Di Jiuque looked at the angry cloud and said lightly, a smile slowly floated on handsome Qingjun's face, "It has nothing to do with it. It's just a secret injury."

Yun Qingyan frowned slightly, "The dark wound, what kind of medicine is needed to cure it?"

After speaking, she suddenly remembered that Emperor Jiuque was even higher in refining medicine than him.

"Just rest for a while." Di Jiuque said.

Yun Qingyan thought about it for a while, and brought the Emperor Jiuque out of the Profound Ring. The strong star power in the outside world was good for his injury.

As soon as he came out, Yun said lightly that he was hugging his leg.

Looking down, it was a little golden dragon.

"My little master promised to be your contract beast! Give me the Ancestral Dragon bones!" Xiao Jinlong said with his eyes widened.

Yun Qingyan raised his eyebrows slightly, why his mind changed so quickly.

When she raised her head, she saw Cang Ming's expression on her chest and raised eyebrows.

Look at Xiao Jinlong's faintly bruised eyes and broken scales, what else he doesn't understand.

"Are you sure? Recognize me as Lord, and if I die, you must die too."

"You die!" Xiao Jinlong's eyes burst into anger, "Hurry up and give me the Ancestral Dragon bones!"

He wants to become a five-clawed golden dragon, and grab the blue dragon that doesn't have long eyes and beat it!

So angry! As the only golden dragon of the dragon clan for thousands of years, no dragon has beaten it since it was born! How could it bear this kind of grievance.

Yun Qingyan looked at the impulsive little Jinlong, and a smile slowly conjured up at the corner of his mouth.

Since it was delivered for free, don't let it go.

She put a hand on its forehead, the light enveloped, and soon the contract light array floated between the two.

When accepting the Little Golden Dragon's Divine Consciousness Sea, suddenly a consciousness rushed towards her frantically, attacking her Divine Consciousness Sea desperately.

Yun Qingyan hurriedly gathered his consciousness to protect his sea of ​​consciousness.

His head was dizzy.

"Quietly!" Di Jiuque discovered that something was wrong with her for the first time, but the contract involved the souls of two people, and even he could not easily intervene. If his divine consciousness forcibly intervened, it would be against Yun's lightly divine sense. Cause irreversible damage.

Yun said lightly that he felt something was hitting her divine consciousness wall vigorously. After several consecutive collisions, he broke through its divine consciousness wall easily, stirred up a wave in her divine consciousness sea, and rushed into the depths of her divine consciousness sea. , Messing up her memory.

She closed her eyes, her face was pale, and drops of cold sweat leaked from her forehead.

Divine consciousness damage will not show damage on the surface of the body like the flesh, but divine consciousness damage is the most difficult and most dangerous injury to heal.

If that thought continues to stir up trouble in her divine consciousness, she is very likely to become an idiot and lose her consciousness.

The thought was very daunting, as if fearless, rushing towards the core of her spiritual consciousness with the gesture of a winner.

With such a weak mind, dare to contract the host it has finally found?

However, it hasn't been long for him to be happy.

"No!!!" A scream like a sharp howl erupted in the depths of Yun Qingyan's divine consciousness. The divine mind that had just been arrogant twisted a few times in agony and was swallowed up.

A dark color suddenly appeared in Yun Qingyan's eyes.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a dark purple that was almost black, dark and deep, without bottoming out.

When he saw that look, Di Jiuque's fingertips suddenly fell into his palm and shrank fiercely.

It took a long time before Yun Qingyan came to his senses, blinked, and saw Di Jiuque's expression of wanting to talk but not daring to approach.

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