My fort has a caliber of three thousand meters

Chapter 119 A strong man will never feel ashamed of kneeling!

Human player?

Chen Jiang nodded thoughtfully and said nothing.

The man sitting on the green jelly, less than a hundred meters away from them, shouted at the top of his lungs: Those in front of you, are you human players?

Stop fucking standing there, run the fuck away!!

An alien race is catching up from behind!

We will act separately, you and I. We will meet again if we are destined!


The man sitting on the green jelly, with a large group of green jelly beside him, jumped a little to the right of Chen Jiang and others, obviously preparing to go around and pass Chen Jiang and others.

And at this time——

Li Hao spoke at the right time: The ones chasing behind are the ape-man players, there are about seven or eight, hands...

Okay, no need to say any more.

Scar Dog interrupted expressionlessly: I've seen it.

As the large pile of green jelly passed by, they also saw the ape-man player chasing the human player.

They were probably sitting in twos and threes on two off-road vehicles.

He rushed towards the human player sitting on the green jelly.

Obviously there is no need to bother Brother Jiang with this little matter.

He took out a shotgun from his arms, loaded it with one hand, and immediately raised it to aim at the ape-man players still sitting on the off-road vehicle.

And at this time.

Those ape-men players obviously saw someone aiming a gun at them.

Human player?

I saw the two off-road vehicles braking suddenly, staying in place, and did not move forward for a while.

But when they saw Scar Dog raising his shotgun and aiming at them.

Several ape-men players in the car looked at each other, and couldn't help but said with a hint of ridicule and contempt in their eyes.

What did they see?

Someone wants to hold up a shotgun and cause damage to them from a distance of more than a hundred meters?

There was even an ape-man player who raised his AK and fired several shots into the air to express provocation and ridicule.


Scar Dog shrugged and snapped his fingers casually.

Then, an illusory door suddenly appeared in front of you.


He just casually put the shotgun in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the ape-man player sitting on an off-road vehicle not far away, holding an AK and firing a provocative gun, stared at the shotgun barrel that suddenly appeared in front of him and pointed directly at his forehead.

Subconsciously, he froze in place.

It wasn't until the cold barrel reminded him that all this was not an illusion that he suddenly reacted and was ready to lower his body to avoid the barrel.

However, it was already too late.


Scar Dog made an onomatopoeic word from his mouth, and then, the head of the ape-man a hundred meters away shattered into petals like a ripe watermelon that suddenly exploded in the melon garden.

Before the other ape-man players sitting on the off-road vehicle could react.

Bang, bang, bang!

Several gunshots were heard again.

The world is quiet.

Scar Dog took back the shotgun with a satisfied expression, stuffed it into his arms, turned his head to look at Li Hao, and said with a smug smile on his face: How is it? My shooting skills are quite good, huh?

Eight shots, all hits.


Li Hao was silent for a while with a strange expression on his face, and then he hesitated and said, Isn't this considered cheating?

What words!

Scar Dog looked sullen: Do you understand gun fighting? This is a new type of shooting skill that requires one percent talent and ninety-nine percent sweat to learn!

And this time.

The man who rode the green jelly and ran away in a flash, saw the ape-men players dying inexplicably, and then rode the green jelly and ran back again.

He stopped less than fifty meters away from Chen Jiang and others, and looked at the corpses of the ape-man players on the off-road vehicle in disbelief: Dead?

You're going to die now?

They have AK!

The man looked at Chen Jiang and his group in disbelief. How could these people kill those ape-man players holding AKs so easily?

If it weren't for the words human players popping up above the person's head when he killed someone, he would have suspected that these people were mechanical players.

After all, if you don't see the mechanical organs, it's really hard to distinguish between mechanical players and human players.

These people seem to be much stronger than him

Think of this.

Without any hesitation, this man slapped the green jelly under his butt, turned around and ran far behind him with the dense green jelly beside him!

A human player who is much stronger than him is, to be honest, more dangerous.

Seeing this man, he turned around and ran away.

Scar Dog looked slightly dissatisfied and said, We are his saviors after all, and we just ran away like this?

Then he sneered and didn't speak. He just stood there quietly with his arms folded, looking at the large pile of jelly running away.

Until it almost disappeared from his sight.

He snapped his fingers.

The next second——

The exit of an illusory door slowly appeared in front of him.

And the man who was riding on the green jelly's head and running forward suddenly felt his eyes flashing, and he realized that the three men had appeared in front of him at some point.


This area seems a bit familiar.

It must be that he is back again.

A trace of shock and disbelief flashed in the man's eyes, and all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind.

When he came into this world, there was a voice in his ear telling him that this was the Arena of Ten Thousand Races, and after staying there for so long, he was sure that this was the Arena of Ten Thousand Races.

but now.

He suddenly wondered if he had traveled through time and entered a world of immortal cultivation.

Are these all immortals in front of me?


Scar Dog looked at the man riding on the green jelly in front of him with a slightly unkind expression: We are also human players. We saved your life anyway, and we didn't even say thank you. Do you think you are polite?

Are you also a human player?

The man riding on the green jelly keenly grasped these key words, then glanced around, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and he jumped off the green jelly on the spot.

These people don't look like murderous people. As long as they admit their mistakes and have a good attitude, nothing will happen.

Kneeling on the ground.

Looking at Scar Dog's crotch in front of him, he took a deep breath, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and he immediately dived into Scar Dog's crotch.

And I told myself secretly.

Even Han Xin was humiliated, so what did Zhao Ritian mean to him!

Those who ascend to the throne should be able to bend and stretch!

Only the weak will feel shame by kneeling, because dignity is the only thing they have.

A strong man will never feel ashamed of kneeling!


A strong person always firmly believes that one day he can stand up and repay the humiliation he suffered today a hundredfold!

No strong man would feel shame because he fell while walking!

As he thought in his heart, Zhao Ritian's eyes became tougher and tougher, and his posture as he moved towards Scar Dog's crotch also had a sense of sadness!

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