The soul was taken away, so why hasn't the illusion broken yet?

Yun Qingyan was puzzled, but the current situation did not allow her to think about it.

"Oh, where is this little human girl from?" A soft and moving voice sounded, and Yun lightly felt a chill on the back of his neck.

She pressed her feet, and her figure resembled a flash of lightning, quickly flashing to the side.

"Pop!" A bunch of venom dripped from where she had left, corroding a piece of rock.

Yun Qingyan turned his head and took a look, and he happened to see an enchanting snake girl.

He has long hazel hair, deep eyes and a straight nose. The outlines of his facial features are full of exotic style. The light cyan eyes reveal a seductive charm. On the bumpy figure, only a thin piece of cloth covers the chest. The snake tail is different from the cyan of other snake people, but a kind of pale gold.

"The little girl is flashing very fast~" The snake girl chuckled with her slender fingers gently brushing her beautiful red lips."

That little black group was right, the Fire Elemental Spirit had already been taken by her sister.

The little girl wants to use the fire element spirit, might as well come and play with her sister~"

While she was talking, there was a splendid red lips, and countless venom arrows spurted from her mouth, overwhelming the world.

The densely packed five-color venom makes the scalp numb!

"This attacker is much taller than your two subordinates." Yun said with a long smile, and dodged the venom shot in an unscientific and flexible posture, unceremoniously provoking .

"Snake Lian, Snake Hui?!" The snake girl's smiling face sank instantly, "What have you done to them?"

Just being trapped in the depths of the desert and unable to get out, suddenly seeing a human being rushed in here was excited, and a little juggling thought arose.

But she had forgotten that, except for her who was trapped here as the Queen of the Snake Race, the only two proud men who could enter this extremely hot land were left.

Said he is a subordinate, but he is also a partner!

"I came in safely. What do you think about them?" Yun Qingyan smiled wickedly while avoiding the snake girl's poisonous arrow.

The snake girl's complexion distorted in an instant, and her sharp fangs broke through her lips.

With her death order, Shelian, She Hui would never let anyone in.

Unless... something happened to them!

The eyes were cold, the snake girl's face was distorted, and the cold vertical eyes of the snake shrank in an instant,

"If something happens to them, my Snake Son and Snake Sun will never let your human tribe go!" After leaving a sentence, her long tail swept away her thoughts of playing with Yun Qingyan, just want to see her own two quickly Name partner.

I didn’t talk to Yun lightly. On the one hand, she was sure that the other party’s power could not cause him harm at all. On the other hand, it was because what Yun was looking for was the essence of fire. Since she said that the essence of fire was in On her, Yun said lightly that he would not leave easily,

Snake son and snake grandson? Feelings Those ordinary snake people are all this woman's life! Yun Qingyan secretly smacked his tongue, and admired the fertility of this demon-magic snake queen.

"Master, why don't you catch up? The fire element essence was taken by her!" Xiao Xuan said anxiously.

Yun Qingyan raised his jade finger and tapped his head, "Usually you are quite smart, so why are you suddenly so stupid?

She said you really believed in her? "

The snake man is yin, no matter how strong she is, she can't hold the fire elemental essence for too long.

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