
Accompanied by a flash of white light.

Chen Jiang rubbed his neck, which was a little sore from raising his head for a long time, and looked at Scar Dog beside him, who was slowly walking out of the Illusion Gate, with a complex expression.

Should I praise you as a genius?

How did you do it, use your bad talent to play so many tricks?

That's it. Scargou obviously hadn't recovered yet. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with a slightly dry throat, There are no rubbish talents, only rubbish people.

Just now, in the air, he didn't know how much air-conditioning was poured into it.

My throat felt a little dry and uncomfortable at this time.

Then, he looked expectantly at the step recorder on his wrist.

A line of small words was written directly on it.

Today's steps: 2901 meters.


A trace of excitement flashed in Scargou's eyes, and he said excitedly: Brother Jiang, you can really count the steps like this. I just spent less than a minute to count so many steps.

Is this okay?

A trace of surprise also flashed in Chen Jiang's eyes: What's the reward for reaching a certain milestone for this item's daily steps?

Let me see.

Scar Dog looked at the prop on his wrist and fumbled with it, and then a panel suddenly popped up in the air.

Players are asked to choose the items in the prize pool themselves.

You can only choose one.

The selected item will appear in your prize pool as a daily reward, which is unique and cannot be changed.

And rewards will be given to players when your daily steps reach certain milestones.

The available items are——

The magic fruit, a one-star item special to the elves, the insect pebbles, a one-star item special to the zerg, the energy block, a one-star item special to the machine, and the ape-human special...

There was a long list of nearly a hundred props to choose from, but neither Chen Jiang nor Chen Jiang looked back.

Instead, all eyes were focused on the one-star prop energy block!

This step recorder can actually select the energy block of the mechanical family as the prize pool choice! ?

A trace of disbelief flashed in Chen Jiang's eyes.

You know, energy blocks can only be made by the mechanical race. How can this energy block appear in the prize pool?

Moreover, he could understand that energy blocks were a specialty of the mechanical tribe.

After all, the mechanical race's racial talent is to make props.

But why do the Elves and Zerg also have specialty props? Can these two races also make props?

Or are these two props only effective on elves and zerg, so they are called specialty props?

Although he didn't understand this, he had no intention of thinking about these things at this time. All his thoughts were on the words energy block.

Scargou was also excited and excited. Without any hesitation, he selected the energy block as the only prize in the prize pool.


The reward rules appeared in front of several people.

If the daily step count reaches 2,000 meters, you will be rewarded with 1 energy block.

If the daily step count reaches 4,000 meters, you will be rewarded with 2 energy blocks.

If the number of steps per day reaches 6,000 meters, 3 energy blocks will be rewarded.

If the number of steps per day reaches 10,000 meters, 5 energy blocks will be rewarded.

If the daily step count reaches 30,000 meters, 20 energy blocks will be rewarded.

If the daily step count reaches 50,000 meters, 50 energy blocks will be rewarded.

If the daily step count reaches 100,000 meters, you will be rewarded with 100 energy blocks.

If you exceed 100,000 meters, there will be no reward.

Chen Jiang looked at the reward rules in front of him, narrowed his eyes, and began to calculate: One energy block can basically maintain three trips back and forth between the exit and entrance.

That is to say, to clear 3000 meters, you need to consume 1 energy block.

It takes 34 energy blocks to reach 100,000 meters.

This is in addition to the cost of opening another illusory door on the return trip to land safely.

The total rewards you can get every day are 181 energy blocks.

181 energy blocks, minus the 34 energy blocks consumed, there are still 147 energy blocks left.

The net profit for one day is 147 energy blocks.

After finishing speaking in one breath, a gleam flashed in Chen Jiang's eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth uncontrollably: This business can be done, and the rate of return is not low.


Scargou also nodded with satisfaction, then shook his head regretfully and said: It's a pity that a player can only bind one step recorder, and there is no way to carry more than one at a time. Otherwise, I can carry seventy or eighty of them at a time. Play slowly and slowly.

Furthermore, you cannot use a step recorder to reach its daily reward limit and then switch to another step recorder.

One person can only eat enough in one day, all the rewards of a step logger.

It's not a pity.

Chen Jiang narrowed his eyes slightly and said, I remember that this prop is not only available to human players, right?

A flash of understanding flashed in Scargou's eyes: Brother Jiang, what do you mean?

Yes, it's what you think.

is this okay.?

Not sure, try?

Let's try it.

Li Hao, who was standing aside, stared blankly at the two people talking in front of him. He had no idea what they were talking about. However, before he could react, the two people in front of him instantly stepped into the door of illusion and disappeared. .

Well, that's great.

Li Hao nodded expressionlessly and scanned the empty wasteland around him, so can anyone tell him where to go now?


Before he could think about it in his heart.

Chen Jiang and others have walked out of the Illusion Gate again, and they are also carrying a mechanical player with a look of fear on their hands.

This is the slave they captured, and the plan is to use it to mass-produce one-star props.

I saw that Scargou forced a new step recorder directly into the wrist of the mechanical player, and then an illusory door appeared out of thin air at the feet of the others.

Come on, brother.

Scargou grabbed the mechanical player by the collar and immediately threw him into the illusory door in front of him!

The next second——

This mechanical player appeared out of thin air thousands of meters in the air!


An even harsher sound rang in everyone's ears!

Then Chen Jiang and others saw the mechanical player falling freely to the ground. When he was about to crash, the illusory door expanded instantly and enveloped the mechanical player.

Then it was like time was being pressed for replay.

The familiar mechanical player appeared again at the familiar altitude of a thousand meters, let out the familiar scream and the familiar free fall, and then rushed towards the illusory door on the familiar ground again.


A voice sounded.

The mechanical player repeated this free fall behavior again.

At this time, when the mechanical player fell in mid-air, the illusory door on the ground was obviously exhausted and on the verge of shattering.

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