My fort has a caliber of three thousand meters

Chapter 102 He, Feng Jiutian, never fights against the wind!

Especially when he saw the human player Chen Jiang's blood sacrifice points rising!

It has even risen to 4.2w, which is only 8000 away from 5w.

The uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense!

Although at the beginning of the event, a global speaker had been consumed to divert Chen Jiang's attention.

But at this time, he was still haunted by uneasiness!

He didn't know if it was because he had been beaten by Chen Jiang too many times. When he saw the name Chen Jiang, he felt panicked in his heart.

This feeling made him even feel his heart speed up!

Even though, he was almost 90% sure that Chen Jiang would not redeem those rubbish one-star props!

After all, Chen Jiang has never participated in the Ten Thousand Races Arena, so he will definitely not know these hidden messages. Since he does not know this news, as long as he is a normal person, he will not buy these rubbish one-star props!

However, he couldn't control his random thoughts.

To this end, he gritted his teeth and took out a global loudspeaker again and sent out a message.

Although his current blood sacrifice points are only 21,239.

There is still nearly 80,000 blood sacrifice points left to exchange for the three-star prop Flame Sniper!

It's impossible for him to get 80,000 blood sacrifice points in three minutes!

He just wanted to use this to confuse Chen Jiang and make Chen Jiang think that he was going to quickly obtain 80,000 blood sacrifice points in three minutes, thus surpassing Chen Jiang in one fell swoop and redeeming the three-star item first!

It only takes three minutes.

It was enough to divert Chen Jiang's gaze for another three minutes.

Feng Jiutian took a deep breath, calmed down as much as possible, and waited patiently for the final fruits of victory.

At this time, Yan broke the door and initiated communication with him again.

Feng Jiutian, you seem to be a little too nervous.

This plan is absolutely confidential. Many people don't know about it. It's even less likely that the human player Chen Jiang will get this information.

You seem a little scared by Chen Jiang.

There is no need to demonize him too much. Don't worry, our operation will end perfectly. Just wait a few minutes and everything will be a foregone conclusion.

A total of two global speakers were wasted for this, which feels like a bit of a loss.


Feng Jiutian shook his head seriously: You don't understand how I feel. Consuming two global speakers can divert Chen Jiang's attention and achieve the success of this plan.

It's absolutely worth it.

Believe me, just leave everything to me.

Okay, after all, the elder has appointed you as the person in charge of this plan.

The moment Feng Jiutian's trumpet sounded.

Chen Jiang frowned slightly and looked at the ranking list of players' blood sacrifice points.

Player Blood Sacrifice Points Ranking.

First on the list: Human player, Chen Jiang.

Blood Sacrifice Points: 42489 points.

Two on the list: Mechanical player, Feng Jiutian.

Blood Sacrifice Points: 21239 points.

Third on the list: Elf clan, Wang Zi.

Blood Sacrifice Points: 3829 points.

The three-star prop Flame Sniper requires 100,000 blood sacrifice points. The number of blood sacrifice points Feng Jiutian has at this time is far from enough.

What Feng Jiutian meant was that he would obtain 80,000 blood sacrifice points within three minutes and then win the Flame Sniper?

He frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong in his heart, so he didn't speak.

Why is something wrong?

It's very simple. Based on his understanding of Feng Jiutian, he is an arrogant and domineering person who goes with the wind and pretends to be deaf and dumb against the wind.

The current situation is obviously a headwind for Feng Jiutian!

After all, he had nearly doubled Feng Jiutian's blood sacrifice points!

At this time, as usual, Feng Jiutian should keep his mouth shut, act as if nothing had happened, and pretend to be a grandson.

Even if he could really get 80,000 blood sacrifice points in three minutes, he would definitely have to wait three minutes later, when he was crushed in the rankings, and he would get the Flame Sniper in his hand before he would speak tauntingly.

And now, Feng Jiutian's behavior obviously goes against his character.

If not.

Chen Jiang narrowed his eyes slightly and thought for a moment, then a light suddenly flashed in his heart, and then he thought carefully about the global speaker that Feng Jiutian sent out at the beginning of the event!

Everything became clear in an instant!

There was no hesitation or waiting any longer!

Instead, he quickly opened the altar store and did not wait any longer. He waited until his blood sacrifice points reached 50,000 before he started redeeming them!

Instead, use 4.20,000 blood sacrifice points to directly purchase all five props!

According to the ranking of items, buy them one by one from top to bottom!

Ding, congratulations to player Chen Jiang for spending 9998 blood sacrifice points and successfully redeeming 9998 'damaged wooden swords'.

Ding, congratulations to player Chen Jiang for spending 9995 blood sacrifice points and successfully redeeming 9995 'pistols without triggers'.

Ding, congratulations to player Chen Jiang for spending 9997 blood sacrifice points and successfully redeeming 9997 handles of the 'Stand that Lost Magic Power'.

Ding, congratulations to player Chen Jiang for spending 9981 blood sacrifice points and successfully redeeming 9981 'hammers missing hammer handles'.

Ding, congratulations to player Chen Jiang for spending 2581 Blood Sacrifice Points and successfully redeeming 2581 'Stuck Flamethrower' handles.

For a while.

On the information flow panel next to these props, lines of gray and white small words flashed continuously.

Human player Chen Jiang exchanged it for a one-star item - a damaged wooden sword.

Human player Chen Jiang, exchanged it for a one-star item - a pistol without a trigger.

The small words that kept flashing were flowing down the information flow panel like a waterfall.

After doing all this.

Chen Jiangcai breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the signs with zero content on the first four props with satisfaction.

Just now, in an instant, he roughly guessed Feng Jiutian's intention.

At the beginning of the event, Feng Jiutian's global loudspeaker, he originally thought that Feng Jiutian was a provocation to regain face, and he chose the flaming sniper.

It just so happened that he also planned to paralyze Feng Jiutian, so he gave a response.

But now that I think about it, Feng Jiutian's global loudspeaker was clearly meant to divert his attention.

The three-star prop Flame Sniper is at the top of the altar shop.

And those rubbish one-star props are at the bottom of the altar shop.

As for the loudspeaker just now, I guess I was a little panicked when I saw his blood stains approaching 50,000 points, so I sounded the global horn again.

Otherwise, it will be based on Feng Jiutian's character design.

Being in a headwind, there is no chance of him being provocative again. He has already kept his mouth shut.

This kid never plays against the odds.

Feng Jiutian's real goal is probably those 50,000 one-star props!

Of course, this is just his guess. Whether this is the case cannot yet be determined.

But according to quantum mechanics, once you have one percent doubt about something, it means that there is a one percent chance that the thing will develop in a direction you don't want.

Therefore, when he had doubts in his heart, it meant that there was a certain probability that Feng Jiutian's real target was indeed those 50,000 one-star props!

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