This process went by in the blink of an eye.

It quickly disappeared from sight.

But the World Tree with only dead branches in front of everyone has disappeared, and what is left is only this huge World Tree with dense leaves on the crown.

If it was almost blocking out the sky just now.

Now, it is completely blocking out the sky and the sun.

There was no ray of sunlight visible at all.

The brightness under the canopy is much lower than that around the canopy.

However, it was also isolated from the heat of the sun, and the coolness instantly came to my heart.

It's so beautiful.

Scar Dog looked up in a daze at the huge green tree crown above his head and murmured: It looks like a giant cuckold.


Chen Jiang glanced at Scar Dog, did not speak, but started to prepare for the next thing.

Speaking of which, he had a lot to do today, and there were a lot of things waiting for him to do.

The World Tree is temporarily settled.

If nothing else, they should be settled here in the near future.

As for the slave factory matters, he has to put them back a little bit. He has more important things to do now.

That is.

Chen Jiang took out 300 global speakers with his backhand and placed them beside him.

After triggering all the third levels of an achievement, the rewards given are not low.

Last time, he triggered all the third-level achievement of Extreme Massacre, and he was rewarded with a two-star prop, a three-star prop, and a battle-damaged fragment.

The blood-stained white shirt and enhanced version of the space bracelet on his body are both rewards for triggering that achievement.

That is to say.

After triggering all the third-level achievements, there will basically be a three-star prop, a two-star prop, and a battle-damaged fragment.

You can also add achievement points to the achievement list.

There are so many things that cannot be bought with 30,000 blood sacrifices.

It was probably the best deal he ever got at the altar store.

No, he was in the altar shop, and everything he bought seemed to be a good deal.

Whether it's the one-star props that make up the number, or the mute button, the energy box of the sub-munition bomb, the heart of the insect nest, and the step recorder, they are all very cost-effective.

There is no such thing as a loss.

But the next second——

He fell into deep thought.

How to use these 300 global speakers?

What can I say?

If you really want to use up all the information, just enter . and it will be all used up in a while.

But this is obviously a bit wasteful.

Although the main purpose is to consume the Global Speaker so that you can trigger achievements, since you have already used the Global Speaker, you must let it play some role and not waste it in vain.

To mock Feng Jiutian?

This is too cheap.

For a moment, Chen Jiang really couldn't imagine how to effectively consume these 300 global speakers.

After thinking for a long time.

He simply decided to break the jar and throw it away.


Global Speaker!

Human player Chen Jiang: Comrades, if you have nothing to do, let me recite a section of the Tao Te Ching for everyone to cheer you up.

Global Speaker!

Human player Chen Jiang: It's Tao, but it's very Tao. Famous, very famous. The nameless beginning of heaven and earth; the named mother of all things. Therefore, if there is always nothing, I want to observe its wonderfulness; if there is always something, I want to observe its beauty. These two have the same origin but different names, and they are both called xuan. Mysterious and mysterious, the door to all mysteries.

Global Speaker!

Human player Chen Jiang: Trust words are not beautiful, beautiful words are not true. A good person does not argue, and a person who debates is not good. A person who knows is not knowledgeable, and a person who is knowledgeable does not know. The sage does not accumulate. Since he thinks that others and himself have more, he has given more to others and himself. The way of heaven is to benefit without harm; the way of saints is to act without fighting.



After Chen Jiang's broken jar broke, the 299 global speakers were quickly consumed.

Today, he and Feng Jiutian were talking to each other through the air. When he hinted that the flaming sniper also consumed a global speaker, the total of 300 was just right.

After the 299th global speaker is used.

A prompt sounded next to Chen Jiang's ear.

Congratulations to player Chen Jiang for using 300 global speakers in a single day!

Achieving the highest achievement of 'All eyes are on me' will reward you with several props and add 3 achievement points.

The achievement of All eyes are on me is divided into three stages——

Use 50 global speakers in a single day, use 100 global speakers in a single day, and use 300 global speakers in a single day.

This time it was not a global announcement, but it only sounded in Chen Jiang’s ears.

Will there be a global announcement only if all stages of an achievement are achieved for the first time?

Chen Jiang nodded thoughtfully, but he didn't care about it. Instead, his eyes flickered with anticipation as he looked at the props for achievement rewards.

The Tao Te Ching is indeed a bit short. It only took 82 speakers to recite the entire text of the Tao Te Ching.

There were still more than 200 trumpets left to use, so he recited the Book of Changes again.

It can be regarded as letting all races know what the traditional culture of the human race is. Is this considered a cultural invasion?

Well, the premise is that those aliens can understand this stuff.

However, what Chen Jiang didn't know was.

The ape-man Suvel was looking up at the sky with blank eyes at this time, feeling that his body was a little light.

Just now he heard Chen Jiang's global speaker.

The first time I pricked up my ears, I jumped on the branch of a tree and listened quietly.

After all, Chen Jiang is now the strongest player in the human race.

He must listen to Chen Jiang’s global speaker.

But what he didn't expect was...

Chen Jiang sent more than 300 global loudspeakers in a row, and then he could understand every word of what he said, but then he couldn't understand them when they were connected together.

At first, he thought it was a code word.

Chen Jiang uses this method to convey information to human players.

But then I thought about it.

If that's the case, wouldn't it be safer to use a human speaker?


After listening more carefully, he finally became completely confused. For the first time, he doubted whether he was really out of his mind.

Staying in place, looking into the distance.

Because he basically doesn't understand it at all.

And even worse than the ape-man Suvir is the Zerg player Dudu.

The language of Zerg players is basically true, and the amount of information that can be expressed through language is very small.

When Chen Jiang's Global Speaker was translated, it appeared in his mind.

There is no real meaning.

To him, it was all noise!

This kind of noise attack that could not be defended at all and penetrated directly into the soul almost killed him.

At this time, he was lying weakly on a branch, looking blankly into the distance. Is this human player responding to the declaration of war he just made to Chen Jiang?

For a while.

Except for the human race, basically no other alien race could understand what Chen Jiang was talking about.

Apart from

Zhao Ritian.

In a valley somewhere.

Zhao Ritian sat on a slime with a solemn expression, looked at a gathering point of alien players not far away, and nodded resolutely.


This means that Heaven is dead and Huang Tian is standing!

The reward list was not counted today and will be added tomorrow.

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