My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 932: Emperor Gao Lengchang talks about tuberculosis (1)

I didn't dare to rest because I was not stable before. Now I have enough to eat and drink. There is a bonfire in front of him that exudes warm heat. Nestled in Qingyan's broad and stable arms, Yun said that his whole body was sour and soft.

Before chatting with Qing Yan about the past, she was also able to hold her breath and cheer up. In fact, at the end of the talk, Yun Qingyan had already dozed in a daze.

The slightly cool sea breeze is blowing around the huge rocks, with a peculiar salty smell of the sea, the campfire is burning with crackling, and radiating its own heat faithfully, so comfortable that people can't help but wake up.

Qing Yan's long and fine eyelashes moved slightly, looking at the confused person in her arms, her eyelids kept falling, as if she was about to fall asleep at any time.

Qing Yan was a little unhappy. The lonely sea breeze made him feel lonely, as if he opened his eyes under the deep sea for the first time, without memory, past, and future.

"Quietly~" whispered to Yun Qingyan, Qingyan wanted her to talk to herself again, even if it was a while, he felt lonely for too long.

Only when she talked to herself, did he have the feeling that his empty heart was filled.

"Huh?" Yun Qingyan squinted his eyes, and his sleepiness was on his head.

After receiving the response, Qing Yan was overjoyed, her delicate eyebrows flying.

But Yun said lightly and there was no movement, and his expression quickly became depressed.

Since the wife doesn't want to talk, what does he say?

Qing Yan found a perfect solution for herself, and began to pull Yun to talk softly about what he had seen and heard since he could remember.

For example, he was inexplicably rejected by other merfolk, hunted down by the mermaid, and a merman priest who wanted to capture him as a sacrifice.

Then he solved those pesky mermaids, and then found it troublesome and didn't want to continue fighting with them.

Also... Although he has no memory, he keeps telling him what to do and find someone in his subconscious mind.

When he first saw her, he believed she was his wife.

Yun Qingyan just started listening in a dazed manner, nodding his head from time to time, but most of Qingyan's memories are dull and repetitive, and his memories are not many. Later, the topic will change from him. On other marine creatures...

For example... The Shocking Demon Shark in the East China Sea has married the Sharp Blade White Shark in the South China Sea as his wife...

I also asked Yun if he wanted to eat sharks...

Then the topic turned to a certain killer whale who wanted to bask in the sun, stranded itself on the beach and almost didn't dry it out.

The more Yun Qingyan listens, the more sleepy she gets, she is really not interested in the love and hatred of those marine creatures!

But Qing Yan didn't let her mean at all, still pulling her to talk endlessly!

Yun said lightly that he shouldn't want him, he still patted her, but asked her to confirm that she was not asleep.

This is too much!

Yun said lightly that there was another kind of anger in his sleepiness.

For a guy who is getting up, disturbing her to sleep is equally unforgivable!

She suddenly opened a pair of clear black eyes, which was full of anger.

When Qing Yan saw Yun lightly waking up, her face was happy. Is she interested in the topic he said, and finally doesn't want to go to bed, she wants to chat with him?

"I want to sleep!"

Facts have proved that fantasy is full and reality is skinny.

What greeted him was the burning anger of Yun lightly!

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