My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 830: Jiang Wuya hits his chest?

With that little cat's temperament, he will not easily beg for mercy even if he is dead, but will only use his paws to gouge the enemy's flesh!

Yun said lightly watching Jiang Wuya's footsteps stop, and he was immediately confused.

At such a long distance, she could not guarantee that Jiang Wuya would kill with one blow.

Why did he...stop it?

Jiang Wuya's purple eyes flickered a few times, and a small smile was slowly drawn out at random, and then he began to take a few steps forward calmly and gracefully, slowly squatting down in front of Yun Qingyan.

The tall and slender figure was now at the same level as Yun who was sitting on the ground with his black stone back.

Yun Qingyan could even clearly see the faint purple light flashing from time to time in his rosy purple eyes.

There are also thin red lips and delicate facial lines.

Exudes a thick enchantment.

However, she didn't see any flaws in him!

His actions and posture seemed to be random, but she didn't have a chance to take advantage of it.

What a boundless world, so vigilant.

Yun frowned insignificantly, thinking hard in his mind, a pair of beautiful black pupils looked pitifully at the person in front of him like a frightened rabbit, trying to maximize his harmlessness.

Then, a slender white finger suddenly stretched out to her.

At that moment, Yun said lightly that she almost subconsciously violently attacked, but her reason made her endure it.

Behind Jiang Wuya, five black robe envoys were staring at her with cold eyesight. As long as there was any change in her, they could immediately kill her on the spot before she did it.

Yun Qingyan pressed his lips tightly, his eyes focused on Jiang Wuya's protruding hand.

It was a very beautiful hand that was slender and white like a work of art, as delicate and white as porcelain jade, but that white was a bit pale like a vampire after a long absence.

The slender five fingers restrained Yun Qingyan's little jaw, as if playing with and examining the exquisite artwork.

This almost obscene action made Yun Qingyan slid through the depths of his eyes quickly with a cold glow, but she was perfectly concealed.

She could feel that the manipulative and deep purple eyes were scanning every inch of her face dangerously, not missing a detail or a trace of hair.

Yun Qingyan's heart clenched almost instantly, changed her gender, and changed her face. Could Jiang Wuya still recognize her?

Just as Yun Qingyan was nervous, Jiang Wuya suddenly released the hand that clamped her chin, and his charming gaze suddenly descended, along Yun Qingyan’s eyes, nose, and red lips, down to the delicate chin, white. Neck, and then... continue down——

Falling on Yun Qingyan's chest!

Those eyes stared at her chest tightly, hot and serious, as if they were exploring something, there was no intention to move away!

Yun Qingyan's face turned green in an instant!

If it wasn't for the wrong time and place and loss of power, she would have to gouge out his eyes!

Fortunately, her body was previously delayed due to poisoning. These days, although it has restarted development due to cultivation and nourishment, it is not obvious.

In addition, she was now dressed in menswear and wrapped her breasts. As long as she didn't take off her clothes, Ren Jiang Wuya couldn't see anything unusual no matter how she looked at it.

But just as Yun Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief for himself in his heart, a white hand suddenly leaned toward her chest, as if trying to pull the dress away.

"You--?!" Yun said lightly that his heart beat suddenly, and he subconsciously blocked it!

"Huh!" Suddenly, a violent wind suddenly struck from one side, billowing killing intent, without concealing it!

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