Looking at Ji Weiran's angry and even aggrieved handsome face, Yu Dapang's shoulders trembled even more!

Hahaha! ! ! It's another...can't think of it!

Hey! After knowing the identity of Sister Yun, if you don't surprise you to death, he wrote the three words Yu Dafaang upside down!

Seeing that Yu Da Pang and Yun had no tendency to self-destruct their identities, Ji Weiran took another sip of water depressed, suppressing the depression in his heart.

The first time I saw him so shameless. Ji Weiran thought about it for a while, and decided that he should not be too hot to stick to someone's cold ass.

Alas, fortunately, he still saw them right away and wanted to make friends.

Unexpectedly, the other party would not even tell him his name.

Over there, Yun Qingyan had already curled up his mouth leisurely, "Actually... it doesn't matter to tell you."

Ji Weiran, who was about to turn around and left, paused, turned his head and looked over, eyes bright!

"My surname is Yun, and my two names speak lightly. You can call me Yun lightly."

The girl's Qingyue's voice was as refreshing as running water, and it was especially nice.

"Puff!!!" Ji Weiran couldn't hold back any more, the water that had just been put in his mouth before he could swallow it all spouted out with a puff.

Yun Qingyan has always been agile and vigilant. He turned lightly, and his figure flashed to the side. On the white clothes, there was no water dripping.

But it was painful to follow her, a big fat Yu with physical inconvenience.

Jinpeng Thunder Eagle was so fast that he flew out after Yun Qingyan.

But Big Fat, who hadn't reacted yet, was sprayed with water on his face unexpectedly!

Ice-cold water splashed on his face, and the unresponsive Yu Dafat had a round face dull, and his two eyeballs were staring. When the cold water drops on his lips, he subconsciously smashed it. Mouth!

It wasn't until the cold water drops ticking on his neck and flowing down the neck into the clothes, that he came back to his senses!

He pointed at Ji Weiran angrily, "You! How can you do this?!"

It doesn't matter if he was poured cold, and...the drop of water just now, he inadvertently drank several sips.

His mother once told him that drinking someone else's saliva is equivalent to indirect kissing!

He...his first kiss ahhhhhhhh! ! !

He actually kissed a man indirectly! ! !

He has preserved his pure first kiss for more than ten years, but he wants to give it to a soft and cute girl!

Now he was given a man who was taller than him, stronger than him, and even more muscular and handsome than him! the man! the man! Even the gender is wrong!

Huh! Huh! Why is he always injured! What did he do wrong? !

Fatty Yu died! Sad! heartbroken!

A pair of black bean eyes quickly filled with a layer of mist, full of grievance, and desperately depressed!

He wanted to go up and teach Ji Weiran a lesson.

However, after measuring the combat effectiveness of both sides, Yu Da Pang became even more depressed!

Without the guts to go head-to-head with Ji Weiran, Yu Dapang could only point to Ji Weiran and complain,

"How can you spit freely?! Too unqualified! Too much! You...you...you..."

His lips trembled with anger, and he searched his entire mind, and there was no reason for you to come out!

He wanted to scold Ji Weiran again, and was afraid that he would scold him too much. What should Ji Weiran do twice on his body?

Don't look at his fleshy body! But they are not beaten at all! It hurts after a dozen!

Before Ji Weiran slapped him casually twice, he didn't feel good anymore, if he really did it to himself...

Big Fat Yu didn't even dare to think about it!

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