With just a few words, everyone's eyes on Yun Qingyan changed instantly!

A warm current rises from the bottom of my heart, and there is even more incomparable shame!

Damn, what were they thinking just now? They thought Little Brother Yun was a cruel and ruthless person before, which is simply wrong!

Brother Yun is so affectionate and righteous! It is precisely because he regards them as brothers that ‘he’ is unwilling to trouble them, so he will abandon his favorite male pet!

Lei Fei stared at the impassioned and indescribable young man who gave a speech on the camel beast, and then glanced at the moved and excited expressions of his family members, and a strange feeling rose in his heart.

How does he feel that something is wrong?

Under Yun Qingyan's brotherhood and strict rejection, the team finally chose to abandon the search for boundless boundaries and began to march in the direction of Leihuo Tribe.

Because the exchange goods they brought were partly damaged by DaVin, they had stayed late this time. If they don't speed up now, I'm afraid they won't be able to rush back before night!

They did not wear much clothes when they came out in the daytime. By then, not to mention the dangerous desert at night, but the extremely cold temperature would be enough to kill them!

"Hey, it's really a kitty that can only buy people's hearts~" On a sand dune, the man's black robe was blown by the wind to hunt and hunt, his long purple hair was flying, and his half exquisite face was amazingly beautiful!

After sighing, he made a gesture behind him.

Soon there was a rustling sound, which was the sound of objects rubbing against sand.

Several human-like figures in black robes left quickly. If anyone had sharp eyes, they could see a green snake tail under the black robes.

Not long after the convoy was running, a staggered figure ran from the sand dune on one side in embarrassment, and a soft and sweet voice came, "Master!"

Yun Qingyan's face became stiff, as if he hadn't noticed it, he continued to ride on the camel beast, and his men secretly patted the camel beast to speed it up.

"Master, it's that fellow with annoying breath again." Xiao Xuan, who had woke up from his nap, was very dissatisfied.

The owner is its owner, what qualifications does that guy have to call the owner.

"Yeah." Yun said lightly in response to the spirit sea, without squinting.

However, no matter how she pretends, there is a teammate who is dragging her back!

"Hey, look, that person seems familiar." Lei Fei said lightly.

The corners of Yun's mouth twitched softly. Can you not familiar with it? That is Jiang Wuya!

Although the realm of Yun Qingyan and Lei Fei is not much different now, Yun Qingyan’s five senses are the strength of Master Xuanyuan, so Yun Qingyan can clearly see the distant frontier, but Lei Fei can only blur it. Just look at it roughly.

"If you don't leave soon, it will be dark, let's go back soon."

Withdrawing his hand, Yun lightly reminded Lei Fei to speed up.

"But..." Lei Fei stopped talking, and Jiang Wuya seemed to have guessed Yun Qingyan's thoughts. He stopped pretending to run and staggered, pretending to be badly injured and rolled down from the hill.

"Wait a minute, I'll save people!" Lei Fei instantly abandoned his previous doubts and ran towards Jiang Wuya.

Yun Qingyan sighed quietly.

What a honest child. But, do you know that sometimes you save a poisonous snake?

"Yun Qingyan! It's your favorite man!" As soon as he got closer and saw Jiang Wuya's face clearly, Lei Fei happily shook his hand to Yun Qingyan.

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