The beautiful phoenix eyes looked at Yun Qingyan pitifully in the mist, like a puppy whose owner blamed him for doing something wrong.

Those misty eyes made Yun Qingyan's suffocation that had been ‘schemed’ just disappeared. She still had a straight face, "Don’t use your methods against me."

Love is love, an emotion from the heart, never an illusion blinded by illusion.

This kind of ‘scheming’ made her very annoyed.

Qing Yan looked up at her pitifully, very puzzled and aggrieved, "What means?"

He obviously only spoke very honestly about his innermost thoughts.

"You don't know how to use mermaid's charm skills?" Seeing Yan's appearance clearly, he seemed to be really innocent.

Qing Yan blinked, and the two rows of thin and long eyelashes fluttered with fans, creating a very beautiful shadow under the light of the campfire, and Qingrun eyes were very innocent.

It seemed that he had unintentionally used his mermaid bloodline skills, not intentionally.

Yun said lightly that there was a feeling of depression that was unspeakable after suffering.

Suddenly a scorched smell came from the tip of his nose, Yun said that he was puzzled first, and then suddenly awakened!

"My fish!!"

After quickly removing the three grilled fish from the grill, Yun Qingyan unexpectedly saw a large piece of charred fish.

"How many more ones shall I hunt?" Seeing Yun Qingyan's distressed appearance, Qing Yan immediately asked for it.

"Forget it, let's make do with it first." Yun Qingyan shook his head, her stomach was already grunting, and she was impatient to wait any longer.

Tore off the charred fish flesh, Yun said lightly and swallowed. He didn't know what kind of fish Qing Yan was catching. The weight was very large and there was no bone.

As soon as Yun Qingyan killed a fish, he found a pair of eyes staring at him eagerly, shining like undulating waves on the sea.

"Here." Yun said lightly, and passed the other fish in his hand.

The current Emperor Jiuque is really interesting. The old man, if he wanted to eat it, would never look at her so pitifully, he would have leaned over to take a bite.

"Thank you daughter-in-law~" a happy and soft voice sounded, and his slender hands took the grilled fish, happily like a child.

daughter in law?

Yun raised his eyebrows lightly, "Where did you learn this word?"

Qing Yan took a bite of the fish and looked at Yun with a puzzled and innocent look, "When I sneaked into the bottom of the sea, I found that some mermaids called their partners this way, right?"

"Nothing." Yun said weirdly withdraw his gaze.

This mermaid on the bottom of the sea is quite down to earth?

After killing the last fish, Yun stood up softly, and his white fingertips slid across the beach one by one.

The curious Qing Yan also came up immediately.

Yun Qingyan pointed to the three big characters with silver hooks on the beach, and looked at Qing Yan condescendingly, "This is my name, Yun Qingyan, remember it?"

Yun Qingyan? These three familiar words seemed to be carved into the bone marrow, giving Qing Yan a very comfortable and close feeling.

A beam of light flashed through his mind, and he wanted to grab it, but the beam of light ran so fast that he couldn't start.

He could only look at the three big characters on the beach, and the long and narrow phoenix eyes were unconsciously surging with turbulent waves.

"Yun, Qing, Yan..." Low Mei was born with a clear voice and quietly chanted these three words. His fingers followed the strokes of the three words and slid on the beach, brushing the cloud Easily write these three words over and over again.

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