My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 937: Development purpose, reflecting value

"Puff!" Yun said lightly, vomiting three liters of blood.

Feeling that she was exhausted before jumping up and down, in his eyes, she was playing with a unicorn python?

Yun Qingyan walked forward without a word with a dark face.

"Huh? Lightly?" I don't understand why Yun Qingyan suddenly became indifferent to himself, and Qing Yan followed very aggrievedly.

A sentence that didn't belong to his memory at this moment suddenly flashed in his mind-a woman's heart, a needle on the bottom of the sea.

Someone seems to have said this to him.

Except for the unicorn python that they encountered just now, Yun Qingyan and Qing Yan never encountered other beasts along the way.

It seems that apart from large areas of vegetation, there are not many beasts on this island.

When he arrived at Danshui, Yun said lightly that he started to worry about storing water again.

It is very inconvenient to not be able to take things from the space ring. Almost all of her belongings are placed in the space ring. She can't use the space ring and is on this deserted island. Yun said nothing but a piece of clothing.

"It's the first time I have lived in the wild to experience the taste of survival in the wild." Yun Qingyan murmured secretly.

Qing Yan next to her seemed unmoved, but in fact she kept listening to her movements with her ears upright.

Yun Qingyan glanced over Qing Yan's white and delicate fingers at this time, and suddenly a gentle smile bloomed, gorgeous and dazzling.

"Qing Yan, come here." She smiled and beckoned to Qing Yan.

The daughter-in-law had a cold face to herself before, and suddenly smiled so brilliantly, which made Qing Yan a little flattered.

He came to Yun Qingyan almost in the blink of an eye, and responded obediently, "Quietly."

Looking at the well-behaved Qingyan beside him, Yun Qingyan secretly sighed.

It would be nice if Di Jiuque's memory was restored.

"Are your claws sharp now?" Yun said lightly and continued to smile.

An ominous premonition rose in Qing Yan's heart, but he still nodded, "Yeah."

"Come on, dig some containers for me." Yun Qingyan smiled and directed Qing Yan to start cutting wood with his claws, and then made a hollow hole in the barrel and made a stopper.

She saw that there was no hollow bamboo on this small island, and she had to make a simple water container by herself.

In the next few hours, Qing Yan was arrested by coolie, and grievedly began to become a carpenter.

"To put it lightly, my sharp claws are used to tear the enemy apart." While Qing Yan didn't dare to stop, his claws dug into the wooden hole with his paws, while crying very grievously.

The thought of her sharp weapons being used to do such things... Qing Yan felt wronged in her heart.

But who told this to be his wife's order? If you don't want to do it, you have to do it!

"Even the scales of a unicorn python can be cut, and it is even more trivial to make a few small containers." Yun said with a smile, "the one who can do more work~ Since your claws are so powerful, it is better to It can also reflect its value by developing several uses."

The corners of Qing Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and her phoenix eyes were full of helplessness.

Yun said lightly for a while, walked to Qing Yan and patted him on the shoulder, admiringly said, "Qing Yan is really amazing."

Obviously it was praise like a child's appreciation, Qing Yan originally curled the corners of her mouth slightly downwards but raised an arc, and her hand movements accelerated a little.

The improved efficiency at this moment made Yun lightly admiring.

She secretly smacked her tongue, after losing her memory, Di Jiuque was really innocent!

Wait... If Di Jiuque wakes up, she still remembers that she was kidnapped by Kengmeng and asked him to do a carpenter digging a tree hole...

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