"You have to hold back the deity, don't just find an ant in the illusion to explain yourself.

This kind of situation in the illusion is a trap..." Before Huang Yan finished the next word, he was forcibly disconnected from the spiritual communication by Yun Qingyan.

"Hey! Girl, did you hear that?! Hold on!" Huang Yan reluctantly once again forcibly used his spiritual beam to forcibly communicate with Yun's spiritual sea.

Yun Qingyan's face was dark, and his embarrassment was so embarrassing that the whole person had no thoughts, he directly drove Huang Yan's spirit out, and erected a barrier around his spiritual sea.

Then, someone's mental restraint broke in reluctantly-"Girl, you must hold onto it, don't be swayed by the pig!"


"As a cultivator, you must be patient and don't lose your mind easily by desire!"


"Girl, you and me silently recite the Pure Heart Secret Art! The icy cold ages, everything is quiet..."

Be blocked again.

Huang Yan didn't follow and forgive, "Here is the heart to be quiet, look at me alone, and my mind is one..."

"Got it!" Yun said lightly that he was getting bored and impatiently, and he responded with annoyance!

If she doesn't respond to Huang Yan's sentence today, I'm afraid he can recite the Pure Heart Secret Art for one night in her mind!

"That's good." Huang Yan hummed dissatisfiedly.

He is also kind, didn't expect this little girl to be so impatient? What a bad temper! Hmm...has his Huangyan style!

"Quietly." Qing Yan was thrown away for a moment, and then eagerly came up, red lips lightly opened, and once again used his racial talent cheater-voice.

However, he had already suffered a loss once, and Yun Qingyan had already used his Yuan Li to block his hearing while he was conscious.

Do not listen or not, the eighth chanting!

Even without the temptation of a mermaid voice, Qing Yan's face is still very lethal.

Through the ages, everything is quiet... Yun Qingyan simply recited Huangyan's Qingxin Jue in his heart, then pushed Qing Yan away and climbed onto the reef beside him.

Yun Qingyan's attitude of resistance made Qing Yan stunned, his eyelids drooped, casting a shadow, "Do you hate me?"

However, Yun said lightly that his hearing had been blocked at this time, and he had no idea what he was talking about.

She could only see that the handsome face in front of her was stained with melancholy.

Qing Yan wanted to climb the reef, but Yun Qingyan pressed it into the water with one hand.

Although she blocked her hearing, Qing Yan did not.

"You can put out the fire in the water first!" Yun said categorically.

Being pressed by Yun with one hand in the water, Qingyan pursed her lips, her hazy eyes cleared a lot, and she seemed a bit wronged, but she didn't force herself to climb up.

I don't like him being close...

The misty color in his eyes gradually dissipated, and Qing Yan grasped Yun's lightly hand and didn't do anything extraordinary this time.

Until dawn, Yun lightly lay on the reef with exhaustion, and did not know when he fell asleep on the huge reef.

Not only is it tiring to indulge, but it is also tiring to fight against the guy who wants to indulge!

The warm sunlight broke from the sky, and the dazzling light dangled the cloud softly and slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as she turned around, she saw a fair and beautiful face on the side of her brain, very close, and she could even count his distinct eyelashes.

Qing Yan did not know when he also climbed the reef.

Yun Qingyan felt a little bit in his heart, and a ray of light flashed in his head, and he subconsciously began to check his clothes.

Very good, although a little messy but complete.

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