Soon, he remembered where he had heard this name.

Isn't this the first player to buy a stuck flamethrower?

Are you the first one to buy a spitting flamer?

Chen Jiang glanced at Zhao Ritian casually, then lay on the rocking chair and said casually: Such a rubbish prop, wouldn't you be wasting the blood sacrifice point by buying it back?

Zhao Ritian, who was squatting on the ground, raised his head and glanced, pointing the shotgun at his scarred dog from beginning to end, and hesitated before speaking.

Well...Brother Jiang, my personal talent really needs a flamethrower.

If possible, I hope Brother Jiang will sell me those stuck flamethrowers at a certain price.

Of course, of course, I mean, if, if those stuck flamethrowers are useful to you, there is no need to sell them to me.

When I become emperor in the future, oh no, I will become stronger. I will definitely repay you a hundredfold, Brother Jiang.


Chen Jiang lay on the rocking chair without looking back and said casually: What is your personal talent?


Zhao Ritian hesitated for a moment, but still revealed his personal talent panel: Brother Jiang, look at it.

Talent name: Father of Slime.

Talent effect: You can turn any mouthful of fresh phlegm within your sight into a brand-new slime, and make it serve and fight for you!

Furthermore, every three of your slimes can be fused to become a more powerful slime, and three powerful slimes can still be fused to continue evolving!


Scar Dog's eyes narrowed when he saw this talent. After thinking for a moment, he said, Is other people's phlegm okay?


Regardless of race?

It doesn't matter, as long as it's thick phlegm, it's fine, but the prerequisite is that it must be fresh and of a standard. The phlegm-stuck flamethrower perfectly meets this requirement.


Scar Dog immediately stood up, walked to Zhao Ritian, looked at the slimes next to him, and asked again: Are these green jelly next to you slimes?


What abilities do you have?

The original slime can jump around. It is boneless and relatively soft. It can be used as a bed or a sofa.

And because it is boneless, it has a strong defensive effect on blunt weapons, such as hammers, and it also has a certain defensive effect on bullets.

The bullet will completely pass through the slime's body without leaving any traces.

Of course, a shotgun won't protect you.


Scar Dog nodded with deep understanding: I remember that I had a shotgun that was said to have a strong armor-breaking effect on things like yours.

Can you move something?

Yes, but since I have no arms or legs, I can only move it with my body. I can't carry anything too small.


Scargou narrowed his eyes and fell into deep thought again, and then said: You go and stay aside for a while, I will talk to Brother Jiang.


After Zhao Ritian left, Scargou hurriedly ran to Chen Jiang and said with excitement: Brother Jiang, I have thought of another great idea.

This design concept can definitely be ranked in the top ten of my perpetual motion series design concepts!


Chen Jiang sighed tiredly, picked two leaves from the side to cover his eyes, and said weakly: Speak, I will listen.

You have also seen Zhao Ritian's talent. If we take Zhao Ritian away and let him join us, then his talent will be used by us.

Then we can create a huge, fully automatic slime making machine!

Except we have so many stuck flamers that we can produce a lot of slimes in a day.

We can also capture a large number of slaves and make these slaves spit for us every day to make slime.

Do you know about pig cages?

Just put these slaves in a pig cage, with only their heads exposed. All they have to do is keep spitting phlegm on the ground, and then let Zhao Ritian stand aside and watch.

Summon slimes one by one.

Just create a slime summoning assembly line!

Alas. Chen Jiang lost his temper after being tortured by Scar Dog: But how do normal people get so much paralysis?

Simple, smoking and sweets are the most phlegm-producing.

All slaves must smoke at least 20 packs of cigarettes a day. They will not have to worry about no phlegm. They can smoke sweets in one puff. It is best to chill the sweets in the underground river to make them more phlegm-producing.

But what's the point of having so many slimes?

That has so many uses!

What is the biggest advantage of slime? It's quantity!!!

Moreover, the body is boneless, soft, and can withstand heavy blows from blunt objects!

If we could have ten million slimes, we could build a moving city on slimes!

Using slime as a foundation!

And it can also be used as building materials, such as walls.

You can build hundreds of thousands of slimes into a wall to encircle the entire World Tree. Although there won't be much defense, at least the fence will feel like home, right?

Besides, the green color is good for the eyes. Doctors have said that the green color is good for the eyes.

There's a lot more to it.

No matter how bad it is, we can still ask a few slimes to move your rocking chair, Brother Jiang. This will count as an extra mobile recliner, right?

And, based on slime, I can create more perpetual motion products!

Believe me, Brother Jiang, I want Zhao Ritian.


Chen Jiang was expressionless and silent for a long time: I didn't realize you were so obsessed with scientific research before.

I used to be obsessed with it and kept expressing my opinions on Tieba. But netizens kept calling me a civilian, so I gradually stopped expressing my opinions.

really not bad.

After Chen Jiang paused for a while, he nodded lightly: Go ahead, I can already imagine that in the future, the world tree will be filled with your series of perpetual motion design products.


Scar Dog grinned excitedly: Brother Jiang, you are so kind.

Then he walked towards Zhao Ritian who was not far away.

Chen Jiang closed his eyes again, and couldn't help but picture the slime city wall in his mind, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Zhao Ritian.

Scar Dog looked at Zhao Ritian in front of him seriously: I have two pieces of good news to tell you, which one do you want to hear first?


Zhao Ritian was stunned for a moment, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes. What do you mean, there are two good news to tell him. Does he have a choice about which one to listen to first?

Then let's hear the good news first?

The first good news is—

We are all human beings and we should help each other. Brother Jiang has decided to give you all those stuck flamethrowers for free.


A hint of surprise flashed in Zhao Ritian's eyes, and he suddenly screamed with excitement.

He is indeed destined to become the Slime Emperor!

Even the strongest people in the human race invested in him in advance!


Seeing Zhao Ritian's reaction, Scargou nodded with satisfaction.

The second good news is that you have been incorporated, and you can follow us from now on.

Thanks to the boss Shen Qinghuai for the 10,000 starting coins, thank the boss Zuo Chengfeng for the 5,000 starting coins, thank the boss Black Sheep y for the 590 starting coins, and thank the boss QwQwQwQ for the 500 starting coins. currency!

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