My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 850: I'm so sorry~

Yun Qingyan frowned and squeezed the five fingers that clamped Jiang Wuya's neck, and a strong killing intent shot out from the bright black pupils.

However, Jiang Wuya only raised his red lips and looked at her faintly with purple eyes.

The injuries on his face began to recover quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The bruises on the face, the marks on the corners of the mouth... are slowly disappearing.

how come? Yun Qingyan felt like he was holding a piece of profound iron, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't crush it.

Jiang Wuya shook his head lazily.

"My bones in key parts have been specially tempered, so you can't crush them."

Immediately, he raised the corners of his lips triumphantly, "Even if it is crushed, it will fully recover within a quarter of an hour, little cat, are you sure you want to continue?"

He tilted his head.

Yun said coldly and said nothing.

Nothing is indestructible...but she did see countless powerful biological bloodlines in the Southern Sea Realm in her previous life.

Even if only a little bit of flesh and blood can be recovered, the terrifying resilience and vitality are enough to make any race fearful.

There are also some people who have rare treasures, and their resilience is much stronger than others. For example, her bitter sea green lotus seeds can make her recover faster than others.

However, no matter how strong the resilience is, it needs to consume energy, and once the successor is insufficient...that is the real period of destruction.

I just don't know whether Jiang Wuya's terrifying resilience is due to his own blood...or he is carrying a strange treasure.

Only by knowing it can we'prescribe the right medicine'.

When Yun Qingyan was thinking about what to do with Jiang Wuya, a loud noise came from all around.

"His!" The terrifying whispers came from all directions, accompanied by the sound of scales rubbing on the ground, making people feel cold.

"Oh, there's a guest here." Jiang Wuya smiled, bending his purple eyes, and said lazily.

Jiang Wuya couldn't kill him for the time being, and he couldn't help him. Yun Qingyan subconsciously stepped away from this abnormal step. Every step he took, the broken bones on her left ankle made her gasp.

Xuan Jie couldn't open her foot injury without treatment, and she had no strength to relieve her pain. At this time, the injury on her ankle became her biggest weakness.

Jiang Wuya's purple eyes faintly glanced at Yun Qingyan's slender ankles, his red lips rose, and one flashed to Yun Qingyan's side, with one arm around her waist, and said intimately, "Tsk~ Forget the little cat injured her foot. ~I'm so sorry~"

She said sorry, but there was no trace of sorry in the words.

Yun said lightly with an elbow, took a fierce look at Jiang Wuya, and slapped his hand on his waist away.

The eyes were as cold as cold blades, "Stay away from me!"

Too close to the perversion of the essence, always made her have a sense of horror.

She was injured on her foot, but she has a bloodthirsty vine.

Jiang Wuya also lost his cultivation base, but he has the resilience that is so strong to immortality.

Now, no one can help the two of them, and there is a moment of harmony between them.

"Tsk, Kitty is so cold~" Jiang Wuya didn't care much about Yun's refusal.

His slender fingers swept across his delicate chin, the evil charm was lazy, "This temple is only concerned about the injuries on your feet~"

Doesn't he know who did the good thing about the injury on her foot? Yun Qingyan's eyes were cold, and he was too lazy to leave him.

The Bloodthirsty Demon Vine originally placed in Tianshu's Qi Sea was summoned by her again, wrapped around her wrist, ready to attack at any time.

A pair of dark phoenix eyes exudes a wolfish light, and they are very alert, like a beast ready to go.

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