"Fire crystal is a kind of spar unique to the Tamur Desert. It is buried under the hot yellow sand and is a gem bestowed by God.

It contains a wealth of fire power, which can be practiced by god-given warriors. Lei Fei explained.

That fire crystal should be what I was looking for.

Yun Qingyan secretly guessed that in that fire crystal, almost all of the time, there is a rich fire attribute energy.

But... what is the god-given warrior?

Yun Qingyan had questions in her heart one after another, but she did not dare to ask any more at this time.

The questions she asked before had aroused Lei Fei's vigilance, and asking more questions would not be beautiful.

The food sent by Lei Fei was almost eaten, and some more was distributed to Xiao Xuan, Yun Qingyan looked at the last bit of food in his hand, and carefully tore a small piece of bread to Jiang Wuya.

That's right, Leihuo tribe's food is a kind of coarse grains like bread. It is not real bread, but the taste and shape are similar to bread, and you can taste a starchy taste with one bite.

Because he didn't know what it was, Yun lightly called it bread.

The bread Yun Qingyan handed to Jiang Wuya was only the length and size of a finger.

He raised his hand and greeted Jiang Wuya with a gesture of beckoning a dog.

"I'm here for breakfast, me, man, man, pet."

Yun Qingyan took advantage of this opportunity to taunt him vigorously. When he said a few words about my male pet, his frivolous and casual tone obviously contained a hint of ridicule.

Lei Fei stared at Yun Qingyan with a dumbfounded look at the bread shreds in Yun Qingyan's hand that was no more than a finger's length. He didn't dare to say anything, "You...you just give your male pet such a thing?"

Didn’t you say that you love your male pet very much?

Doesn't it mean that you would rather protect your male pet when you are injured?

Why is it so stingy with a male pet who loves him to the point of his life?

Facing Lei Fei's unbelievable surprise, Yun raised his eyebrows lightly, "What? What do you think?"

"The food you give is too little!" Lei Fei said in a grievance for Jiang Wuya, "Such a certain thing, you can't eat a bite.

Do you want to starve your male pet to death? "

Yun said he didn't care, "Isn't he just a male pet? I can't do much work anyway. It doesn't matter if I eat less?

And if you eat too much and become fat, it won't look good. "

If Jiang Wuya could really starve to death, then she would burn incense and worship Buddha and sing to celebrate! !

Lei Fei: "..." It's simply unreasonable.

Jiang Wuya, whose ration was deducted by his master, was careless about the'male favorite', he moved lazily to Yun Qingyan, and reached out to take the loaf of bread in her hand.

Those enchanting peach blossom purple eyes twitched, Jiang Wuya smiled, "The master is right, I don't need to eat anything."

Moreover, he didn't want to eat this rough ration.

Lei Fei shook his head, and stopped bothering them.

Anyway, this is the matter of their master and servant. Since they have no objection, what is his mind? Let them die to death, starve to death!

After eating and drinking, Yun Qingyan went to see the leader Leite with Jiang Wuya.

When Lette saw Yun Qingyan, a look of surprise slipped across his face, "You...you... Brother Yun, are you a god-given warrior?"

Yun said lightly and was speechless.

God-given warrior, why is this name so... Uh, what about the **** stick?

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