In fact, overall, it's not too difficult.

The civilization of gods is something from a long time ago.

It is so old that when the Federation said that a god had escaped, the citizens of the Federation did not even think that it had anything to do with the civilization of the gods. They thought that some mythical god had resurrected. There were even rumors of the revival of spiritual energy, saying that it was about to happen. It’s time for all the people to start cultivating immortality together.

After all, basically the vast majority of federal citizens have no idea about the civilization of gods.

Even the Federation discovered through that civilization site not long ago, oh, it turns out there is such a thing as a divine civilization.

After all, there is a complete disconnect between the two civilizations.

No one knows whether the existence of the divine civilization is ten thousand years, tens of millions, or even tens of millions of years away from the federal civilization, or whether there will be other civilizations between the two civilizations.

This is completely unknown.

This means that there are very few people who know this god, let alone believe in this god.

The only believers he knew were Wei Yan's Wei Yanjun and the group of believers in the civilization ruins.

Apart from this group of people, these people should have no other believers.

That said this is not difficult to accomplish.

As for the second point, destroying this god's natal planet is a bit difficult. How many planets there are in the universe is completely unknown!

You can't destroy a planet without knowing the specific target.

There is only one piece of information currently available.

That is the natal planet of the female god, most likely near the ruins of her sleeping civilization.

Of course, this is just a guess.

Chen Jiang paused for a while with a calm expression and then said softly: If you want to completely kill a god, you must meet two requirements.

The first point is to kill all the believers of this god, even those who only provide the power of Weibo's faith.

The second point is to destroy this god's natal planet.

Only when these two conditions are met, the gods will die, otherwise they will just fall into deep sleep and never die.


After Wang Jili was stunned for a moment, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes and he murmured: This condition is too harsh. According to this, the gods are almost invincible and immortal. Is this really something that human beings can defeat?

He had originally been thinking about whether Mr. Jiang Cheng's cannon could pose any threat to the two gods. But now it seemed that even Mr. Jiang Cheng was powerless. The abilities of the gods had exceeded Mr. Jiang Cheng's ability to deal with them.


Chen Jiang nodded slightly, looked up into the distance and continued: This Information Federation may not know about it yet. Tell this news to the Nicholas Galaxy Federation. They should be the ones who have the biggest headache when the gods appear, and let them solve it.


Wu Jingqing nodded seriously. Obviously, it was not necessary for them to resolve this matter alone. After all, it was a matter for the entire federation, and the federation should also contribute. Just when he was about to contact the Nicholas Galaxy Federation, he suddenly stopped. He came down and said.

Um, we don't seem to have contact information for the Nicholas System Federal Government.

Think about it too.

The Nicholas Galaxy Federation is the highest government of the Nicholas Galaxy. How can ordinary people have contact information with this kind of government? Basically, they will not have many opportunities for communication in their lives. In the Federation, many people only come into contact with the government twice in their lives. Opportunity.

One is to apply for a birth certificate and the other is to apply for a death certificate.

This is the city regional office under the local government of the planet.

Just use any method, let's go together.


Ten minutes later.

Scargou stood on the edge of a high-rise rooftop and looked at the bustling city below. He couldn't help but sigh with intoxication: What the ancients said is indeed true. The sea and the sky are vast when you step back. Although the gods do sound awesome, but There doesn’t seem to be anything we can do.”

Yes, they found the best way to deal with the gods, which was to escape.

At this time, they had passed through the wormhole and arrived at Zimeixing.

Zimeixing, the sister star of Nila Star, has always existed as a deputy-level administrative star. After Nila Star was destroyed, Zimeixing was tentatively designated as the new administrative star of the Nicholas Galaxy Federation. At this time, it is completely clear that the entire The planet has entered a state of high alert.

Obviously, the Federation could not accept it, and the second administrative star was also destroyed!

For the Federation, that is equivalent to pressing the Federation's face under its soles and constantly ravaging it.

To be honest, they really don't have a good way to deal with that god. That god is almost immortal. What can they do? But thinking about it from another angle, the god doesn't have much temper towards them. After all, they can't fight but still run away. But?

Therefore, after judging that this god could not be solved by just a few of them, they immediately made a temporary move.


The pet APP project on Beiyinxing is still controlled remotely. After all, the network is about to be shut down, and a large amount of money is about to come in. We definitely can't just say no to it.

Apart from that, they didn't have anything to remember too much. After all, their base camp was not on Beiyin Star. There was no situation where they couldn't leave, or they were fighting to the death with the gods to protect their own planet.

If you can't fight but run away, walking is the best strategy. The words left by our ancestors still make sense.

Let's go.

Chen Jiang stood on the edge of the rooftop and glanced down, shook his head and said: Go and pass the information to the federal government. I hope you don't encounter some officials who are too stupid.

That shouldn't happen. After all, at such a critical moment, any news must be reported as soon as possible. Otherwise, if it is true, it will definitely be liquidated afterwards.

hope so.


Wei Yan suppressed the anger in his heart, took a deep breath, closed the screen in front of him, and tried his best to calm down his mood. However, there were constant crackling sounds from his knuckles. Apparently, the picture on the screen just now made this man feel depressed. It was hard to calm down for a long time.

In that store, when buying dolls, the boss gave them a 64g learning material.

He opened it and looked at it.

finish watching.

Xiaoya was in a deep sleep state, being raped by countless men with big bellies.

Damn, damn, damn!!!

In the end, he was unable to control the violent emotions in his heart, his eyes turned red and he transformed into a long red knife in his hand, constantly slashing at all the furniture around him.

These people deserve to die! !

The entire federation deserves to die! ! !

And at this moment——

There was a sudden knock on the door.

He was stunned for a moment, and the transformed long knife in his hand quickly dispersed. Then with a wave of his hand, a white light came out and restored everything in the room. Then he straightened his appearance in the mirror, opened the door, and looked at The woman standing at the door forced out a gentle smile, stroked her hair and said pamperingly.

Have you finished washing?


Xiaoya nodded lightly, then put his fingertips into his mouth, bit it lightly and said, Brother Yan, I am going to develop a group of believers, how about starting from this planet? My divine power has just recovered. Diandian, it was only thanks to Brother Yan that you sacrificed Nila Xing that I recovered.

But Brother Yan, it won't happen like this next time.

This technique is a forbidden technique. If you use it again, you may fall into a deep sleep for an unknown length of time.

Of course I won't use it again.

Wei Yan shook his head seriously and said: This kind of divine power obtained by directly destroying the planet is impure and not suitable for us to absorb. There was no way at the time. If I want you to wake up quickly, I can only use this method. , the best way to absorb faith is to develop believers.”

But we don't need to develop believers on this planet.


Xiaoya was a little confused and asked: Then we need to change the planet to develop believers? Is there any difference?

Times have changed, Xiaoya.

Wei Yan chuckled lightly, his eyes flashing with longing for the future, and he tilted his head to look out the window: At that time, to develop believers, we needed to go to each mortal settlement, and then perform miracles for them in person and collect the power of their faith.

But it's not needed now.

Now, there's the Internet.

We only need to sit at home, and through live broadcasts and short videos, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of millions of people can see our miracles at the same time. We can develop believers while sitting at home!

Enter missionary version 2.0!

“We can attract believers one after another just by sitting at home and performing miracles.”

I've already thought about it.

At this point, Wei Yan said with a serious face: I'm going to make a social media account and shoot a series of short videos.

It's called One Thousand and One Miracles!

In each video, we will help a person who cannot be cured by federal medicine, and tell everyone that as long as they believe in us, their disease will be cured, and if they encounter any problems, they can pray to us and we will solve them.

I named him, Internet-style development believer!

And this means that we can have a larger group of believers than before, more divine power, and our strength will be stronger than before!

Brother Yan, you are so smart.

Xiaoya's eyes were twinkling with little stars, her expression was dazed and her body seemed to have no bones, and she just fell into Wei Yan's arms.


Wei Yan was very pleased with this and nodded lightly with a satisfied expression before continuing: Leave this matter to me, don't worry.

Is it passed in?


Wang Jili nodded seriously: I just don't know how far this news will go, and how many people are willing to take this news seriously.

It doesn't matter if you don't pay attention to it.

Chen Jiang shook his head calmly: At least we can know that this god cannot restore his strength by destroying the planet. Otherwise, he would not have been quiet for so long after escaping from Nila Planet. Perhaps this Are there any restrictions, or what are the costs?”

If this god wants to quickly regain his power, he can only develop followers.

If he is not stupid, he will naturally want to use the Internet to spread miracles and develop believers on the Internet.

This is our home court.

Even if you can't kill him, let him feel sick first. At least the opponent's divine power will not recover so quickly. We will wait for the federation's next move. This time, we will assist the federation.


There's a strong possibility.

In the Federal Ministry of Scientific Research, an old man looked at the old man on the screen in front of him and said with a serious face: 80% of this information is true. We can indeed conclude by deciphering other things in that civilization site. There will also be wars between gods.”

The way of war is to kill each other's believers, or to find something they call the God Star.

There is rarely a direct war between gods.

From this perspective, this news does have a certain possibility.


The old man on the other side of the communication screen nodded lightly, said thank you for your hard work, and stopped being polite, and the communication screen hung up!

Hang up with the communication screen!

Order after order was conveyed quickly!

The entire federal machine was mobilized in a high-intensity alert state!

All members of the Federation’s External Propaganda Department began to write some documents!

Soon, manuscripts marked with red headers were sent out one after another, and the contents of these manuscripts were conveyed in a terrifying way through countless official media, local media, personal media, and messages between relatives and friends. Speed, quickly radiate to all planets in the entire federation!

And we conducted one-on-one interviews with the people in charge of each social media platform!


Scargou stared at the speech in his hand and clicked his tongue with emotion: The federation has interviewed the leaders of each social media platform and completely banned anything about religious belief from appearing on the platform. Once one case is discovered, the platform will be permanently It was shut down, the person in charge was shot on the spot, and all those involved were imprisoned for life.”

Once this kind of thing comes out, it basically kills the god's idea of ​​developing followers on the Internet.

In fact, social media platforms already have restrictions on religious review.

But this kind of review restriction is only an explicit restriction.

As for any platform, there is an underwater SOP, that is, if you have enough money, you can do anything.

For example, they also broadcast live broadcasts of destroying planets.

Can this thing pass review?

It will definitely not pass the review. If the money given at the time was not enough, the platform would turn a blind eye. Anyway, the blame will be placed on Jiang Cheng’s company or the reviewers afterwards.

But it obviously won't work this time.

In a one-on-one interview, this line is basically stuck for you. If you dare to touch it again, then you will die.

The Federation moved quickly.

This alone has basically put an end to the idea that these two gods want to develop followers on the Internet.

But that's not all.

After all, if you don’t develop believers on the Internet, you can still develop believers in person.

The next few items are truly fatal.

However, I feel a little bit uncomfortable.

Scar Dog curled his lips and said slightly dissatisfied: The Federation didn't have such a big battle against us back then. What does this mean?

Do you look down on us?

Do you think we are not as great a threat to the Federation as Wei Yan?

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