My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 858: Because the master loves me~

The red lips evoked a charming smile, Jiang Wuya leaned close to Yun Qingyan, and wrapped Yun Qingyan's hands very affectionately. A pair of deep and mysterious purple eyes like gems curled up, falling down generously and gracefully. Looking straight at the leader proudly,

"Of course it's because the master loves me~"

He lowered his head shyly, as if he was really a male pet who had been trained since childhood but was favored by his master.

"The master loves me and refuses to put me in danger. No matter what danger is encountered, he will be stopped by himself. I would rather be injured to keep me safe. Only my clothes can be so intact.

The owner is beloved, boundlessly grateful, and is willing to be a cow and a horse by the owner to repay his kindness. "

After speaking, a pair of purple eyes looked at Yun softly with affection and tenderness.

Yun said lightly that his body became stiff and his teeth began to sore.

Too able to act this pervert!

Receiving the suspicious gaze of the opposing leader, Yun lightly suppressed the action of kicking the close person out, and pulled out a stiff smile.

"Ha ha."

She lowered her head and scanned Jiang Wuya's eyes with an implicit warning.

Jiang Wuya grinned in response.

"Sorry, I was suspicious." The leader apologized.

There are indeed some owners who pamper their pets to an outrageous level, like treating expensive pets. They use the best food and clothing. They would rather suffer themselves than the pet’s beautiful appearance. damage.

With this young man's so beautiful and suffocating appearance, it is not difficult to understand that this young boy who has never seen the world can be so crazy about him.

If he were a young teenager, he might be so crazy for beauty.

Why did the leader believe it? Yun Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief and was silent in his heart.

Yun Qingyan pushed Away Boundless by asking the leader's action, "My servant and I lost our way in this desert, and our food and water resources were exhausted.

Fighting the snake man before has consumed a lot of energy.

Do you know where there is an oasis for rest and supplies? "

When Yun said this lightly, everyone opened their mouths in shock.

Fight with snake people?

Two ordinary people with no vitality can defeat so many snakes? ! how is this possible!

Even ordinary snake people, their powerful strength and swift speed, are not comparable to ordinary humans.

"You defeated the snake man by your own hands?!" The leading man asked out of an incredible voice.

Yun lightly smiled, and instead of answering, he flicked his wrist.

"Huh!" The red and purple vines sprang out from her wrist like a snake!

"Ah!" The vines that burst out made several members of the Thunder Fire Tribe subconsciously take two steps back and make a defensive posture.

"Feier!" Even the leading man subconsciously protected his son behind him.

After discovering that the strange vine that suddenly shot did not harm them, everyone patted their violently beating hearts and calmed down.

"Little brother, what is this with you?" The man in the lead was obviously interested in the bloodthirsty vine on Yun Qingyan's wrist.

"This is a protective thing left to me by the elders of the family. It looks like a vine and can easily strangle wild beasts." Yun Qinglied and didn't blush. "I relied on this protective thing to repel the snake-man. "

"What a powerful magic plant, it's no wonder that the snake-men can be helpless." The man couldn't help touching the Bloodthirsty Demon Vine with his hand, but he stopped at the deterrence of the barbs that rose from its surface.

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