My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 942: Special effect fish

Against Qing Yan's gaze, Yun Qingyan bit his scalp again, "I'm full."

Qing Yan looked at most of the fish left, thought about it, and ate it by herself.

Hearing from other mermaids, the two married couples have to eat a fish together.

However, if you can't eat it lightly, then he will eat more for her.

Yun Qingyan continued to meditate and practice after eating. She is now a Tier 3 Water Element Earth Master. Tomorrow she plans to leave the island and go to the north for a visit. She wants to take advantage of the evening time to hurry up and practice.

But as he cultivated, Yun said that something was wrong.

An inexplicable dryness rose from the body, making her completely uneasy.

Immediately afterwards, she felt something pressed against her body like an octopus, and it was cold to the touch, but for some reason, the dryness tended to expand.

Yun Qingyan simply withdrew from the state of cultivation and fixed his eyes to see that the octopus was not someone else, it was Qingyan!

She felt that she was abnormal, and Qing Yan was even more abnormal than her!

At this time, the beautiful face of the pure and handsome was stained with a layer of crimson, and the long and narrow phoenix eyes were glowing with water at this time, very attractive, and the thin lips were astonishingly red.

Yun Qingyan, who was already accustomed to the appearance of Di Jiuque, had a heartbeat at this time, feeling that Di Jiuque looked extraordinarily...attractive tonight?

Qing Yan hugged Yun Qingyan tightly and gnawed at Yun Qingyan's face in an unruly manner, which made Yun Qingyan's body hotter, but his body was a little soft.

Some consciousness flashed in her mind, and she quickly pushed Qing Yan away.

Being pushed away, Qing Yan was very dissatisfied. Her squishy water eyes exuded breathtaking light under the moonlight. His fair and handsome face was blushing, but her long brows were tightly furrowed, and her voice was hoarse. I feel terrible."

The muffled voice is like the charm of the dark night, making people fall involuntarily.

The heat in the body...Qing Yan's strange appearance, and that strange fish...

Yun Qingyan had a flash of light in his mind, but this time she firmly grasped it!

After knowing the truth, Yun could not help but blurt out a curse.

"Special Meow!"

She finally knew what that weird fish was!

He, Huan, Fish!

She was once seen at an auction in the South Sea Territory. The introduction was... the legendary delicacy that the newcomers of the mermaid tribe ate together after they became partners. The meat is delicious and without thorns. Features.

This was originally a fish raised by the low-fertility mermaid to promote ethnic reproduction. It only grows in the sea where mermaids exist, and it is difficult for ordinary cultivators to eat.

At that time, it seemed that the fish was bought by a couple, but because the auction was not grand, Yun Qingyan's memory was not clear, but he had a slight impression of the peculiar fish.

It seems that she ate the delicacies unique to the mermaid tribe by accident?

Yun said that he wanted to cry without tears, and he didn't know whether to cry or laugh. At the auction that year, the acacia fish sold at a not low price.

"Quietly, hug me." Qing Yan came up again, clinging to her like an octopus, her phoenix eyes gleaming, silent and charming.

He didn't know how to alleviate the strangeness on his body, only that pasting Yun Qingyan would make him feel better. Moreover, even if he didn't eat acacia fish, he liked to stick to her like this. At this time, Qing Yan didn't have any burden, directly It stuck to Yun Qingyan, like a dogskin plaster, and couldn't shake it off.

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