My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 919: Don't be angry, OK?

"The priest said that he must be caught.

The sacrificial offerings to the Seagod cannot be thrown away! "

"This sacrifice is too dangerous. Let's find it separately in a team of three!"

The mermaids who had just gathered together spread out and swam around!

"Puff, cough, cough!" Yun Qingyan, who was carried along in the sea all the way, gurgled bubbles while grasping Qing Yan's hand, and pointed at it with the other finger.

She wants to breathe! The oxygen stored in her lungs has been exhausted!

The fast marching Qing Yan looked at him with eyes that were as clear as the deep sea, as pure and ignorant as a child.

Yun Qingyan's face began to suffocate, pushing Qingyan away and struggling to swipe up!

But a **** mermaid wrapped her tail and dragged her down, and fixed her body with two hands. The magnetic voice was as melodious as the whisper of the sea, "Don't go!"

Yun said lightly that he was going to explode!

Brother, would you let me go up and take a breath? If I continue like this, I will be suffocated to death!

Looking at the light from the sea above his head, Yun, who was dragged by Qing Yan, said a moment of despair. He could only point his mouth and nose continuously with fingers and feet, and then pointed up!

She is now afraid to struggle at will, every strenuous exercise will accelerate the consumption of oxygen.

The beautiful and unparalleled mermaid seemed to understand Yun Qingyan's thoughts and nodded.

Yun Qingyan's eyes lit up, this mermaid can finally take her to swim up, right? She would really be suffocated before going up!

Her lungs are about to explode!

The delighted Yun said lightly that he didn't notice the fleeting black belly in the opponent's clear eyes.

In the next second, a pair of soft lips came up.

The clear fragrance poured into the nasal cavity, but the most intoxicating thing was the sweet breath of life that came from there.

Only those who have lost will understand the value of oxygen!

Yun said that he was shocked and wanted to push Qing Yan away, but he couldn't bear the life-saving gas!

Qing Yan seemed to be aware of her thoughts, and the hand that wrapped her slender waist harder, while the other hand held her back of her head, enjoying the sweetness of the lips while passing the gas.

When the painful lungs improved, Yun gently pushed Qing Yan away, and his black eyes shot towards Qing Yan like a sharp blade.

Qing Yan's beautiful and slender fish tail wrapped Yun Qingyan in time, making her unable to move at all. His hazy icy eyes were stained with a layer of water, and there was a deceptive smell under the changing light of the seabed.

At Shang Yun's furious black eyes, Qing Yan blinked his misty clear eyes, and pointed to her lips like Yun Qingyan, and said very aggrieved, "Obviously you wanted me to do this. , Why are you angry?"

Like a wronged baby.

Yun Qingyan was angry and funny, she obviously asked him to take her to the sea to change her breath, when did he ask him to breathe her.

Although his face was aggrieved, Qing Yan's beautiful fishtail wrapped around Yun Qingyan's leg did not show any tendency to loosen.

He stretched out his slender hand to smooth Yun Qingyan's frowning brows, "Don't be angry, OK?"

Obviously facing the face of Emperor Jiuque that was absolutely arrogant, cold and noble, he did not put everyone in his eyes, but he made such a pitiful and cautious look!

The most terrifying thing is-there is no sense of disobedience!

The anger in Yun Qingyan's eyes gradually dissipated unknowingly, taking advantage of having just been exhausted by Qing Yandu, he quickly said, "Take me to the top!"

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