The night passed quickly.

They only had 24 hours to smuggle out of the global event, and they wasted six or seven hours tonight, which was a huge waste.

Many times, the true meaning of happiness can only be felt when time is wasted.

Very one-sided, but very comfortable.

Brother Jiang.

Scargou held the cigarette between his fingers and stood on the edge of the rooftop looking at the rising sun. He puffed out the light blue smoke slightly tiredly, then gently rubbed his temples and said, What are we going to do next? ?”

Wang Defa and the others played so crazy last night that their heads are still a little dizzy now.

But I have to say, this is the first time I know that the enhancement of physical fitness has additional effects.

Chen Jiang did not reply immediately. He lowered his head and glanced at the information on his watch. After a pause, he said softly: It's good to go out and relax occasionally. If you keep tense, you will have problems.

While replying, he began to reply to the messages on his watch.

The first is the information from Fiya Company, which asked him which netizens he wanted to choose, that is, making a connection in advance so that he would not be able to answer netizens' questions and be stumped by netizens' too tricky questions.

Just choose the thirty-six most popular questions.

No need to tell me in advance.


Feiya Company responded quickly.

The live broadcast location was also chosen in an abandoned warehouse on Haomao Star.

When they learned that Jiang Cheng was on Good Cat Star, Feiya Company chose the location of the live broadcast room in an abandoned warehouse on Good Cat Star, and urgently contacted Feiya Company employees on Good Cat Star. Go and arrange the warehouse.

The live broadcast was originally expected to take place seven days later.

But Chen Jiang doesn't want to sneak out again after seven days. He still has a lot of things to do in the Ten Thousand Races Arena, such as the two fashion kits that he hasn't collected yet.

Moreover, it is only faster to collect one-star props in the Galaxy Federation. When it comes to three-star props, it is faster to obtain them in the Ten Thousand Races Arena.

Didn’t you see, in the last global event, he easily used blood battle points to exchange for dozens of three-star props, and they were also regular props

Therefore, the live broadcast was changed to 11 noon today.

They smuggled themselves to Haomao Star around one o'clock yesterday afternoon, and will be forced to return around one o'clock today, just after the live broadcast, they can go home.

This live broadcast has only two functions.

Make money and become famous.

Of course, in the eyes of some people, this live broadcast may also have a provocative effect.

There is no doubt that when the live broadcast begins, the Federation will definitely put pressure on Feiya Company and want to obtain the specific locations of Jiang Cheng and others from Feiya Company, so Feiya Company still has to put on a show and be beaten by Jiang Cheng Company. The threatened drama.

It doesn't matter how many people believe it.

This is a highly developed capital society. In this environment, the only way to save face is to fill it up with a large amount of star coins.

In such a society, the credibility of the federal government is actually not very high. However, in such an environment, people like Hu Biao's sister Hu Yue still breed. It has to be said that it is a miracle.

This kind of miracle is like opening Schrödinger's treasure box, only to find that lying inside is not a dead cat or a living cat, but a somewhat tattered boot.

After careful investigation, I found out that Schrödinger's predecessor was a Pirates of the Caribbean.

The time and place for this live broadcast were quickly agreed upon.

Preheating is ready.

Ever since Jiang Cheng became famous in Exclusive Interviews with Celebrities last time, Feiya Company has not let go of the heat. It has been secretly and openly using various methods to catalyze this heat to prevent people from forgetting the destruction of the Orange Star. matter.

Yes, although the news that hundreds of cities on a commercial and residential planet were destroyed is very shocking and surprising, if no one mentions it again, everyone will forget about it in a few days. matter.

The memory of a fish is only seven seconds.

When people laugh at the fish, they are actually doing the same thing themselves.

The Internet has no memory.

Fiya has spent a lot of money to maintain this popularity, but it is worth it, especially in pre-heating the new program. The content of the program is that Jiang Cheng will answer 36 questions from netizens and collect questions from netizens. when.

The heat was pushed to the extreme.

Tricky questions were constantly posted on various forums and websites by these angry netizens.

And with the likes, the thirty-six most popular questions were soon released.

After confirming with Mr. Jiang Cheng.

Feiya Company did not hesitate at all, and looked like it had a lot of money. It spent a large amount of budget and bought most of the advertising spaces on several planets around the Orange Star, including the Asian Planet, the Mu Human Planet, etc.

Start overwhelming and use your budget to hit it.

This is a real-life advertising space.

As for the advertising position on the Internet, it is much simpler, and there is no operation at all.

The operations department, which usually learns how to vote for money, can only watch the budget department arrogantly waving tickets and shouting.

Laman, Laman, Tongtou Laman!

There is no target customer. From the elderly to women, they are all our target customers!

If the dog has a watch, even the dog will be included in it!

Don't discuss with us the skills of casting people, I only know how to make money through general casting!!

This time, Feiya Company is even more arrogant than last time. With last time’s success story, Feiya Company’s boss, Fei Yiyi, is not worried about losing money this time by buying traffic on a large scale.

Those angry netizens will definitely yell insults in the live broadcast room!

And every insult will bring high profits to him and Mr. Jiang Cheng!

And in the past few days, he also asked the R\u0026D department to work overtime for three days and nights to add some new gadgets to his channel. It is not difficult to add these new gadgets. It just needs to go through the platform. The review took a lot of effort.

And they also became the first live broadcast room in the entire network to have special gifts.

Rotten eggs: 10 stars each.

Basket of stinky vegetables: 100 star coins each.

Atonement Order: 1,000 star coins each.

Yes, the Atonement.

Many magical events have happened in the past few days. A group of organizations appeared out of nowhere and started selling atonement orders. They said that as long as they bought the atonement order, they could forgive the sins of Jiang Cheng and others, so that Jiang Cheng and others would never have to kill anyone again. Evil, no more evil obstacles.

It sounds like nonsense, right?

But what is outrageous is that there are no longer a few people buying it.

So he secretly learned this nonsense operation and added it to the channel live broadcast room. Come on, for only 1,000 star coins, you can help Jiang Cheng's company forgive a trace of its sins. Is there any more cost-effective deal than this?

Everything came as expected.

Start in the morning.

Many people just woke up and saw the overwhelming propaganda that almost overwhelmed them.

Everyone got the news.


At 11 o'clock today, on the Starlink platform, the largest integrated live video UGC platform in the Galaxy Federation, Feiya Company's latest channel Jiang Cheng's Thirty-Six Questions will launch a live broadcast.

At that time, Jiang Cheng will answer the thirty-six most popular questions raised by netizens.

You can now subscribe in advance for only 9.9 star coins per month.


At this time, Chen Jiang no longer paid attention to this matter. After finalizing the matter, he no longer paid attention to this matter. He only needed to rush to the warehouse arranged by Feiya Company before 11 noon today. Enough.

The rest will be left to Fiya Company.

Leave professional matters to Feiya Company.

As for how much money Feiya Company will make from it, he doesn't really mind. In some cases, he is actually quite a generous person.

He has also finished replying to Li Shangyin's message.

Some of the one-star props transferred to the Orange Star were accepted by Li Shangyin's Li Chamber of Commerce and then transported to the Yaren Star. Wu Chunqing's Heiou Company finally opened the remote space by Heiou Company Portal, give it to him.

The reason why Heiou Company was not allowed to take over directly was because Heiou Company was not a chaotic force after all. If it was too deeply involved, it would be difficult to leave, and it would be inconvenient to help him do things in the future.

Soon, the whole morning passed.

Chen Jiang did not destroy the city at his feet, but looked at the coordinates of the abandoned warehouse given by Feiya Company.


x looked at Jiang Cheng with some reluctance: I didn't entertain Mr. Jiang Cheng well this time. I will definitely entertain Mr. Jiang Cheng well next time I have the opportunity.


Chen Jiang nodded casually, paused for a moment on X's face, and then said casually: Last time you entrusted Jiang Cheng Company with the mission of bombing Orenya Star, do you remember?

Orenya Star is the storage planet of Orenya Company, which stores a large amount of daily necessities of Orenya Company.

The last time a Ten Thousand Races Arena near the Asian planet went out of control, Wu Shenxin's company robbed the planet, placed a large amount of living supplies on the Asian planet, converted it into one-star props, and took this opportunity to short Ou Renya in advance. company.

Cash out.

He made a lot of money, but he didn't ask how much he made.

At that time, x also commissioned Jiang Cheng's company to bomb Orenya Star. It happened that he got two benefits from one thing, so he did it together.

Since then, I have not heard any more news from Orenya Company. As for whether it can make a comeback, it is still unknown.


x narrowed his eyes and paused for a moment, then said with a smile: It's been a long time, why did Mr. Jiang Cheng suddenly ask about this?

It's okay, I just heard that the planet seemed to have disappeared suddenly.

I remember that I only bombed the surface of the planet and did not blow up the planet.

x suddenly felt a thump in his heart, and struggled internally for a long time before he bit the bullet and prepared to tell the truth: To be honest, the CBD organization on that planet has been targeting it for a long time.

It seems like it's just a relatively small, uninhabitable, desolate planet, but it's actually a ball star.

The CDB organization has been negotiating with Orenya Star Company for a long time, but Orenya Star Company is unwilling to sell the ownership of this planet.

With no choice but to destroy the surface of the planet first, Orenya Company is willing to sell it to the CBD organization.


Chen Jiang nodded lightly again, without replying too much. Instead, he glanced at the Lost Man standing next to

‘Ding. ’

The lost man's heart jumped in his throat almost instantly, his whole face turned pale instantly, and his knees went weak and he couldn't help but kneel down on the spot.

Fortunately, at this time, Chen Jiang spoke to help him out.

Goodbye, let's go.

After finishing speaking, Chen Jiang did not continue to pause, but turned towards the illusory door beside him and disappeared.

Scar Dog, on the other hand, grinned and took out two cigarettes and threw them into the arms of


After Scargou and Chen Jiang left, Wang Defa looked at X and gave a thumbs up, and said with a satisfied expression: Brother, you are really good at playing, and you will continue to work hard in the future.

Then Wang Defa and several others walked into the door of illusion without looking back, and they all disappeared in place.

Soon, the illusory door dispersed.

And looked at the illusory door disappearing in front of me.

The lost man couldn't help but his body went limp, and he collapsed on the ground, gasping for air. His face regained a trace of color, and he couldn't help but trembled: Mom, pull your ass, it's so fucking scary.

This is even scarier than when my father suddenly broke in while I was watching a movie in the holographic virtual cabin!

I will never come to this good cat star again.

I swear from now on, I will never go to the rooftop of any high-rise building again!

This is not a rooftop. This is Schrödinger's rooftop!

When you prepare to open the security door leading to the rooftop, the two states of Jiang Cheng on the rooftop and Jiang Cheng not on the rooftop overlap. When the security door is opened, one state will collapse into the other.

Opening a door is like gambling on your life. Who can afford it?

Looking at the disappearing illusory door in front of him, X was slightly relieved, and finally sent the group away. This time, he accompanied Jiang Cheng's men and others for almost the entire trip and did not leave for a minute.

One is to let it have fun and try not to make any mistakes.

Secondly, for his own safety, Jiang Cheng's men are here. At least Jiang Cheng will not bomb the city, but it would be hard to say if Jiang Cheng's men are not there.

Last time Jiang Cheng bombed Beixi City on the Orange Star without any notice, and he was almost planted there.

No one can resist this sudden surprise.

Then he took a few breaths and carefully stuffed the cigarette into his arms. This cigarette given by Jiang Cheng's men might be used as a talisman one day in the future.

For example, what if he accidentally angered Jiang Cheng and Jiang Cheng wanted to do something to him.

Then this cigarette is at least a human face, right?

I don’t know if it’s useful, but at least it’s better than nothing.

After doing all this, he turned his head and looked at the Lost One and said strangely: Why are you still using the holographic virtual warehouse? You are 27 today, and you still can't touch women?

The Lost One, this person who belongs to the same CBD organization as him.

It can be considered as having a little friendship with him.

The reason why I followed him to Good Cat Star to start the Rose Club this time was because Lost Man's father forcibly gave it to him, in order to let Lost Man touch women.

The Lost One has a very rare problem, that is, he cannot touch women.

But there is no problem with sexual orientation. I just would rather use the holographic virtual cabin to enjoy it by myself than play with the real one.

It stands to reason that as the second-generation official of the Lost One, there is no woman he could want, but the Lost One just won't touch her.

Because of this matter, the father of the lost person is going crazy with anxiety. His family has always been passed down from one generation to the next. The lost person is 27 and has not touched a woman or given birth to a child. Whoever's father is not worried.

I don’t know if there is any psychological shadow left behind when I was young.

I'm already working on it.

The Lost Man slumped on the ground, breathing heavily and said angrily: It's not like you don't know, I've had this problem since I was a teenager.

It's really annoying. Can't we just do surrogacy?

It's okay to leave it to others.

x licked the corner of his mouth, stretched, yawned a little tiredly and said, I can't leave it to you. Don't forget what your father does. In a family like yours, getting married is not just about having a baby. The child is finished.”

It's okay, take your time and don't rush.

I'm going to go back to sleep first. I've been so stressed all night. It's really exhausting.

It seems that the distance to the Good Cat Planet is not far enough. Next time, we will have to find a planet farther away.

The time at this time is, ten forty.

There are still twenty minutes until the Jiang Cheng Thirty-Six Questions channel starts live broadcast.

Chen Jiang and his party had already arrived at the coordinate point given by Feiya Company.

It was in an abandoned warehouse outside a city.

At this time, the appearance of the warehouse was no different from the original one, but the interior had been brand new, with no trace of dust visible. The sunlight shone in along the top of the abandoned warehouse, making it look clean.

In the four corners of the warehouse are four encrypted signal strengthening devices.

These devices can ensure that the live broadcast images are transmitted to several planets near the Orange Star through various signal base stations as losslessly as possible.

As for no delay, that's impossible. It just means that the delay can be reduced as much as possible.

Of course, this delay time is not enough during the live broadcast, just edit the screen.

In the center of the warehouse, there are several sofas and a background wall. It seems that the interview should be held here.

Hello, Mr. Jiang Cheng.

As soon as Chen Jiang and others arrived, a woman in professional attire, with smart makeup and high heels strode over. She looked at Mr. Jiang Cheng with a respectful expression and said, I am from Feiya Company and am in charge of this. I am the person in charge of the live broadcast room, and I will also be responsible for the interview later.

My name is Xiao Xiaoya, you can call me Xiaoya.

She did not reach out to shake hands. According to the information she received, Jiang Cheng had never shaken hands with anyone. Not only would stretching out her hand not show respect, but it would actually make herself a little more embarrassed.


Scar Dog raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise and said with a smile.

What's wrong?

Xiao Xiaoya subconsciously turned her head to look at Scar Dog and said, Does it discriminate against women?

The moment she said these words, she regretted it. The words were too contradictory. Normally, there wouldn't be much going on, but it was inappropriate when facing Jiang Cheng's company and others.

Mainly because she was in this position and usually suffered too much prejudice. When she heard these words, she subconsciously wanted to reply.

That's not the case, don't get me wrong.

Scargou took out a cigarette and threw it into his mouth, grinning and said: I never discriminate against women, I discriminate against everyone.


Xiao Xiaoya, who was just about to open her mouth to make amends, heard this and slowly opened and closed her mouth a few times. She didn't know what to say for a moment, but her good professionalism still made her turn around in an instant and did not continue to discuss this issue. Instead, he spoke.

The start time of the live broadcast is coming soon, do you guys need to put on makeup?

Need not.

Scargou said slightly dissatisfied: Have you ever seen a man wearing makeup? I can't even get enough of it.


Xiao Xiaoya didn't know what to say. In fact, generally speaking, as long as they are standing under the camera, both men and women have to wear makeup. Makeup will make a person's energy look better and make him appear better under the camera. Cover up some flaws.

This has nothing to do with being a mother or not.

It’s just a necessary quality for workers under the lens.

However, she quickly realized that the other party was not a camera worker, but a chaotic force who occasionally appeared in front of the camera for fun.

So she didn't continue.

Chen Jiang didn't reply. He was sitting on the sofa waiting for the live broadcast to start while searching the galaxy forum for what star x just said meant.

X said that the Ou Renya star of Ou Renya company is a soccer star.

It sounds strange that a planet is named after a star ball player.


He then searched what star meant.

It can be roughly understood that it is one of several strange planets produced in the universe.

In the universe, only a very small number of planets are habitable. These planets are gathered together by the galaxy federation through special means, thus forming a habitable star belt.

In addition, there are some special planets.

Like a completely pink gas planet.

Another example is a planet made entirely of diamonds.

Another example is a planet whose pressure is so strong that even the most powerful detector of the Galaxy Federation cannot penetrate thousands of meters.

And Star is one of these strange planets.

There doesn't seem to be much difference from the outside, but there are two powerful energies that are constantly colliding inside the star's core, making this planet prone to frequent high-intensity earthquakes and making it uninhabitable.

This kind of planet can be refined and used as a large energy source.

For example, the star-destroying cannon is a cosmic weapon of mass destruction.

Another example is a giant battleship tens of thousands of meters long.

It is considered a resource star and is worth a lot of money, at least more than the market value of the entire Orenya company.

Chen Jiang flipped through the information on the tablet in front of him, nodded thoughtfully, and said nothing.

If you calculate it this way, it feels like x paid him less.

And at this time——

11 o'clock arrived.

The camera was turned on on time. Xiao Xiaoya was sitting on a sofa, holding a dozen small cards in her hand. She looked at the camera with a professional smile on her face and spoke in a crisp voice.

Hello fellow viewers, welcome to the latest channel of Fiya Company, Jiang Cheng's Thirty-six Questions.

Jiang Cheng's Thirty-six Questions is the latest channel launched by Fiya Company. Here Jiang Cheng Company will answer questions from netizens so that you can know more about Jiang Cheng Company.

Without further ado, let's get started.

We can see sitting on the sofa next to them. These five are Jiang Cheng from Jiang Cheng's company, and the other four main members.

Mr. Jiang Cheng, shall we officially start now?


Chen Jiang leaned on the sofa, placed the emerald-colored cane horizontally in his arms, crossed his legs and played with the emerald ring on his thumb, and said casually without raising his head.


Xiao Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief, and after cheering herself up secretly in her heart, she looked at the small card in her hand and spoke in a crisp and clear voice.

We have ranked netizens' questions by popularity and selected the thirty-six most popular questions.

Then let us answer from lowest to highest.

The first is a question that ranks 36th in popularity.

This is a question from a netizen called The King of Bullshit Don't Use Dogs——

I would like to ask Jiang Cheng, are you not afraid of causing so many murders?

The words fell.

Xiao Xiaoya didn't speak anymore, but stared at Jiang Cheng nervously. To be honest, she didn't know how Jiang Cheng would answer. This interview was completely real and had not been rehearsed in advance.

This also puts a lot of pressure on her as a host. She must have extremely good field control skills to open up the atmosphere when the atmosphere is a bit stiff.

What's more, there were many intrusive questions this time, which made her a little uneasy. After all, with Jiang Cheng's temper, no one knew whether Jiang Cheng would get angry and kill in the next second.

And at the same time.

Almost most of the people on several planets near the Orange Star, including Yaren, Muren, and other three or four planets, have opened the Jiang Cheng's Thirty-Six Questions of Feiya Company on the UGC platform Starlink. ” channel.

Stare at the demon in front of you.

Using the word devil to call the man in the picture, who looks like a well-dressed gentleman, is actually a bit abrupt at first sight, but after understanding what this man has done, you will know to use the word devil to call him. This man is nothing short of exaggerated.

For a while.

Except for some positions where they really couldn't stop, other people, even if they were busy, took a moment to stare at the picture projected in the air.

Interviewing a devil is actually more gimmick than interviewing a leader.

Because not many people are interested in leaders running cities, but most people are interested in how a demon becomes a demon.

People prefer to hear stories about rich ladies going ashore than stories about prostitutes going ashore.

Fei Yiyi stared at the soaring number of people in the live broadcast room and the news that kept flooding the screen. He clenched his fists with red eyes and shouted excitedly: It's worth it, everything is worth it!

This time, he actually endured a lot of pressure.

Not only is there financial pressure, but there is also pressure from the federal government.

But he got it on his head!

Because he firmly believes that as long as this program is broadcast, FIA will become the most influential media company this year and will definitely make a lot of money!

The fact was just as he expected.

Only two minutes after the channel was launched, the number of people online at the same time has already reached 800 million+! ! !

And this number is still rising crazily!

It will be popular. This time the Jiang Cheng's Thirty-six Questions channel will definitely be more popular than the last Exclusive Interviews with Famous Experts channel.

Chen Jiang, who was sitting on the sofa, listened to the question in his ear, raised his head and looked at the camera not far away in front of him, paused for a while and then said with a smile.


I thought you were going to ask me if I felt like it was a waste.

After all, there is no benefit to me from causing so much killing. The energy consumed by so many shells is not a small amount.

Occasionally, it does feel wasteful. In the future, we should try our best to bombard the city as little as possible and adopt some milder methods.

Next question.

Xiao Xiaoya didn't stop and quickly looked at the next question. As for whether this question would satisfy those netizens, it had nothing to do with her. She was just a host.

I am only responsible for whether this interview can be successfully held and concluded.

As for whether the effect of this interview can meet the expectations of Fiya Company, it has nothing to do with her.


This interview went by quickly from question to question.

Then Mr. Jiang Cheng, next is the thirty-second most popular question.

This is a question from a netizen called I give you a free hand at the beginning, and then I start commanding——

Jiang Cheng, I want to know if you will repeat the behavior on the Orange Star on other planets in the future.


Chen Jiang leaned on the sofa with his legs crossed, looked up at the camera, thought for a while and then said: This is an interesting question. First of all, I can definitely answer that your behavior on the Orange Star will not be repeated more than three times.

After all, it's quite hard to destroy more than a hundred cities in a row. I should give you a surprise next time.

A relatively efficient surprise.

Mr. Jiang Cheng, this is the twenty-third most popular question.

This is a question from a netizen named Tiantian Purple Gold Hammer——

What's the point of doing this? Is there some injustice done to you by the Federation that makes you have anti-social emotions?

No, just because it makes me feel better.

I am a person who yearns for freedom, and a truly free person will naturally do things according to his own heart.

Chen Jiang looked at the camera with a calm expression.

He didn't tell the truth.

The reason for this is simple, because he is a so-called race player, and the Federation is the federation in charge of the Nicholas Galaxy.

The two sides are on natural opposites.

Someone has to die.

In fact, he cannot die. With his current strength, even if the Ten Thousand Races Arena ends tomorrow, he can go through the wormhole to a remote enough commercial and residential planet to live out the rest of his life comfortably.

But the human players in the Ten Thousand Races Arena do not have this strength.

Their only outcome is to be taken away by the Federation, and then they will dig out all the talents in their brains and put them in the talent store.

He has always hated the saying, With great power comes great responsibility. He feels that this saying has the implication of moral kidnapping.

But since he has this ability, he naturally has to help the human players in the Ten Thousand Races Arena to successfully get out of the Ten Thousand Races Arena and find a planet to live on, where they can stay stable for the time being.

At least, when things calmed down and he was ready to find a wife, he wouldn't have to choose from some aliens.

The fourteenth most popular question.

Question from an anonymous netizen——

Does a butcher like you usually glue yourself? If you were a real person, what position would you like?

When reading this sentence, Xiao Xiaoya couldn't help but feel a little numb. Naturally, she was not shy. As a woman who had been in the workplace for so long, she had never heard any dirty jokes. Naturally, she would not feel like she had just graduated from college because of such a sentence. Like the little girl who stepped out, her ears were all red.

She just felt a little uneasy.

This sentence is too intrusive, and why would anyone want to know whether Jiang Cheng usually glues himself?

Well. Although she was suddenly very curious, would such a being who killed hundreds of millions of people casually still do such operations that only mortals like them could do?


After Chen Jiang was expressionless and silent for a while, he looked at Xiao Xiaoya and said.

Are you sure this is a question about Hot Fourteen?

Mr. Jiang Cheng, yes, this question had 67 million likes before the live broadcast on the channel started.


He nodded, paused for a moment, and then said calmly: No, I quite like all the positions.


The eighth most popular question.

It's also a question from an anonymous netizen——

Do you wear this dress every time because it has any special commemorative significance for you? Or is it a fetish or something like that?

It's a prop.

Chen Jiang didn't hide it, but said straightforwardly with a calm face: It's because this dress is a prop and has a very strong effect. As for the effect, maybe one day this dress will become a trophy and be hung in the federal military museum. .

You can go and see for yourself.

The fifth most popular question.

Also an anonymous question, If possible, can you destroy Blue Tail City? I hate those white-skinned, black-blooded, blue-tailed things. Why does the Federation classify these things that should appear in the zoo as federal citizens?

Just because they can talk? Doesn't the Federation think that placing a talking animal in a zoo will attract more people's attention?


Watch the news.

The third most popular question.

Why do you want to fund all the forces of chaos? Do you really want to fund it? Or do you want them to do things for you?

Sincerely support, all new chaotic forces in the industry can contact Jiang Cheng's company to ask for a sponsorship. In every industry, seniors must stand up and help the younger ones, so that this industry will be more prosperous.

Come on everyone.

The most popular question.

How long do you think you can escape?

Asker. Federal Government.

long time.

Chen Jiang did not pause, and naturally looked at the camera and said calmly: And I don't like the word escape. It will make me look embarrassed. However, in fact, I am sitting here, waiting for your arrival.

It's just that you didn't come, it's not that I'm running away.


The words fell.

A hoarse male voice sounded in his ears.

Then now I'm here.

Chen Jiang tilted his head and looked at the source of the sound without making too many unnecessary movements.

There was no sign of an army, and no props or seals sounded in his ears.

There is only one man.

A man wearing camouflage uniforms was striding towards him. With every step he took, a piece of clothing fell off his body.

After taking seven steps out.

The man had no more clothes on him.

A body completely made of mechanical organs was revealed. Except for the head, it looked like a robot.

There are many things that look like sapphires inlaid on the body, and they are constantly flashing blue and white light.

The next second——

The man raised his fist and pointed it at Jiang Cheng. Then his arm began to make a clicking sound, and then began to change rapidly. In less than a second, the arm formed a silver-white muzzle about the thickness of a fist.

There was a thick white light deep in the muzzle, flashing continuously.

Although the muzzle is small, it makes people feel their scalp numb.

what about now?

The man croaked expressionlessly.

Chen Jiang leaned on the sofa, turned his head and glanced at the man, and then looked at the camera again: Don't tell me that you just sent this person. This will make me feel insulted.

Of course not.

The man said coldly.

The words fell.

This ruined warehouse suddenly collapsed.

The walls on all sides suddenly collapsed, revealing the vast space outside the warehouse.

There were probably thousands of densely packed robots like this man standing there, pointing their silver-white muzzles at him.

These people don't count as human beings.

Li Hao frowned and explained quietly beside Chen Jiang: They are not on my map.

Foreign players can be found on his map. Federal citizens are judged as foreign players on his map, but there are no points for these people on the map. This means that these people are not federal citizens at all.

Without the physical head, it looks more like a pure robot.

Your professionalism looks very good.

Chen Jiang glanced at the thousands of robots surrounding the warehouse. He didn't pay too much attention, but turned his head to look at Xiao Xiaoya who was sitting opposite the sofa: At this moment, he can still maintain a relatively calm state. For For normal people, this is already a very powerful thing.”


Xiao Xiaoya's body froze in place, her face turned slightly pale, and her voice trembled with tears: Thank you for the compliment, what should we do next?

Feiya Company clearly told her that the location of this live broadcast is absolutely confidential and cannot be discovered!

She doesn't want to die here!

Now the live broadcast will naturally continue, but we will insert some short programs for everyone in the middle, just to relieve aesthetic fatigue.

And at this time——

No more nonsense from those robots!

Aiming the silver-white hand cannon in his hand at Jiang Cheng and his group, it was a bit too much in a tacit understanding, without anyone giving orders!

These robots fired in unison!


Thousands of silver-white light beams rushed towards Jiang Cheng and others!

ps: I set a monthly ticket target the day before yesterday. I said that the target was achieved. I posted an update of 100,000 words on the 16th. However, the result was not reached. It should be that the target was set a bit too high. Mainly because many people did not have monthly tickets at the beginning of the month. It was my negligence and did not consider it. to this point.

But the problem is not big. Although the goal has not been achieved, there are still a lot more monthly votes. You can’t let your monthly votes go to waste. If you convert them according to the ratio, there will still be an update on the 16th, starting with 30,000 words.

That's it, see you tomorrow.

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