
The old man named Staff lowered his eyelids and glanced at the untouched cup of tea in front of Jiang Cheng. He said without much expression: It seems like this. Sorry, I forgot.


Chen Jiang nodded slightly and looked at the old man in front of him with a calm expression. He rubbed his fingers slightly and did not speak. He looked like he didn't know what he was thinking.

No tea wash.

It was a small thing, but it was very strange when it happened to this old man.

For ordinary people, it is normal to not know this, because ordinary people have a learning process for anything new, but this person in front of me is different.

The man in front of me calls himself Zhinao.

The way the smart brain learns things is different from humans. Humans use their own brains to understand new things, while the smart brain only needs to input information into its own database.

In this situation.

It is impossible to miss this point. This intelligence brain said that he has studied federal culture seriously. In this case, it is impossible to forget to input relevant information in this aspect.

But he didn't pay much attention to this.

He doesn't know much about tea.

But I also know a little bit that different tea leaves have different brewing methods. Some tea leaves will be washed, and some tea leaves do not need to be washed. You can drink the tea after the first brew.

Therefore, he originally thought that this Zhinao would introduce to him that this tea does not require washing.

However, the other party replied to him with the words forgot.


These three words should not come out of the mouth of a so-called wise brain.

The way the intelligent brain processes data is to search the database. How can it behave like a human being and forget something.

At this time, Scargou and others did not know what Brother Jiang was thinking. They just saw that Brother Jiang did not speak. He stared at the old man in front of him with a vigilant expression and did not speak. Brother Jiang would not mention this cup of tea for no reason. Could it be real tea? Is it poisonous?


At this time——

The old man sitting opposite the coffee table seemed to have read through the inner thoughts of Jiang Cheng and others, and said hoarsely: Worried about poisoning? No, I didn't poison.

And the general toxicity can't cause any harm to a few of them, right?


After Chen Jiang was silent for a while, he nodded lightly and glanced around again: Did you just say that this body is your carrier?


The old man said without much expression: Do you expect a string of data to have its own body?

I do not believe.

What's the meaning?

I said... I don't believe it.

The next second——

A cannon barrel with a diameter of a thousand meters suddenly appeared in the center of the living room, like a hateful giant attacking the dwarf princess and humiliating it, and it instantly swelled the room to pieces!

The moment the wall shattered!

They also saw the scene around them!

Surrounded by a bustling city.

The house they were in just now was an illegally built bungalow on the rooftop of a high-rise building.

At this time, the room had been completely blown up.

A fort with a caliber of one thousand meters fell from the void, crushing the tall building beneath it into ruins. It stood in the center of the city, overlooking the entire city.

The tallest building in the entire city is only over 900 meters tall.

And the barrel of his fort alone is as long as 2,000 meters, completely overlooking the entire city!

Chen and Jiang stood at the top of the barrel, staring calmly at the old man suspended in the air in front of them.

Without relying on any props or federal technology, the old man was suspended in the air in violation of common sense of physics, and he used some unknown means to avoid the unprepared blow he had just taken.

What does it mean.

Until this moment, the old man's expression was still calm. He stared at Jiang Cheng expressionlessly and said word by word: Do you know how much effort I put into building this house?

You are the first guests I have ever invited, and you should feel honored for that.

I thought we could be great friends.

But what you did makes me very angry.

Are you angry now?

Chen Jiang stood at the top of the barrel, overlooking the unfamiliar city below, and said softly: Don't worry, there is something even more annoying for you.

The next second——

The red lines on this huge barrel suddenly began to flash violently!


Boom boom!!!

Huge cannonballs baptize the city at a speed that cannot be caught by the naked eye, like the Milky Way falling from the sky!

With the current energy level of the fort's shells, let alone whether the city defense energy shield can be opened in time, even if it is opened, it is useless and basically breaks at a touch.

A matter of seconds.

This prosperous city just now fell into ruins, with flames burning in the ruins of the buildings. The moment the bombing started, Chen Jiang and others went to an altitude of 10,000 meters to look down at everything below.

The artillery fire naturally enveloped the old man.

He couldn't imagine what methods the old man could use to escape such an attack.

Brother Jiang.

Scar Dog stared at everything below, frowned and said, Did the old man lie to us? I felt something was wrong. The old man looked very wilted at first sight.

By saying so many words, we must be letting down our vigilance.

Chen Jiang didn't speak, he just looked down with a calm expression and didn't speak.

In fact, he was not sure whether the old man was lying to them.

But he just felt that there were too many doubts, and in the wilderness of the Ten Thousand Races Arena, he developed a good habit of being indecisive and covering it with firepower.

When you encounter something you are hesitant about, first cover it with firepower, and then make a relative judgment based on the follow-up after it is over.

But they waited for ten minutes.

Nothing happens.

The old man did not suddenly burst out of the ruins as they imagined, levitating in the air with a ferocious expression and attacking them, nor did a huge mecha suddenly emerge from the ground. Everything seemed unusually calm.

It's like that's the end of it.


Chen Jiang frowned slightly and looked at the city below that had been reduced to ruins without speaking. Even if the old man died, it would not mean much.

He did not doubt that the old man's body was just a carrier.

After all, this force, with this kind of technology, and the person in charge behind such a huge strength, naturally would not be so carefree to see him in his true form.

He just suspected that this old man was not a wise man.

And the words she said to him were just made up to deceive him, or had other purposes for him.

Somewhere some silence fell into the dark room.

Suddenly, a man sat up straight from the bed, turned on the light, and with a slight headache, walked to the coffee machine nearby and poured himself a cup of coffee. Holding the steaming coffee, he leaned on the sofa and put it in his hand. Aim the remote control at the TV.


A picture rang out on the TV, and the sound of conversation on the picture was added to the quiet room, making the whole room look less deserted and more human.

While sipping the coffee in his hand, the man quietly sat on the sofa and looked at the picture on the TV in front of him.

After a long time.

His voice sounded in the room.

What's the synchronization rate?

The words fell.

An emotionless mechanical sound sounded in the empty room.

Synchronization rate 18%.

Only 18%?

Well, the target person doesn't have many actions or words, and the speed of improving the synchronization rate is slow.

Only 18%.

The man sighed softly, put the coffee cup in his hand on the coffee table impatiently, and turned towards the wall behind him.

And on the TV, there was a scene of an old man having a conversation with Jiang Cheng and others sitting on the coffee table.


The man walked to the wall behind him and tapped on it. Soon the wall became transparent, like a huge piece of glass. Through this wall, he could clearly see what was behind the wall. There is another room.

In that room.

There was a naked man standing in the middle with an expressionless face, seemingly not moving at all.


The man stared at the naked man behind the wall and suddenly grinned: My Mr. Jiang Cheng.

The naked man behind the wall looked exactly like Chen Jiang, except that he was lifeless.

It's just that the Chen Jiang behind the wall is not made of flesh and blood, but is made up of some white lines visible to the naked eye.

It looks more like a 3D character sketched out in software than a living person.


The man stared at Jiang Cheng behind the wall. After admiring it for a moment, he sighed softly: Why is it only 18%? When the synchronization rate reaches 100%, I can forcefully enter Jiang Cheng's body. From then on, Jiang Cheng Cheng is one of my countless clones.

Including that powerful fort, it will also be mine.

I talked a lot, and I almost ran out of words. After talking for so long, I only came up with a synchronization rate of 18%. This is such a failure.

And at this time——

The mechanical sound in the house sounded again.

Jiang Cheng's emotional ups and downs are a bit dull, and the synchronization rate increases very slowly. If the scar dog next to Jiang Cheng is selected as the target, it is expected that the synchronization rate will be at least 40%.

Scar dog? Scar dog is useless.

The man shook his head and said: No problem, 18% at a time, just come a few more times and it will be fine.

I'm determined to get this body, and no one can stop me.

“Let Banyan Tree go meet Jiang Cheng.

“No man can resist the charm of Banyan Tree.

If the synchronization rate is to reach 100%, we must capture all of its emotional movements and body movements, including the flowers before the moon and the moon below.

When his synchronization rate with a person reaches 100%, he can forcibly occupy his consciousness in that person's body. As for the original owner's consciousness of this body, it will not dissipate, but will be crowded to In a corner of the body, one can only be a bystander, but has no control over his own body.

It's just that he can't use this ability too much.

And it’s cumbersome to use.

It is not worth the effort for ordinary people. After all, it is a very complicated matter to collect a series of data on a person's emotional movements, body movements, body appearance, etc. 100% synchronization rate is not an easy thing to achieve.

The man glanced at the wall and said nothing. Instead, he tapped on the wall. Suddenly, the glass-like wall turned into a stone wall again, as if nothing had happened just now.

He returned to the sofa, picked up the coffee on the coffee table, and took a sip. At this time, the picture on the TV happened to show the sudden violence of Jiang Cheng and others.

I do not understand.

The man looked a little unhappy and shook his head: Obviously Jiang Cheng and others have gradually gained some basic trust in me. From this perspective, the vigilance in the eyes of the two people next to Jiang Cheng has dropped significantly. This is at least It shows that there was no problem in my initial contact process.”

And in order to gain trust, I basically didn't tell lies.

I don't understand why Jiang Cheng suddenly got angry, just because I made tea for him first?

Made him feel disrespected, and then he got violent?

Totally incomprehensible.

Originally, he and Jiang Cheng communicated well, and Jiang Cheng also followed the rhythm of his conversation step by step. If he continued to follow the rhythm, with only three more hours of contact, he could at least improve Jiang Cheng's synchronization rate. to 80%.

But for some reason, Jiang Cheng suddenly became violent without saying a word and for no reason.

At this time——

The mechanical sound in the house sounded again.

It's 'forgot.'

What's the meaning?

The man frowned and asked in confusion: What does forgetting mean? What are you talking about?

This sentence exposed your identity, Sir, and aroused the other party's suspicion. Even if a person has the ability to think independently, he will not forget these three words.

The information source of Zhi Nao is its own database, so there will be no such thing as forgetting.

According to the system records, after the staff member said you had forgotten that sentence, Jiang Cheng's synchronization rate suddenly increased from 7% to 15%. This shows that at this level, Jiang Cheng had major mood swings. .”


The man was stunned for a moment, then reacted suddenly. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly and he did not speak.

At this moment, he naturally understood why Jiang Cheng and others suddenly became suspicious.

After all, it is indeed a strange thing when a smart brain suddenly says that it has forgotten. It is just like playing a computer game and the computer suddenly says that it is tired and wants to sleep. It is full of a sense of violation.

After he reacted, he sighed helplessly. He was just used to saying this casually, but he didn't expect that such a small place would immediately arouse the suspicion of Jiang Cheng and others.

But even if they are suspicious, shouldn't the choice of a normal person be to test it out, or to verify one's own judgment?

Why did Jiang Cheng and others immediately start to cover it with firepower after they became suspicious?

Simply. Too barbaric.

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