My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 930: You are not happy, I am not happy either.

Fragmentary pictures flashed in his mind. At that time, he seemed to be in a dimly lit room. The little hairy ball was holding a record crystal in his mouth and kept adjusting the lens, as if recording something.

Someone seemed to be pressing on him, making him immobile.

Not only that... the other party seems to be doing something very excessive to him, threatening him.

Threat? This word made Qing Yan's long and narrow ice eyes even more awkward.

Although the picture in his mind is blurry, he still seems to be able to understand how he felt at that time.

Shame, anger, anger... shy?

The intertwining of various emotions made him very uncomfortable.

"Okay, can you turn around?" Yun, who had already changed his coat, said lightly to Qing Yan. He didn't dry his single coat and could only make do with the coat first.

Fortunately, the cultivator has a strong physique, otherwise it would be strange not to get sick if the body is tossed like this.

Qing Yan turned around, locked Yun Qingyan with his eyes tightly, and rubbed her beside her, gazing at the outline of her face, and asked with attachment, "Kidden, did we know each other before?"

Yun said with joy, "Have you recovered your memory?"

"No." Qingyan replied, seeing Yun Qingyan's expression of loss in an instant, and couldn't help but blame himself.

"Don't be upset." He leaned closer to Yun and said softly, and said in a quiet voice, "You are not happy, and I am not happy."

The Qingyue's voice seemed to speak calmly, and it seemed to be swearing.

Yun Qingyan's heart suddenly collapsed.

Looking at the cool and enchanting face in the moonlight next to her, she leaned on the rock, poked her white face with her hand, and suddenly smiled, "Fool."

Qing Yan seemed to be angry, and her eyes sank, like an awkward child, retorting very seriously, "I'm not stupid."

"Puff hahaha!" Yun said lightly with a chuckle, couldn't help but smile, clutching his stomach with joy, haha.

When I thought of the impossibly arrogant fellow Di Jiuque, after losing his memory, he said to her solemnly like a child-I am not stupid.

Why is she so funny in her heart!

Hahaha, after waiting for the illusion, the experience of the water illusion should be the most embarrassing and most unremembered shadow in the heart of Emperor Jiuque in this life!

How could Emperor Jiuque be so cute when he is so cute? !

Qing Yan stared with a pair of phoenix eyes and looked at the people who laughed wildly around him. On the one hand, he was happy that she was no longer depressed and caring, as if in his heart, she should have been smiling and living wildly like this.

But on the other hand, he was a little angry.

He felt that Yun Qingyan was definitely laughing at him now, and there was a subconscious mind in his heart telling him that she was still smiling badly!

The fighting between the two emotions made Qing Yan wonder whether he should be happy or angry now.

Annoyed, he simply hugged Yun Qingyan in his arms and asked boredly,

"what are you laughing at?"

The sound came from the chest cavity, followed by a thin layer of clothing, Yun Qingyan could feel the undulating chest of his back, warm body temperature, and a powerful heart that was beating constantly.

Someone leaning on a back cushion is much warmer and more comfortable than leaning on a rock. Yun Qingyan leaned comfortably, with the corners of his mouth slightly tilted, taking advantage of the current Di Jiuque's innocence as a piece of white paper, he directly molested him, You are so cute~"

"I'm not cute." Qing Yan retorted vigorously, and something flashed in his mind. It seemed that he had experienced a similar opponent.

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