Can Xiao Da Xiao Nao make her all the trouble?

"Let's go out and have a look." Yun said lightly without even wanting to stand up. He wanted to go out. As soon as he was together, his feet softened. As a master of Zhuo God level, he almost fell to the ground. He was extremely embarrassed.

Fortunately, an arm wrapped her waist in time.

"Speak lightly, be careful." A slightly smiling voice came from behind.

Yun Qingyan suddenly turned his head and glared at someone viciously. Who on earth was it? !

Di Jiuque seemed incomprehensible, his narrow and clear eyes were stained with a smile, and he looked at her innocently.

Yun Qingyan took a deep breath, the Xing Yuan force revolved for a week, and went out with Di Jiuque, and flew towards the sound source.

It was a valley, and many dragons were already standing around, and Cang Ming was there. It came back after teaching the two grown-up cubs with stiff wings.

What makes Yun Qingyan curious is that in this appearance, Ao Nan and Ao Dong both wear masks.

"What's the matter with the two dragon kings? Why did they suddenly put on the masks?" She flew down with Di Jiuque, and instantly attracted a lot of attention, most of which were not kind.

Ao Dong and Ao Nan looked at Yun bitterly, why do they still speak out while wearing masks?

Of course, he was beaten in the face and couldn't see people, in order to maintain the majesty of the Azure Dragon King!

"These two little cubs are too skinny, and the start is a little heavier." Cang Ming put his hands around his chest, in a tone of inattention.

Ao Dong and Ao Nan were very resentful. They were bullied by him when they were young. Now that they are the Azure Dragon King, they continue to be bullied.

This demon is simply an insurmountable gap between them since childhood! After so many years, they still couldn't shake him.

The two didn't know, Cang Ming had secretly swallowed several mouthfuls of old blood, but in order to maintain his undefeated image, this proud guy had always pretended to be nothing.

Yun Qingyan looked at the aggressive Cang Ming, smiled slightly, and threw a bottle to it.

Cang Ming looked over suspiciously. After discovering what was in the bottle, he took a deep look at Yun Qingyan. There was nothing else in the jade bottle, it was the soul nourishing liquid.

"What's wrong?" Yun said lightly when he saw Carlos confronting a teenager with blond hair and golden eyes.

The boy looked no more than the size of a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child, with a delicate face, and his aura on his body.

Her monsters and dragons lined up in two rows, and the atmosphere was tense.

Perhaps the coercion of the dragon clan was too strong, Feather Snake and other monsters looked unsightly, their aura was faintly crushed, and they were all supported by Carlos.

"Master!" Seeing Yun Qingyan, Carlos' eyes lit up and ran over.

The silver-haired youth was like a child, with pure joy on his face.

"Is this your master?" The young man with golden eyes came over, raised his mouth, and hurled around Yun Qingyan with disdain, "The owner of the Ancestral Dragon bone?"

Carlos was very dissatisfied with the gaze he looked at Yun Qingyan, and his sky blue eyes were stained with a bit of evil spirits.

Yun lightly raised his eyebrows, "I am the master of Carlos, what can I advise?"

"No advice." The golden eye boy said, "I just heard that you once owned an ancestral dragon bone."

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