My fort has a caliber of three thousand meters

Chapter 321 Picture 320: The best way to deal with traces at the scene is not to destroy the traces,

How to live?

Scar Dog walked to the window, raised the severed finger above his head, and while observing the condition of the severed finger in the sun, he said casually: How can I survive if my hybrid power is gone?

Didn't you read what was written on that wall? It takes hundreds of millions of believers to call out the name of this god in their hearts for this god to wake up?

If it was so easy to wake up, then there would be no need for her to fall into a deep sleep. She could just cut herself before falling asleep.

However, I have a general understanding of the formation of gods. Basically, by using devout believers as a medium to concentrate enough differentiated world origin consciousness on oneself, gods will be formed.

Other than that, there's not much difficulty.

That is to say, if you are willing, you can actually copy a god in the current federal environment.

That's right.

Li Hao nodded in agreement: This is the same as the Ten Thousand Races Arena, which is a way of using the original consciousness of the planet world. The Ten Thousand Races Arena makes these world original consciousnesses into props, and the gods turn these world original consciousnesses into props. Add to yourself.”

But given the current federal environment, it is still difficult to find such relatively ignorant citizens.

But you can make yourself a god through batch brainwashing, or by looking for wild planets outside the Federation, and by absorbing the beliefs of the residents on those wild planets.

After this method of using the original consciousness of the world is exposed, it will definitely have a lot of impact. Many companies and the federation that have the strength to explore externally should use this method to artificially create gods for themselves.

This may have a certain impact on us, so we must respond in advance to prevent the enemy from suddenly summoning a god in the future and causing a dimensionality reduction blow to us, which will be difficult to withstand.

Scar Dog frowned and pondered for a while before speaking: We currently do not have the ability to explore outside the Galaxy Federation, and since we can only sneak out of the Federation, we don't have much time to do such a thing.

It's still very difficult for us to create gods artificially.

But isn't the essence of a god the carrier of the original consciousness of the world? Using the original consciousness of the world to break through the rules of the universe, in this case, we can definitely raise a god.

Like Blue Star's father?

We can continue to capture the original consciousness of the world for him to continuously increase the strength of Blue Star's father. In this way, when the enemy moves out of the gods in the future, we can directly let Blue Star's father rush forward!

There are certain drawbacks to this.

Li Hao shook his head and said in denial: First of all, we are not sure whether Blue Star's father can swallow the world's original consciousness, and whether swallowing the world's original consciousness can increase his own strength.

Second, we still need to have the power to face the gods directly. After all, we can't be sure whether Blue Star's father is completely on the same front as us. If we feed Blue Star's father strong enough, one day Blue Star's father will take action against us. , then it will be difficult for us to defend ourselves.”

Although this possibility is unlikely, we have to think about it in advance.


Chen Jiang nodded slightly, paused for a while, and then set a tone for the matter: We will put aside the future matters temporarily. This time, we mainly focus on the body of the god and the original consciousness of the world of the orange-red star. Bring back.

“We’ll talk about the next thing later.”

God actually just sounds a little better.

In essence, it is basically the carrier of the original consciousness of the world. All abilities come from the original consciousness of the world on a certain planet. The strongest one is the original consciousness of the world, not God.

It's just that ordinary people simply cannot bear the original consciousness of the world, let alone use it.

Just like making props, the original consciousness of the world has the power to break through the rules of the universe.

For example, the talent Wantful Transformation!

This is a talent that as long as you have enough one-star items, your strength will have no upper limit!

Soon six hours passed.

Liu Yishou's preparations were also perfected. In front of the federation's eyes, an operation to extract the original consciousness of the world from the Orange Star began.

This operation will definitely attract a lot of people's attention.

It has been a long time since the forces of chaos were so audacious.

And when a planet's original consciousness of the world is taken away, the planet will wither and die at a speed almost visible to the naked eye.

Just like God opens a window for people, he will close the window for people.

Although the universe has given the original consciousness of the world on each planet the ability to break through the rules of the universe, it has also deprived them of wisdom.

The original consciousness of the world on almost all planets has almost godlike abilities and can do almost anything they want to do, but their intelligence is only about that of a two or three-year-old child.

They don't seem to know their abilities, nor how useful their abilities can be, nor how to make reasonable use of their abilities.

If all the original consciousness of the world has the wisdom of a normal male.

Then there will be no other races in the entire universe. There will be only one race in the entire universe, and that is the Gods!

That is, the Planet Clan!

It is a pity that these world origin consciousnesses do not know that they can do this, or they should be lucky!

It was only after the technology of Ten Thousand Races Arena came out that people knew what methods they could use to utilize this world's origin consciousness, which was not very intelligent.

By this time, excavation had already begun.


Estimated time: 8 hours.

After 8 hours, the original consciousness of the world on the orange star will be extracted and placed in a specific container.

In fact, this is a relatively cruel act. The word cruelty does not only apply to humans, but also applies to many places. It is just difficult to empathize with.

And at this time——

Chen Jiang suddenly received a message.

Sent by x.

The content of the message is very simple, only three lines of words.

The Federation found a sleeping god in this civilization site, a goddess.

The Federation is planning to put this god up for auction, and the auction will be held in three days.

Mr. Jiang Cheng, are you interested in this?


Looking at the three lines of words in front of him, Chen Jiang couldn't help but fell silent for a moment. He really didn't know why the Federation would make such a choice. For a sleeping god, if you think about it from the perspective of the Federation, isn't the significance of scientific research more important? ?

Why are you putting it up for auction? Are you thinking?

Does the Federation lack this few star coins?

If the federation's decision-makers were like this, then he probably wouldn't need to take action. Within a few years, the federation itself would be torn apart.

Then he spoke with some confusion.

Is the Federation short of this few star coins?


After a pause in the chat box, a new message popped up.

Actually, it's not that the federation lacks these star coins, but that this operation has not been reported to the outside world yet, but many people within the federation actually know about it.

The Federation is a federation of relationships.

When you have important information, as a close confidant, you naturally have to tell your boss, and then your boss will tell your boss, and then tell your close friends, and there are many close confidants in this federal exploration team, and then it will be like this.

The headquarters of the Federal Scientific Research Institute naturally issued an order to transfer the body of the god immediately and prepare it for scientific research. However, many people blocked it.

Something I don't know how to say is that people with power are often not short of money, and they have a lot of money. They have enjoyed a lot in this life.

A beauty that is rare for mortals to see, and they are almost done playing with it.

In this case, when this goddess appeared, she immediately attracted the attention of many people.

I'm tired of playing with goddesses, but I've never even seen a real goddess like this, let alone tired of playing with her.

So, just when this federal investigation team was about to comply with the order from the Federal Research Headquarters and transport the body of the goddess back, it received more orders like goose feathers.

Each official is greater than the other.

Of course there are all kinds of reasons. The most outrageous one is that the deputy star commander of the twelve most prosperous planets in the Federation said that he would take away the body of this goddess and use it as a landmark building for their planet.

Although the reasons are varied, everyone actually knows what they are thinking.

In this case, the Federal Research Headquarters is in a stalemate with these people.

Although the Federal Scientific Research Headquarters is directly affiliated with the Nicholas Galaxy Federation, its status is theoretically higher than that of any planet or the star length of any planet. When you see a small member of the Scientific Research Headquarters, you are on the same level, but a group of people engaged in scientific research , don’t know anything about politics or connections.”

It's not like the Federal Weapons Research and Development Department, which focuses on research and development as well as business. The people in the department are not too rigid, they have a lot of connections, and they also have things to do with the lives of other planets. The scientific research headquarters is just a soft persimmon. , anyone can come and give it a try.”

So the result is... being crushed directly.

The reason why the stalemate has lasted so long is entirely because those other people are stalemate together, otherwise this federal scientific research headquarters would have been kicked out long ago.

Mr. Jiang Cheng, you also know that theoretical status is not equal to actual status.

Finally, under a mysterious force, the two sides negotiated and reached an agreement.

That is, the body of this goddess will be auctioned in three days. Everyone will auction it anonymously, and the highest bidder will get it.

But the auctioneer must reach an agreement with the auctioneer, that is, three days after the auction, the body of the goddess must be cleaned and returned to the federal scientific research headquarters.

Let the scientific research headquarters be used for research.

It's probably like this. To put it bluntly, you can play with it for three days. After three days, I will use it for research. You can stop thinking about it.

If you really feel itchy, I'll take the money. Whoever pays more will get to play with it for three days.

When I got the news, I contacted Mr. Jiang Cheng as soon as possible to see if you were interested in this, Mr. Jiang Cheng. This auction is absolutely anonymous and everyone can participate.


Chen Jiang sat on the sofa expressionlessly and fell into silence again, and this time the silence was long enough that he no longer knew how to evaluate the current environment of the Federation.

It feels like the Federation’s credibility is not very strong.

Put it on Blue Star. If you find something like this and say you want to study it, who dares?


It seems that this kind of thing is not very certain.

But no matter how uncertain it is, it won't be as blatant as the Federation.

Thanks, not interested.


Soon the other party's news came again.

Following this line of text, he seemed to see the shyness on the face of the person on the other side of the screen.

Well, if you are not interested, Mr. Jiang Cheng, I would like to ask you to trouble Mr. Jiang Cheng.

That's it, I have a business plan.

As you know, Mr. Jiang Cheng, although my Rose Club is making a lot of noise, it is actually not very famous. I have always been looking for an opportunity to make the Rose Club a hit.

I think this is a good opportunity.

As long as I take a picture of this goddess, put it in my rose club, and party for three days!

This will not only completely establish the reputation of the Rose Club, but also attract extremely exaggerated money!

Let's do a simple calculation!

A goddess can receive three customers at the same time. One customer takes about ten minutes, which means the table change time is ten minutes.

In other words, we can receive 1,296 customers in three days!

Charging 100 million star coins from a customer is not excessive at all, right?

It's just this opportunity. After passing through this village and trying to experience it, I can't find this store. For those rich people, this little money is nothing!

This is a goddess!

Porcelain that has been passed down for countless years or thousands of years can be sold for sky-high prices, and abalone that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years can be sold at such a high price?!

After three days of this, that's 129.6 billion!

Coupled with other services, such as spectator seats, charging 10 million for this kind of exciting program is not excessive at all, right? And there are also seats where you can experience it, which costs 20 million, and this kind of sporadic Added up, there is probably an income of 80 billion!

This is an income of 200 billion!

As long as you take a picture of this goddess and use my management and talent, you can definitely grab 200 billion star coins!

Don't worry about the source of customers. I don't have too many customers. This kind of hot scene where the last customer comes and the next one comes as soon as the last customer leaves and the queue is waiting for the order. This is a business model that many catering companies dream of!

Now we are almost using the initial funds to auction this goddess!

I only have 200 million in hand. I wonder if you can lend me some, Mr. Jiang Cheng. Don't worry, I will return home on the 13th after everything is done. I understand all the rules.


Chen Jiang fell into silence again, this time the silence was longer and longer.

He didn't know whether this was a cognitive difference caused by different regional cultures.

He could understand every word x said, but why couldn't he understand them all together?

After three days, can this thing still be used for research?

Damn it!

He couldn't help but cursed in his heart, who are these people? Is there something wrong with the people he comes into contact with, or is this the trend in the entire federation?

Why do you feel like there are no normal people in the Federation? !

He suppressed the emotional urge to curse and tried to calm down as much as possible: I can lend you 20 billion, and you can borrow it from these people. Maybe they can help you.

Immediately afterwards, he pushed over the contact information of Wang Jili of Shark Company and Wu Chunqing of Heou Company.

Yes, although he was speechless in his heart, he still borrowed the money.

the reason is simple.

He has an antagonistic relationship with the Federation.

If this goddess was really auctioned off by x, and was abused for three days in a row, and then thrown to the Federal Ministry of Scientific Research, making it difficult for the Federal Ministry of Scientific Research to develop anything, this would also be a good thing for him.

The enemy's heartache is his pleasure.

Although this method makes him lose his temper, as long as the result is beneficial to him.

Thank you, Mr. Jiang Cheng. I will remember this great favor. Mr. Jiang Cheng, don't worry. Even if things don't work out, I will still return home. I will definitely not let Mr. Jiang Cheng's money go back intact.


Chen Jiang closed the chat box expressionlessly and did not reply. Instead, he looked at Scar Dog and said, Let's have a cigarette.


Scargou was stunned for a moment, then he realized what he was doing and hurriedly took out a cigarette and handed it to Brother Jiang. He said in slight surprise: Brother Jiang, when did you start smoking?

Brother Jiang basically never smokes, why do you suddenly want to smoke today?

Could it be that something troublesome has happened?

No, Brother Jiang doesn’t have a woman, so there’s no such thing as a crush, and it’s even less likely that he’ll encounter difficulties in his career. Isn’t it smooth sailing?

So what went wrong?

Chen Jiang did not speak, but sighed softly, lit the cigarette, put it in his mouth and took a deep breath. He choked and coughed a few times before holding the cigarette between his fingers and pulling out the cigarette. The words were simply repeated.


After listening, Scargou also fell silent, sitting slightly stiffly next to Brother Jiang, also lighting an eye, looking at the light blue smoke in front of him with shock and confusion.

Even Li Hao, who claimed to have quit smoking long ago, lit one without expression and used cigarettes to release the emotions in his heart.

What's going on here?

Wang Defa and Zhao Ritian, who had just finished their work and pushed in from the outside, looked at the scene of the three people in the office and said in confusion, What's going on? Li Hao, didn't you say you've quit smoking for a long time?

Listen to me.

Scargo shook his cigarette ashes into the ashtray on the table with a sigh on his face, and said quietly.

After some words.

Wang Defa and Zhao Ritian stood there with expressionless faces. After being silent for a long time, they spoke.

Stop talking, give me one too, and I'll take one with you.

After a while.

Only then did everyone calm down.

how to say?

Scargou put out the almost burned out cigarette in the ashtray on the table and sighed: This guy is really a business wizard. As far as I know, that guy Wang Jili is also a business wizard. The two collided. If it comes out, maybe more sparks will burst out.”

Let them do this.

Anyway, as long as it can disgust the Federation, it will be good for us.


It's just so much fun.


Chen Jiang paused and turned his head to look at Wang Defa: How is the situation with Liu Yishou handled?

no problem.

When Wang Defa heard the conversation about business, his face suddenly turned serious and he said, The excavation has started smoothly. All that's left is to wait.

The orange planet is now temporarily deserted, and the federal government has left.

The federal government of the Orange Star is still applying for reconstruction funds and attracting foreign investment. So far, there are not many people on that planet, so the risk of exposure is almost non-existent.

As long as someone doesn't report it, it's basically impossible to be discovered.

That's fine.

Chen Jiang nodded lightly and said nothing more. This was their main mission this time.

As for the civilization ruins and so on, they are all incidental.

Soon, 8 hours passed.

Everything is going smooth.

There were no accidents along the way.

Chen Jiang took a small container handed over by Liu Yiyi, held it in his hand and observed it for a while, then raised his eyebrows slightly and said, What is contained here is the original consciousness of the world?


Liu Yishou said helplessly: In the early days, before the Ten Thousand Races Arena was developed, the Federation discovered that the planet actually has independent consciousness, that is, the original consciousness of these worlds, and these original consciousnesses of the world have a It’s a very unique power that can even break through the rules of the universe.”

But these world origin consciousnesses cannot be controlled by humans. Later, we developed a method to use the world's origin consciousness by clearing the Ten Thousand Races Arena.

Mr. Jiang Cheng, this world's original consciousness will hardly be used by us. We must use the Ten Thousand Races Arena.

But we have already extracted it. Even if we throw it into the Ten Thousand Races Arena at this time, it will have no effect.


Chen Jiang stuffed the small container into his arms with a satisfied expression, looked at Liu Yishou with a chuckle and said, You don't have to worry about these anymore. Thank you for your hard work. The money that should be given to you has been deposited into your account. If everything goes well, If so, I will probably look for you again in the future.

Thank you for your appreciation.

Liu Yishou said bitterly: But if this kind of beheading business is possible, try to find someone else next time. It's really too scary.

Will not.

Chen Jiang shook his head, turned his head and looked out the window and said casually.

Since ancient times, there have only been those who held up their pants as bitches, and there was no such thing as killing someone with a knife.

It's the first time to behead someone, and only the first time.

When the punishment is anchored, the more times you do it, the lower your cost per case is and the more cost-effective it is when you're caught.

This is called marginal effect in business.

You can roughly understand that when the input is fixed, continuously increasing the input of a certain factor will continue to increase output or income.

All death row inmates are loyal fans of marginal effects before they are arrested.

Chen Jiang paused, turned around and looked at Liu Yishou and chuckled: The same goes for you.

Then he strode towards the door, waved his hand and said casually.

See you next time. Don't worry. This time all your traces have been covered up. No one will know that you did it this time.

There are only 6 hours until return time.

It's time to get ready to go home. I don't know if Blue Star's father will like the local products he brought this time.

As for how he managed to allow the Grave Digging Company to extract the original consciousness of Orange Star and cover up the traces of the Grave Digging Company's actions in just a dozen hours, he certainly had his way.

Liu Yishou looked at the departing figures of Chen Jiang and others. He breathed a sigh of relief at first, but when he saw the large transfer coming into his account, his eyes couldn't help but turn red.

Jiang Cheng's company doesn't seem to be as cruel as what is said online.

At least be trustworthy and generous enough.

Although he showed some fear in front of Mr. Jiang Cheng, he actually had nothing to fear about this operation. The reason was very simple. The way Jiang Cheng's company handled the traces was too simple and crude to be reassuring.

With that way of handling traces, let alone the Federation's desire to trace it back, even if an archaeological team came and dug three feet into the ground, they would not be able to find any trace of the grave digging company.

As for the way Jiang Cheng's company handles traces.

The piece that he mined with dozens of laser beams was melted directly by a small minimally invasive surgery on Orange Star!

It's like if you have corns on your feet, go to the doctor, and the doctor will chop your feet directly. This is a radical and permanent treatment. You no longer need to worry about corns on your feet in the future.

Yes, this is how Jiang Cheng Company handles on-site traces.

The best way to deal with traces at the scene is not to destroy the traces, but to destroy the scene.

Simple, crude and effective!

If every criminal dealt with traces at the scene like Jiang Cheng, federal prisons might be empty, and basically no one would be arrested.

Simply put, not every criminal is as simple and crude as Jiang Cheng.

Only six hours until return.

Scargo put his hands behind his head and walked on the streets of Shacheng. He looked around at the women with headscarves on their faces and couldn't help but clicked his tongue and sighed: The main task this time has been completed, and the next step is to wait for the return.

Should we do something to commemorate our visit to Sand Star?

But are the women here too conservative? Why do everyone wrap themselves up so tightly that only their eyes are exposed?

It's not conservative.

Li Hao shook his head and said: This is Shaxing. There are often sandstorms and the air quality is not very good. Wearing a scarf on your face can protect your skin very well. As a woman, it is natural to love beauty, so you should naturally protect your skin. ”

Well, you are right.

Scar Dog nodded casually and said, Brother Jiang, where should we go next?

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