My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 837: Jiang Wuya must be missed very much!

Pan Leopard was left by Jiang Wuya and continued to guard at the bottom of the cliff, while Yun Qingyan and the Heipao people rushed into there with Jiang Wuya.

Yun Qingyan's cultivation is suppressed, and he can't use Shocking Yunbu to reveal his identity, naturally he can't keep up with the speed of Jiang Wuya and others.

She originally wanted to take advantage of this "weakness" to slowly get away from the frontiers and the Wuya group, and then let Xiaoxuan release the restraint on the handle ring.

But... the plan always fails to keep up with the changes.

Seeing Yun Qingyan hanging far behind the crowd, the gap widening, Jiang Wuya's cold eyes swept across Yun Qingyan, and he raised his hand, Yun Qingyan instantly felt a trace of invisible traction on his wrist. The body was involuntarily drawn and flew towards the boundless frontier.

It's like walking a dog!

The treatment is worse than the dog!

The other dog was being walked, she... was directly dragged away!

Yun said lightly: "..."

She grinds her alveolar severely and is determined in her heart.

Before she left, she absolutely wanted him to taste the taste of the offspring!

Presumably, Jiang Wuya must have a sense of that taste—ten, points, misses, and misses!

After Jiang Wuya lost interest in Yun Qingyan, no one looked at her anymore.

The people present are all powerful and respected generations, how can they pay attention to an ant whose strength is not higher than the profound stage? I followed her before, but because Jiang Wuya was interested in her!

Therefore, only Xiao Xuan in Xuan Ring noticed the cold, gnashing expression of his master.

Its furry body shook instantly.

Someone who doesn't have eyesight provokes the owner, and I'm afraid someone will be unlucky next! It's sad, sigh, and pathetic!

The group of people was racing at the bottom of the cliff, while Yun Qingyan was passively sabotaged while being dragged by Jiang Wuya, but in fact he had secretly started Qixing Body Refining and began to regain his strength.

The Seven-Star Body Refining Judgment tempers the muscles and blood of the whole body, and can also resolve the side effects of the bones and palms to a certain extent.

In the realm of the Profound Stage, the bone-changing palm of the noble master can still be immortal. In addition to the effect of the bitter sea green lotus seed, a large part of it is because her flesh and blood has been tempered with the Seven-Star Body Refining Jue, and she was also Chi Huang Fire tempered!

Her flesh and blood are more than four or five times stronger than the average master of the same level!

Jiang Wuya and his team have been racing at the bottom of the cliff for nearly half an hour, their vision suddenly changed! .

The deep and dark fog gradually dissipated, and a huge mountain gradually appeared in Qingming's vision!

It's not so much a mountain, it's a huge tomb covering the sky and the sun!

The tomb is dead and towering like a cloud, forming a giant peak pointing straight to the sky!

Nine huge totem cylinders with a diameter of 100 meters surround the surroundings, straight into the cloud, and the hideous behemoth totem hovering on it, lifelike, or roaring or cutting the ground with sharp claws, majestic, as if to rush out of the stone pillar and tear it apart Every intruder who enters here!

On the huge tomb, there are no monuments or tombs, only the word "town" with a strong pen is deeply engraved on the front pinnacle, which contains a shockingly huge pressure!

Yun Qingyan just stared at that Zhenzi for a second, and then felt a tingling and dizzy in his eyes, and the whole mental sea seemed to be pricked by thousands of needles, pain into the bone!


She quickly retracted her gaze, but her dark pupils were covered with a water mist of physiological stimulation because of severe pain.

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