I always feel like something is not quite right.

Scar Dog frowned and looked at everything in front of him carefully.

The scene in front of me looked particularly beautiful, like an oil painting, but I always felt that something was wrong, and it was hard to explain for a while.


He suddenly reacted and looked in front of him with a strange expression: Isn't it a little too dead here? It doesn't feel like it's alive.


In the large patch of tall foxtail grass here, there are no living creatures, no life forms, and the most important thing is that there is no wind at all.

Those dogtail grasses showed no sign of shaking.

Everything in front of me looks like a two-dimensional picture that has been transformed into three dimensions.

Is this the product of that god's civilization?

Chen Jiang leaned on his cane with one hand and looked at everything in front of him. He raised his eyebrows and said with interest: This doesn't seem like a power in reality. It looks more like some mysterious power. s things.

He tentatively raised his cane and lightly touched the dogtail grass in front of him.

There was no movement.

No matter how much force I exert, these dogtail grasses are just fixed here and will not move.


Seeing this, Wang Defa rolled up his sleeves unconvinced, took a deep breath, grabbed a handful of dogtail grass with both hands: Let me try!

The next second——


The muscles all over Wang Defa's body bulged suddenly, and the veins in his neck popped out. He roared and used all his strength, but it was useless. The handful of dogtail grass that Wang Defa was pulling remained motionless.

It's like it's fixed there.

No, no.

After trying it for a while, Wang Defa stared at the handfuls of dogtail grass in front of him out of breath, and gasped in disbelief: It can't be pulled out at all, there is no movement at all, but how is this possible?

With the blessing of his talent, his physical fitness is now far beyond that of ordinary humans.

How far is it?

There is no problem at all in becoming a little superman. With a little effort, you might even be able to uproot the world tree. But just like that, you can't shake some foxtail grass?

This is simply unbelievable!

There's definitely something wrong with these foxtail grasses.

Scargou said confidently.

After Chen Jiang lowered his head and thought for a while, he didn't speak. He just frowned and looked into the distance and said, Open the door and move on.


They plan to pass through this piece of grass through the illusory door. It is difficult for normal people to pass through this piece of dog's tail grass. The dog's tail grass here is absolutely fixed, which means that it is impossible to squeeze into this piece of dog's tail grass. The grass passes through it.

You can only cross by stepping on the dog's tail.

And when they passed through the illusory door, they didn't know how far they advanced on the dog's tail grassland, and finally saw something different.

That's a big palace!

A great hall situated under the light!

This hall looks a little dilapidated, with the outside somewhat mottled, and made of huge stones.

Yes, ever since I saw the Dog Tail Grassland, my eyes have been filled with light. There is no celestial body like the sun above my head, but the surroundings have always been in a state of light!

It's like the entire space is designed without a main light.

Looking up, the top of the head is not a sand wall, but a somewhat whitish existence, which looks like a piece of white paper, a bit like the sky.

They also suspected that this place may no longer be in the center of the Sand Star, but was inadvertently teleported to some other place, but they did not have too many surprises or doubts because of this. After all, they had experienced this kind of thing before. Many times.

Isn't it just teleportation? No one would be the same.

When they ran from the Ten Thousand Races Arena to the Federation, weren't they also smuggled in and teleported?

There are all kinds of strange murals carved on the hall in front of you. Unlike the meaningless mysterious patterns around the Samana, the murals on this hall really have information.

The first mural is a scene of ten thousand people worshiping.

I saw countless little people drawn with lines, kneeling and worshiping in front of a seat, but there was no one or anything on that seat.

Civilization of gods?

Scargou frowned and stared at the mural in front of him in deep thought for a moment before he said, I seem to know what this godly civilization is. Is it using people's beliefs to gain some magical power?

Then they saw many murals.

There are many.

A lame man lying on a stretcher suddenly jumped up from the stretcher intact, and then began to kowtow to the empty seat!

There are all kinds of miracles happening!

With the development of murals, they seemed to see the development of a civilization!

More and more gods appeared, until twelve supreme gods appeared!

In the murals, these supreme gods possess all the mysterious powers!

However, gradually, these twelve supreme gods began to gradually retreat, and then disappeared.

What kind of nonsense is this?

Scar Dog looked at the series of murals in front of him with a speechless expression: Can you get some useful information?

Isn't this useful information coming?

Li Hao pointed to a wall deep in the hall, looked at the words they didn't recognize and said, Here, look here.

The writing on this wall looks crooked and different from any writing they are familiar with, but for some reason, although they do not recognize these words, they can understand the content of these words.

In about a dozen lines, it roughly explains the rise of the civilization of gods and the reasons for its decline and destruction.

I am a god.

A supreme god, I once had supreme power. I once brought fire and food to the world, and helped them get rid of diseases. I once controlled everything in the world!

However, all of this has now been ruined by one person.

A long, long time ago, people were not enlightened and everyone was stupid, but I accidentally fell into a cave and became enlightened and learned how to become a god!

I just need to gain people's faith. With the number of believers and the degree of believers' faith, I can gain divine power!

These magical powers allow me to do many things, help many people cure their diseases, turn their sesame cakes into countless pancakes, and feed the world!

I gained the world's faith, but I also really helped them!

As my power increases, I also have more powerful energy!

I went to find more planets and made more people on the planets become my believers. In the process, eleven other people became gods like me due to various opportunities!

We, the twelve gods, enjoy the admiration of all the people on several planets!

And through divine power, the portals between each planet are opened, allowing people on different planets to communicate freely with each other.

But God is God because He is omnipotent.

I don't know when, a man suddenly appeared. This man seemed to be mentally ill. He insisted on letting the world know about science. This man indeed brought many things that even we gods don't know.

He opened a thing called a school. Everyone in the world can go to the school to receive education and learn some powerful knowledge without believing in him.

He brought a lot of things to the world. In the beginning, we twelve gods supported him, because the things he brought made us realize that there is another more powerful force in the world that is not for us. Known.

But what happens after that is out of our control.

It happened so fast that by the time we realized it was too late.

He popularized science!

He made it possible for people in the world to make fire without having to believe in gods. He made it possible for people to make their own food without having to believe in gods.

And he told the world that the reason why gods are so powerful is because the ignorant people believe in them!

Gradually, people in the world begin to stop believing in gods. Without the faith of believers, we ourselves cannot maintain our current body at all, and can only helplessly fall into a long sleep.

I don't know if I will sleep for a long time, but I know that that person will regret it. There are many dangers in this universe. Without God's protection, it is impossible to stop those crises with that person's so-called technology.

If the world sees this, you can find a way to wake me up!

All it takes is for 100 million people to devoutly chant my divine name, 'Yale Satan', to awaken me from my deep sleep!

After awakening me, I will let you have the same supreme power as me and make you the thirteenth god!


Scar Dog smacked his tongue with a complex expression and said with emotion: I didn't realize that this god is still a bit talkative. He's just leaving, but he can still leave such a long paragraph.

But isn't this civilization a little too fragile?

Civilization will be shattered once the twelve gods are gone?

And I don't know what caused the smashing.

But speaking of it, the person who popularized science sounds a bit like a time traveler.

After all, in an era of theology, science suddenly began to be popularized. This must be a time traveler, right?

What's the plot going to be like next? I'm quite curious about how far that time traveler can take science after the twelve gods are gone.

Does this need to be said?

Li Hao shook his head helplessly and spread his hands and said: We are now in the ruins of a civilization, and the consequences are naturally clear. Science requires countless people to spend sleep and food to develop it.

No matter how much things are stored in a person's brain, it is impossible for one person to lead a group of people to create a technological civilization.

It's something that has essentially zero success rate.

Even the most professional and professional scientists cannot create a scientific and technological civilization by themselves.

What's more, creating a technological civilization requires more than just technological improvement.

That time traveler probably just did it, opened up the wisdom of the world, and made the world no longer ignorantly believe in gods, and then... there was no more.

Without the power of gods, the technology popularized by the time traveler in these messages would be completely unable to protect the crises that several planets may encounter.

Then...then it will be gone and become a cultural relic.

That's right. After Scargou pondered for a moment, he said thoughtfully: Then why did the time traveler not join this god civilization and become gods together through advanced knowledge, but instead spread science?

I don't know, but the way to become a god is not difficult. You just need to gain faith. This god civilization only has 12 gods. It is probably because of the severe suppression that other gods are not allowed to appear.

Zhao Ritian nodded as if he understood: In this way, this god civilization is actually quite abnormal. The main combat power is only these 12 gods. When the 12 gods fall into sleep, this civilization basically has no power. No ability to resist.

That's true, but the combat effectiveness of these gods is probably much higher than we imagined.

Compared with the current civilization of the Federation, there are pros and cons. At least if the Federation is a god civilization, we may not be able to survive for so long. The god civilization is a bit too focused on high-end combat power.

Let's go.

Chen Jiang leaned on his cane and stood there. After retracting his eyes from the wall of words in front of him, he looked forward: Go and see what is in this hall.

Is there any treasure left behind by the gods?

As for the last line of writing on the wall, about how to awaken the gods, they were completely ignored.

People who don't have a serious brain disease will basically not consider awakening this god named Yale Satan. It's still a bit uneasy to deal with a god. It's good for this kind of thing to sleep all the time.

But at present, it seems that they will never have a chance to wake up.

The civilization of gods has completely fallen.

The one in charge of this galaxy now is the Nicholas Galaxy Federation. This is a technological civilization, and it is difficult to create an atmosphere of fanatical belief like the civilization of gods.

The more primitive the society, the greater the devotion to the gods.

Soon, they entered the depths of the hall.

Deep in the main hall, there is a jade bed.

On the jade bed, a woman wearing gorgeous clothes was lying, with her arms on her chest and her eyes closed, as if she was asleep.

This...is the god mentioned in the text?

Scar Dog looked strange and said, I didn't expect it to be a goddess?

It feels like this god looks like an ordinary person, there is not much difference.

Li Hao licked the corner of his mouth lustfully and paused for a while before saying, I don't know why, but a thought that might not be good suddenly popped into my mind.


Scargou remained expressionless and silent for a long time before turning his head to look at Li Hao: Are you planning to learn from Wang Jili?

Let me state in advance that although I don't despise this kind of behavior, I don't advocate it either.

ps: Good morning everyone, I will go have breakfast and then continue coding after dinner.

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