My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 884: You look best when you get bruised and swollen by me!

"Do you know when you look best?"

Jiang Wuya narrowed his eyes dangerously, and Yun said lightly that his current behavior was too abnormal!

But this time he didn't immediately break away from the shackles of Yun Qingyan. Instead, he raised his squiggly red lips and smiled. His sweet voice was as charming as silk, and he lowered his head as if shy, "When is the best time for the master to feel Wuya? Look?"

Yun Qingyan stretched out his thin white fingers, patted him carelessly on the face, and said maliciously.

"Does that still need to be asked? Of course you look best when you are bruised and swollen by me!"

Jiang Wuya's face went gloomy for an instant!

The deep purple eyes seemed to be poisoned, and they would die.

Suddenly, he smiled brilliantly, like a mandala, his tongue licked his red lips.

"The master's hobby is as makes the slave excited~"

As if to confirm his words, Jiang Wuya's whole body trembled a little!

Damn it! Damn shaking M!

Yun shook softly, released his hand, and shook it as if it was stained with bacteria.

She was wrong! She shouldn't think that she can pervert more than one trembling M!

"Haha." Two cold voices fell, Yun said lightly and stepped sideways, his eyes leaping across Borderless.

What greeted her was the gazes of the people of the Thunder Fire Tribe that could hardly express a word.

When she was communicating with Jiang Wuya in a low voice, Lei Mu's body was buried under the yellow sand, only one head was exposed.

At this moment, he also looked at Yun Qingyan with a very indescribable look.

Yun blinked inexplicably.

After thinking about it for a while, Lei Mu pursed his lips, and stopped talking.

"Little Brother Yun, even if you are playing with male pets, you have to pay attention to your measure.

Otherwise, if such a beautiful male pet is broken, it will be difficult to find a second one. "

His regretful and pitiful eyes fell on Jiang Wuya.

It is a pity that Little Brother Yun is unwilling to transfer this male pet. If it were him, he would definitely treat this beautiful and delicate young man like a porcelain doll!

He is so perfect that he is like a gem from the gods!

Lei Mu's words seemed to have opened a sluice, and everyone around him spoke in a rush.

"Yes, yes!

Such beautiful male pets are rare. Brother Yun must cherish it! "

"I heard that the patriarch of the Stant tribe killed his favorite male pet because he had played with fire while playing.

That male pet is the first beautiful man in Tamur, known as the Pearl of the Desert, with a handsome appearance comparable to that of a snake man.

After his death, Patriarch Stent was depressed for half a month, and no matter how he looked for it, he couldn't find such a beautiful human being! "

"Who said I couldn't find it?

I think Brother Yun’s male favorite can throw away hundreds of streets of the desert pearl! "The focus of everyone's argument does not know when it will shift.

Yun said lightly: "..."

Who says that people with a simple personality don't gossip? !

"But, Brother Yun, why does your male pet wear a mask every day?" Someone asked strangely, with a certain desire in his voice.

"Little Brother Yun, can you let your male pet take off the mask so that we can see the peerless face?"

Wearing half of the mask is so beautiful, how beautiful is it after taking off the mask!

Being reminded like this, Yun Qingyan suddenly remembered this unsolved mystery that he had forgotten for a long time-what exactly does Jiang Wuya look like?

She glanced over Jiang Wuya's face, patrolling where there were hidden buttons to unmask the mask.

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